• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
meatfreak said:
Time to shoot some Turkey, can't be early enough for Thanksgiving and Christmas, right? :)
I'd have to check if they're in season, they might be ;)
For being as far down a road off the HWY (2miles) and just 3 houses around, I'm surprised at the lack of wildlife we have. But Turkeys are on the upswing. Been hearing more and more each spring. And always great to see them. I've shot my share with a shot gun and a bow. Now I prefer to just see them in action ;)
stickman said:
Nice pics of the pods Scott... It looks like your chiles are mostly working on enough leaf canopy to support mondo pod production in the near future! Good on ya!
Thanks Rick!
I have quite a few pods out there, but that's mostly due to plant volume. Although a few Bac's and Annuum's are simply loaded. I'm hoping the rain we just got (1.9" total) will kick things into gear. We had quite a bit of lightning, so Ma nature blessed us with the natural nitrogen. Usually after a rain our peppers flower like crazy.
Jeff H said:
Turkey>deer. Go find that shotgun.
Plants are looking huge
Thanks Jeff!
The plants are doing their thang!
maximumcapsicum said:
Great pics Scott! Looks like the plants are very happy! Hope those pods ripen nice and quick for ya.
Turkeys will eat the grasshoppers right?
Thanks Adam!
Yeas they will eat the grasshoppers. I'm sure if we didn't have dogs they would be around more often ;) Seeing them was a rare treat!
OCD Chilehead said:
Plants and pods are looking good Scott. Thanks for the pics.
Thanks Chuck!
TrentL said:
Interesting geography. I live on top of an end morraine (the hill the glacier pushed up). We have pretty rich soil here. Problem is when the house I'm living in was built, they brought in dozens upon dozens of truck loads of red clay to level out the building site. It's 15 foot deep in some places. So I have to do a lot of soil amendment to try to keep it from getting packed in (which is as non-scientific as you can get; just dump last year's used potting soil on top and till it in). Every year I till it until it's pulverized to a fine dust.
One big disadvantage of living in a glacial area is high radon counts in the home. Granite and other rocks is pulverized by the glaciers, which causes radon gas to be released faster in those areas, as trace radioactive elements in the rocks break down over time.

Jealous you are already getting ripe pods and cucumbers.
My cucumber plants are a whopping 3" tall now and my peppers are just setting their first flowers (which they'll lose).
On the flip side my tomatoes are flowering (!!) and I don't think they'll lose those. We have a LOT of bees this year buzzing around, which is good, to see them spring back some after the "bee-holocaust" that hit the area the last few years. 
We live on a bit of a ridge, I'm thinking it's not made by a glacier as it's mostly rocky. But it could be?
Here's a shot of the place from a Google Earth pic:

The pic is correct with north at the top. South of the driveway is the high spot. The land slopes down to the north and east; 80' to the east and less to the north. The shop is south of the house and that road going east on the back 10 acres is caliche rock. That's the 80' drop to the house below. About 6 years ago they re-dug and replaced the gas line, it's 10' deep. They said they went a mile a day until they got to our place, it took them 3 days with a huge diamond bit grinder to get through our place.
Don't worry Trent; your grow will kick in soon, we're just on different schedules. I'll be done for the most part in 45 days.
HillBilly Jeff said:
mmmm turkey....what you got down there?  Rio Grande Turkeys?  Peppers look good too btw :)
Yes sir, Rio Grande, they gobble like crazy all spring!
Thanks for the good vibes!
JJJessee said:
+1 on the 1.9" of rain. We only got a little over an inch, but I ain't complainin'.
Your plants were already going crazy.Can't wait to see how they now!
Thanks JJJ!
I was stoked about the rain, but not about the roof leaking. The wind blew hard enough to push it up under the metal. Only 2-3 times in 25 years has it blown water under the tin.
stickman said:
Out of curiousity... do you have any wild pequins around your place Scott? I understand the Turkeys will eat the pods and spread the seeds...
I think so, I'll take some pics later and maybe you can identify.
JJJessee said:
If not, you could always feed the turkeys pequins to get them re-naturalized.
anyone have a pic?
Well Mr. Turkle was out again with his harem, they didn't stick around very long ;)

Red Caribbean  OW podding up.

OW F Reaper growing nicely.

OW Primo

John's F Reaper, pods are larger than mine.


Jamie's Green Hornet


Jal Colima

Kurt pods ripening.

That's 10, and I should be outside a workin' :shh:
Man, Scotty; 24 yards mulch? Cool and lovely shots; I LIKE the fork, man! I need "fields of cow pies" but I have an alternative: chicken. A friend bought 3 over a month ago but can't figure how to collect their "stuff." Wish she'd put em in her dirt basement at night to roost, let me put a tarp down. (Well, it'll heat compost for fall till in.) Know what ya mean: ya stop, never get going again.
Really looking good, hon and if I'm not mistaken aren't you guys having a really cooler than average spring/summer? Good for podding. Cuke issue looks like a pH issue or calcium, maybe. And then again, could be cool nights, since you've had a few. I know this morning mine are alive but not enjoying the swings from hot/drought to rain/cool but I expect my first cukes and zukes to be weird shaped because of this cold front. I wish I could trust the county/city's mulch: we have quite a few BW trees, and lots of honeysuckle vines--I helped with that this year--they mulch it all that and don't want it in garden. Reckon have to buy some which breaks my heart purse but . . . good on ya for the first "real" brain! :party:
And MORE nice pod shots! My Funky thinks he's an alien giant . . . good boy! Thanks! Hey, didn't you have some cricket issues last year or grasshopper? As much as I like wild Turk . . . let 'em eat!
Ripe pods! Looking great man. It's so weird how those annuums can really stack up their first flush about 6-8" off the ground then get weighed down. I am hoping pulling lots of green jals will encourage them to grow a bit more, and who doesn't love the crunch of a green jal?
Red Caribbeans are looking fantastic.
annie57 said:
Man, Scotty; 24 yards mulch? Cool and lovely shots; I LIKE the fork, man! I need "fields of cow pies" but I have an alternative: chicken. A friend bought 3 over a month ago but can't figure how to collect their "stuff." Wish she'd put em in her dirt basement at night to roost, let me put a tarp down. (Well, it'll heat compost for fall till in.) Know what ya mean: ya stop, never get going again.
Really looking good, hon and if I'm not mistaken aren't you guys having a really cooler than average spring/summer? Good for podding. Cuke issue looks like a pH issue or calcium, maybe. And then again, could be cool nights, since you've had a few. I know this morning mine are alive but not enjoying the swings from hot/drought to rain/cool but I expect my first cukes and zukes to be weird shaped because of this cold front. I wish I could trust the county/city's mulch: we have quite a few BW trees, and lots of honeysuckle vines--I helped with that this year--they mulch it all that and don't want it in garden. Reckon have to buy some which breaks my heart purse but . . . good on ya for the first "real" brain! :party:
And MORE nice pod shots! My Funky thinks he's an alien giant . . . good boy! Thanks! Hey, didn't you have some cricket issues last year or grasshopper? As much as I like wild Turk . . . let 'em eat!
Thanks Annie!
It's been a weird spring, started cooler than normal, and then got hot for 2 weeks, then cooler. Actually set some record lows earlier this week; now moving back to normal, if there is one ;)
Our PH is high, I need to work on that. Been using calmag foliar feedings, and need to tomorrow. So far no BER with tom's. But both cukes and squash not doing as well as I would like.
If that Funky does like mine did last year it's going to throw hundreds of small tasty hot pods.
maximumcapsicum said:
Ripe pods! Looking great man. It's so weird how those annuums can really stack up their first flush about 6-8" off the ground then get weighed down. I am hoping pulling lots of green jals will encourage them to grow a bit more, and who doesn't love the crunch of a green jal?
Red Caribbeans are looking fantastic.
Thanks Adam!
I found out here the last 2 weeks hard hard it is to take decent pics of plants in a ditch. It is what it  is :shh:
AND the cool thing about Annuum's is they don't care about the summer heat ;)
Growdown Chunchlito pushing 12"s

Can you say stuffed peppers?

Jal corking ;)

Some more Annuum's. I need to decide about their heritage.


Numex Jal

Serrano loading up.

Aji Pineapple loaded too!

????I know I planted Red Bhut's. Bhut where?

This is for you Adam, first live one I've seen in the garden. That Monday nigh rain must have activated it. I deactivated it. ;)

Well that's 10. Both the pic and likes popo's got me handcuffed...
Look at all those pods!  Wow!   I think it's turkey season up here by the way.  Or maybe it just ended.  My buddy just shot one with a bow and arrow a few weeks ago.  Huge spurs on it.
JJJessee said:
I can't get over over how quickly your poddage seems to have come on.
And those bells are jynormus.
Yeap, found my bhuts. Put a red pepper in each to keep my feet warm. 
Hit 41 here last night and a shower to bhut.
Once those gals hit sunlight they take off! Bhut the weather has to stay warm too!
Pulpiteer said:
Look at all those pods!  Wow!   I think it's turkey season up here by the way.  Or maybe it just ended.  My buddy just shot one with a bow and arrow a few weeks ago.  Huge spurs on it.
Same here, either it just ended or will soon. I just like having them around ;)

Guess I need to pick this one ;)

Charles' TS Moruga cross

I went back out and took pics of this twice, it just wants to be blurry ;)

These too :shh:

It's got that brain look going on.

Peach Bhut.

Some gnarly pods eh?

Now this pod has me stoked to the max!

Cuz here's mama!
Nice pod porn Scott! Looks like you'll be loading up fast. The Kurts look different than I remember from last year... are you giving it as much water as you are the Bells? I suppose it's so small because of the soil pH or springtime weather conditions, but the pods you set when the nights get warmer should get much bigger... I was getting pods last year that weighed about 7 oz apiece, and when conditions are right I think you will too.
Manzano pod!!! :woohoo:
thirdcoasttx said:
Damn man you have quite a bit of heat goin on!!! I love the look of those corked jals I could think of a million things to stuff in there!!! Good work!
The wife picked them a few moments ago. She said "I don't know what's for dinner, but poppers are a side dish".
stickman said:
Nice pod porn Scott! Looks like you'll be loading up fast. The Kurts look different than I remember from last year... are you giving it as much water as you are the Bells? I suppose it's so small because of the soil pH or springtime weather conditions, but the pods you set when the nights get warmer should get much bigger... I was getting pods last year that weighed about 7 oz apiece, and when conditions are right I think you will too.
Manzano pod!!! :woohoo:
Thanks Rick!
I've been watering as needed, I thinks it's just the first pods. A lot of plants are having  smaller first pods, as long as round two kicks!
I'm stoked about the Manzano, hope the pod grows out nicely. AND that more set!
Runescape said:
Nice manzano pod!
I have a few straggler pics.
Poor wind beaten BB7 from Stefan. All the raised bed plants are torn up, as I have no wind break for them.

Sweet Paprika just set a pod.

Asparagus doing well despite the wind ravaging it.


I saw this and said "you're mine!"

Then I saw the Squirrel damage. If it's not the birds it's the Squirrels.


And in closing Peaches:
Well the likes popo's still have me :tear:
smallzi said:
love the corking on those jalapenos.    i've always wondered why some ppl find that to be unattractive.    to me, it's a sign of a healthy plant.
They do that when they're happy gals ;)
GA Growhead said:
The peach bhut has nice texture!
Yeah it does!
It's gonna be a hot summer in Tejas!
Seacowboy said:
Pics are great but love the way your wife is thinking of using the groceries!
And she's going to be using what I post below too! Gonna cook some wings and veggies!
jedisushi06 said:
Oh yeahhhhhh! loving the pod porn here!  That's where his mourga cross went!   Thanks for the pics my friend!   :dance:  :party:  :hell:
Thanks Mikey!
I'm sure the beautiful plants you have are going to do you right!
Today's small harvest:
The potatoes have been starting to fade, I dig them up as the tops die back. The harvest has been small, maybe because something ate most of the flowers as they bloomed. IDK. I dug up 3 plants.

The Onion tops have been falling over 2 weeks earlier than years past. Most have nice sized bulbs. The reds are rather small this year. I wonder if the strong winds shortened the season as the tops were blown over. This is about 15% of the crop.

The green beans are coming in too. And a lone cuke.

A few peppers and maties. We pic the maties before the birds do ;)

Thanks for stopping by!