• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
maximumcapsicum said:
This is not the best pic, Scott, but right now your Funky Reaper is the meanest looking pod in my garden:

Tons of bumps and ripples. Looks more or less like the pictures you posted. Also growing fast.
The plant is a fast grower and for me last year it was the only super that put pods on all season. The plant grew to almost 6' and I got a really late start.
Looking good Adam!
PIC 1 said:
Wow-wee !
I'm thrilled to see the plants producing will solid gains. I've been away for awhile but after going back a few pages and reading your progress here it seems like I've missed a whole season. Quite a difference in plant size within a months time !
Nice "pizza and pico" photos.....perfect finish ...the cheese has that rich deep color throughout.
i bet Ramon appreciates the photo of the JA OW. Beautiful ripened pods and a very healthy plant.
Hat's off to you for getting one of the best looking OW plants within the glogs...
Lot's off awesome-ness happening here !
Thanks Greg!
Hopefully you were on Vay-K, you sure were missed ;)
Pizza is a staple for us here, we go to LI for the July 4th weekend, and will eat our share!
That one JA Hab just hung in there all winter, never missing a beat. I cut the other two back because they were showing some brown wood.
Had to work the garden today a bit.
Picked some Annuum's, sweet Paprika and a coupe of Nardello's from the dirt garden. That red one is a Funky Reaper from John's seed, it's going to work tomorrow. Just gotta share the pain ;)

Tom's are rolling in. I planted 1/3 of last years grow due to the large amount we canned last season. Been sharing with the guys who fill my truck with the leaves ;)

Corn is done. This is the last pull. We did really well for a tiny plot. Dipel dust (organic BT powder) saved the day. We got 50-60 ears and 4 or 5 had a worm. Better than years past where EVERY ear had worms. I put it on the silk as soon as they came out. Just got finished shucking and putting these up.
Up here we have a phrase for the corn. "knee high by the 4th of July". Guess that is different in Texas. ;) 
I wanted to grow corn this year but it didn't make the cut. Maybe next year.
Tomatoes and peppers all look good.
I know you've said it before, but how many tomato plants are you growing? With only 1/3 of last years crop, you must have had a ton last year.
You're pod-surfing now , Scott!

Concur with the BC peppers. Last year my plant was pushing 5' on bad start.
I would have grown it this year but mine just took so long to ripen. You appear to
Be ahead of that curve.

I thought that was a Fatalli, but I see the bhutiness now too.
Hope it sweetens up.

Those your maters in the salsa?

Keep those pods a rollin'
maximumcapsicum said:
Oh man. Love the annuum and tomato pull. I am dying for my tomatoes to start producing. Would count my blessings if they produce like yours.

How are the nardellos? Tons of people grow them. How do you use them?
Thanks Adam,
I read up and they say to dry and then fry them, so I'm drying a few. They're also good in a stir fry. I started picking them a bit earlier cuz some animal has been beating me to them. Same thing with the Tom's, if we wait any longer than shown in the pics the birds hit them. Country living, one has to share a few ;)
stc3248 said:
LB will love those pods for sure. The adjustable heat is the really cool. You'll see what I mean when they ripen up for you. Great pull on the corn! 
Thanks Shane,
We're having a nice season so far, but it's starting to get seasonal. A few of them should be ripe for the weekend as well as some hot gals!
OCD Chilehead said:
That's it. I'm moving to Texas.✈️
I love it Chuck!
Growing here does have it's challenges, timing is very important or one can easily miss the boat. I know people who every year plant their store bought tiny seedlings 3 or 4 weeks after I plant mine (and mine are not tiny) , then their not happy with the results, as it gets too hot for them to set fruit. The cool thing about this climate is I can plant Tomatoes in July and get a fall crop. It's not as large as spring but it's possible. Mid September is for cool weather crops that you directly sow. Cukes do better if directly sowed Aug 25th., but we were lucky with the spring crop this year.
Jeff H said:
Up here we have a phrase for the corn. "knee high by the 4th of July". Guess that is different in Texas. ;)
I wanted to grow corn this year but it didn't make the cut. Maybe next year.
Tomatoes and peppers all look good.
I know you've said it before, but how many tomato plants are you growing? With only 1/3 of last years crop, you must have had a ton last year.
Thanks Jeff,
Oh, the corn was pulled today, the stalks are in the mulch pile. The farmers normally plant it march 1st, but have held off the last two seasons because of late frosts. I still plant it March 1st because I can work the frost with the wobblers, mine was @ 3' when theirs was less than 1'. Theirs are just tasseling now. They can't protect multiple acres like I can with a small plot, so they play it safe. 3 years ago they all had to replant, so I don't blame them ;)
Last year we had 70-75 tomato plants, this year 30. Well we started out with a third and then added the grape toms and San Marzano's. And we lost 4 Early Girls to some virus. We're currently pulling daily what we pulled the other day.
Pic of last years tom harvests, the table was like this for a month.

romy6 said:
 Scotty everything is full throttle in Tejas . Loving the pics and especially the corn. I am a sucker for some grilled corn with mayo and some smoked pepper powder :P  . 
Very jealous  compadre  :dance:
Thanks Jamie,
I'm a sucker for fresh picked corn, just can't get it that good in the store!
JJJessee said:
You're pod-surfing now , Scott!
Thanks JJJ,

Concur with the BC peppers. Last year my plant was pushing 5' on bad start.
I would have grown it this year but mine just took so long to ripen. You appear to
Be ahead of that curve.
They do take a long time to ripen! I'm thinking it's been 6 weeks now. I'm really glad I started so early this season. Or I would be like last year, no pods to speak of until fall.

I thought that was a Fatalli, but I see the bhutiness now too.
Hope it sweetens up.
Pods and seeds sent from OP sources are like a box of chocolates, one never knows what's inside. But it's all good!

Those your maters in the salsa?
Yes sir, time to start canning, as the table is filling up! ;)

Keep those pods a rollin'+
Will do!
Thanks for viewing and all the positive vibes!
maximumcapsicum said:
Love it. Now I am thinking about planting another run of toms. Things don't generally get cold here until November.
If you plan it so they flower 90 days before it get close to a frost you should do OK ;)
OCD Chilehead said:
Wow. I was thinking the same thing about planting more tomatoes after that pic. Tomatoes grow quick with a little help. And here I thought I was done planting.

Come on Chucky do it
Don't do it
Live a little. Don't listen to him.

Decisions. Decisions
One can never have to many tomatoes, go for it!
I took a few pics, and am having knee probs, getting back up is tough. So I kept it to 10.
Bahamian Goat Pepper

OW Funky Reaper, pods and flowers everywhere! Not the best pics, I could only go so low today...


Brown 7 Pot.


No shortage of Jals this season. Jal Coyame

Bhut Yellow 7 Douglah.

Evidently one pic didn't take, and I just cooled off, so this is either a Douglah or a Bhut Yellow 7

Bhut Yellow 7 Choc Bhut Douglah. Tomorrows pain. Funny thing my tasting buddies are dropping in numbers...


Thanks for reading!
Holy crap I had like 9 pages to catch up on your Glog, and WOW!!! Your garden has really exploded with all sorts of good food. :)
I'm kicking myself in the ass for not planting sweet corn this year. Just ate some store bought with our pulled pork dinner and it's just NOT THE SAME!
Great looking plants man, keep doing what your doing cause it is sure as hell working good. :)
Thanks for the pics Scott. Hope your knees get better. I know the feeling with 2 acl's, 3 meniscus tears, and 1 scope on the same knee. Feels like I need another scope. You have some crazy foliage going on there. Tasty looking pods. To bad no one to share them with.
Nice photos and beautiful looking peppers. 
Knee problems can be a pia....hope ya feel better tomorrow.
Ha........taste testers dropping like flies...... :lol:  I know what you mean, I see the faint at heart "run for the hills" when it comes to high heat pepper tasteing.
If you get bumper crops of tomatoes like last year..........well lets just say, start picking up cases of canning jars...I can see salsa in your future...
Have a great weekend.
All the pod shots are looking great.
Sorry to hear about your knee. Happens to all of us sooner or later.
All this talk of a second tomato harvest has be thinking about trying it too. I probably have enough time to start some fast growing determinates. My romas should be about petered out in a couple of months anyway. Yank them and replace them?!?
jedisushi06 said:
yummy corn.  I'll be able to grow lots of corn in Missouri after i move back next summer!  Pods are looking hot!
Thanks Mikey,
So what's prompting the move?
TrentL said:
Holy crap I had like 9 pages to catch up on your Glog, and WOW!!! Your garden has really exploded with all sorts of good food. :)
I'm kicking myself in the ass for not planting sweet corn this year. Just ate some store bought with our pulled pork dinner and it's just NOT THE SAME!
Great looking plants man, keep doing what your doing cause it is sure as hell working good. :)
Thanks Trent,
This is a really busy month, and then we slow down some in July.
Just can't beat fresh groceries! We try to plan the garden so we don't have to spend money on produce, one of these days we hope to be self sufficient.
GA Growhead said:
Lol. Tasting buddies dropping like flies!
Happens every year for me too!
Too true, no one wanted to eat the pod today. I'll sample it after supper.
thirdcoasttx said:
That last pod is awesomely gnarly. Nice job!
Charles (Spicegeist) sent me the seeds for several crosses I have in the garden.
OCD Chilehead said:
Thanks for the pics Scott. Hope your knees get better. I know the feeling with 2 acl's, 3 meniscus tears, and 1 scope on the same knee. Feels like I need another scope. You have some crazy foliage going on there. Tasty looking pods. To bad no one to share them with.
Thanks Chuck,
Sorry to read about your knee. It seems you've been having trouble for quite some time.
Mine just started bothering me last weekend when I squatted down, it hurt to stand back up and felt really tight when bending (still does), I have swelling on the outer quad anchoring area. I also have been having what I feel are meniscus issues.I never really hurt it, it just started getting cranky. But use my knees a lot, versus stooping over. So I guess it's just wear and tear.
PIC 1 said:
Nice photos and beautiful looking peppers. 
Knee problems can be a pia....hope ya feel better tomorrow.
Ha........taste testers dropping like flies...... :lol:  I know what you mean, I see the faint at heart "run for the hills" when it comes to high heat pepper tasteing.
If you get bumper crops of tomatoes like last year..........well lets just say, start picking up cases of canning jars...I can see salsa in your future...
Have a great weekend.
Thanks Greg,
We have half the amount of the Early Girls going this year, but they are super productive and so far just one with BER. The foliar treatments with calmag seemed to really help! We have about 2 dozen quart jars that have been emptied so between salsa and canning we should be good. After LB tasted the salsa you sent she came home with San Marzano plants. And they are doing quite well. We've never grown them before and were leery, because the Roma's were always lost to BER.
The knee is still a pia, but the swelling is going down. It really makes it hard to do so many things!
You too, have a great weekend!
Jeff H said:
All the pod shots are looking great.
Sorry to hear about your knee. Happens to all of us sooner or later.
All this talk of a second tomato harvest has be thinking about trying it too. I probably have enough time to start some fast growing determinates. My romas should be about petered out in a couple of months anyway. Yank them and replace them?!?
Thanks Jeff,
I'm hoping the knee is not going to be an issue in the future, but I've never been easy on myself. Hell it needs to last me another 40 years!
It's worth a shot if you have the time. My brother says he grows into October-November. The lake keeps him cool in the spring but warm in the fall. If you start seeds now you should have a good shot at a second crop.
maximumcapsicum said:
Bhutlah pepper looks amazing Scott. I'd taste it if I was tejasside.
Thanks Adam,
Some time before I'm done I'm sure I'll be able to send some to you. Some plants are loaded up and some haven't, but I know the fall harvests are amazing if all goes well ;) It's all up to Ma Nature. Last season I had more pods come in than I could use. Sent some out in SFRB's and still have 4 gallon bags in the freezer form last season.
So today was the last day of school.
We're now on the summer schedule. I work 12 months (226 days), so we use our days to have 4 day work weeks until August.
And July will be our travel month to go and see our parents in NY, NC, and AZ. A little Vegas time is in there too. :party:  I hope my plants survive the trips. They're currently doing OK for 4-5 days with low 90's, and I plan on double watering before the trips. So we should be OK.