• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
stickman said:
Bump! Looking good Scott... I'll try not to be too jealous... ;)
Thanks Rick!
I do have a few mysteries

This is why we pick the toms early

Brown Hab

Chunco pushing two feet

Devils Tongue


Onza Rojo

Jimmy Nardello, now this is a tasty pepper with a lot of uses!

Billy Biker

That's 10. Another bump please
maximumcapsicum said:
Gnarly pods man! Love the yellow 7 and jigsaw! Bump keep em comin!
thirdcoasttx said:
Bump!! Lookin good buddy!
maximumcapsicum said:
Love the pics! The Serrano is catching fire!
It just poured! Very unexpected. Glad I got the mower fixed this  morning.
Brown 7 Pot

It's raining again, and hard!
Funny, we just watered everything....even the trees.
Red Caribbean OW put some pods on!

Kurt's loaded up.

Jals, I believe this one is a Jal Coyame

Numex Jalamundo

Scotch Indian Red.

I usually don't let volunteers grow but this one just took off.

My mite damaged raised beds.

Last night we (LB) made ka-Bob's

Nardello's, onions, and squash from our dirt.

Sorry no plate shot, you know how it is ;)
Thanks for reading!
jedisushi06 said:
omg that looks so good
thirdcoasttx said:
Same has happened to me the past couple weeks and all my plants are in containers. I would water in the morning before work, zero percent chance of rain and at noon... boom heavy rain!! I thank thats what stressed the bbg7s so much.
I just hope it doesn't cancel my liquid fert application I made this morning. But we'll always take the rain here; especially after the last several years. The cool thing is I can refill my water jugs. I used almost all of it this morning.
You are the King of Serranos and Jalapenos!  Those are two of my favorite peppers.  I need to go back through your glog where you spilled the beans on your nute regimen.  Two questions.  What are a couple of favorite ways you use Jimmy Nardellos?  Do you hire migrants workers to do the picking??
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Podage! Can't wait here on the East....
I'm sure they'll pod up just fine. You have nice plants to work with :drooling:
stickman said:

Quite the contrast Scott. :P
Everything looks great, and your garden's just bustin' out! Foodies are a big bonus too! :drooling:
Thanks Rick,
I'll just say we have different schedules ;)
I'll be down to just tomatoes in 3 weeks or less and your garden will be in full swing.
Roguejim said:
You are the King of Serranos and Jalapenos!  Those are two of my favorite peppers.  I need to go back through your glog where you spilled the beans on your nute regimen.  Two questions.  What are a couple of favorite ways you use Jimmy Nardellos?  Do you hire migrants workers to do the picking??
Thanks Jim,
This is my first year growing the Nardello's, I have some drying, as the traditional way to prepare them is to dry and fry. So far we've made them into a stir fry, used them on Ka-Bobs, and had them on a sandwich. Just a good all around pepper. It has a nice mild flavor, a very good flavor
Devv said:
I'm sure they'll pod up just fine. You have nice plants to work with :drooling:
Thanks Rick,
I'll just say we have different schedules ;)
I'll be down to just tomatoes in 3 weeks or less and your garden will be in full swing.
Thanks Jim,
This is my first year growing the Nardello's, I have some drying, as the traditional way to prepare them is to dry and fry. So far we've made them into a stir fry, used them on Ka-Bobs, and had them on a sandwich. Just a good all around pepper. It has a nice mild flavor, a very good flavor
 Do you mean to dry them like those Mexican chiles you see in bags at the market?  "Dry and fry" is a new one on me!
Roguejim said:
 Do you mean to dry them like those Mexican chiles you see in bags at the market?  "Dry and fry" is a new one on me!
Yes sir! I'm letting them dry whole.
Jamison said:
Man O man Scotty boy!  I got to work for the week and don't check in and then it takes me half the day to check up!  Everything looks spectacular!
Thanks jamison
It's that time of year!
Holy smokes Scott. The garden has come alive. Pods are looking amazing. Thanks for the food,pod, and plant picks. Maybe I could talk you into selling me a couple seeds this year. Hope your knee isn't to bad after all those pics. Texas here I come.✈️✈️✈️✈️
Devv said:
Yes sir! I'm letting them dry whole.

Thanks jamison
It's that time of year!
Okay, so once they're fried, how do use them? I fry up certain Mexican varieties for hot sauce, but that's not how you would use fried Nardellos, is it? Would you rehydrate the Nardellos? Thanks for your patience, Scott!
OCD Chilehead said:
Holy smokes Scott. The garden has come alive. Pods are looking amazing. Thanks for the food,pod, and plant picks. Maybe I could talk you into selling me a couple seeds this year. Hope your knee isn't to bad after all those pics. Texas here I come.✈️✈️✈️✈️
Thanks Chuck,
I'll send you all you need later in the season. The wife had a good idea and went back to the house for a kitchen step ladder, I sat on the lower step. Is good as long as I don't squat. I need to behave and stay off of it. The swelling is worse today above the patella. But OK, I can walk normally ;)
Roguejim said:
Okay, so once they're fried, how do use them? I fry up certain Mexican varieties for hot sauce, but that's not how you would use fried Nardellos, is it? Would you rehydrate the Nardellos? Thanks for your patience, Scott!
I can't find the webpage that said they dried and then fried them. I know I read it when I came close to harvesting the first one. Supposedly that was the way the Nardello's used them. I'll do some more looking...
Good to see the Jal's are coming through, Scott! :D Man that Serrano plant is loaded up, are you gonna pickle some? Haven't thought about doing that last season which I regret. Looking forward to the Jimmy Nardello also, mine has just started to pod up. Thanks for the shot of the Indian Red, they look a lot like mine last season. Curious what you think of it's taste. Excellent idea on using the zucchini's on the kebab's, gonna try that also once I got some ready. They look delish.
Devv said:
Thanks Chuck,
I'll send you all you need later in the season. The wife had a good idea and went back to the house for a kitchen step ladder, I sat on the lower step. Is good as long as I don't squat. I need to behave and stay off of it. The swelling is worse today above the patella. But OK, I can walk normally ;)
I can't find the webpage that said they dried and then fried them. I know I read it when I came close to harvesting the first one. Supposedly that was the way the Nardello's used them. I'll do some more looking...
Okay.  It just seems to me that a dried and fried pepper would have an awful texture by itself, unless it was either ground up for a sauce, or rehydrated, and then ground up or blended.