• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
Devv said:
LOL, I would be out there now working but it's raining!!!! With lightning.....maybe pics later
OK I'm calling it!
Beer time!
I was thinking the same thing, beer time :cheers:  ... sky water is falling here too and way too much. I'd love to get out and inspect but since there's no strong winds I'm not going to put on mi foul weather gear yet ... besides a beer sounds better. BTW one of the side stalks has a white Bhut & flower, wana make sure it's still on with all the water falling.
Edit: yea a beer and binoculars, maybe I can spot her from bathroom window nice and dry, lol
Beer time sounds good but I still have over an hr to go uggggg
WalkGood said:
I was thinking the same thing, beer time :cheers:  ... sky water is falling here too and way too much. I'd love to get out and inspect but since there's no strong winds I'm not going to put on mi foul weather gear yet ... besides a beer sounds better. BTW one of the side stalks has a white Bhut & flower, wana make sure it's still on with all the water falling.
Edit: yea a beer and binoculars, maybe I can spot her from bathroom window nice and dry, lol
Beer and binoculars is that anything like beer goggles?
WalkGood said:
I was thinking the same thing, beer time :cheers:  ... sky water is falling here too and way too much. I'd love to get out and inspect but since there's no strong winds I'm not going to put on mi foul weather gear yet ... besides a beer sounds better. BTW one of the side stalks has a white Bhut & flower, wana make sure it's still on with all the water falling.
Edit: yea a beer and binoculars, maybe I can spot her from bathroom window nice and dry, lol
LOL, really coming down out there now, I love it!
I have a few buckets overflowing from roof runoff wish I had more ;)
Cheers :cheers:
koskorgul said:
Beer time sounds good but I still have over an hr to go uggggg

Beer and binoculars is that anything like beer goggles?
I'm sure they could be if you pound enough :P
Pepper Alley Update:

They got poured on today, which is cool...rain in June is a BIG THANG around here. Some of the arrows are getting hard to see.

S'posed to be a Reaper, at least it came in the seed pack marked Reaper, looks more like a "Freakin Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon" plant #1

Another one from the Reaper seed packet plant #3, kinda Habby looking...

Reaper #4 showing the correct Phenotype

Reaper #2, first pod, poor pick, flash went off, we'll see how things progress.

Red Caribbean, gnarlier looking than Reaper #3

Orange Hab

Reaper #3 top shot, they're almost touching each other, planted 3' apart.

Moved the container plants under the shade cloth, this Primo is doing real well.

Dirt planted Primo, the container Primo is the only container plant doing better than the ones in the dirt..
That's it for now..thanks for viewing:)
Scott they all look beautiful … I really like the look of the pods on plan #1 which you think look like Bhut’s. BTW it’s still raining here, no breaks other than turning to mist for a little while and back on full force. Hope we get a break tomorrow …
Reaper longs! are really cool looking. #2 has potential! Glad you got some rain. We got a good bit here at work, but not sure how much at the house. Will know soon. Got some hardening off that are in trays, probably full of water right now. :(
WalkGood said:
Scott they all look beautiful … I really like the look of the pods on plan #1 which you think look like Bhut’s. BTW it’s still raining here, no breaks other than turning to mist for a little while and back on full force. Hope we get a break tomorrow …
Thanks Ramon!
Oh, I'm sure #1 is going to be hot! And they do have a cool gnarly look. Just a little disappointed in the shape of the pods, doesn't really matter, they're going to be powder anyway.
Hope that weather cooperates for you!
stc3248 said:
Looking good Scott! That's my kind of alley! More of my Reapers on my first plant are looking Bhutish...oh well. Hope they're still hotter than hell at least!
Thanks Shane!
I'm sure they will be hot! I'm wondering what they used as a cross? Sorry stole your line up above. Maybe some seeds from the one Porter blew up landed in Tejas :P
GA Growhead said:
Reaper longs! are really cool looking. #2 has potential! Glad you got some rain. We got a good bit here at work, but not sure how much at the house. Will know soon. Got some hardening off that are in trays, probably full of water right now. :(
Rain is always welcome down here. It could be flooding and everyone's like "bring it on!"
Yeah I have a few babies that I would have pulled in if I had know it was going rain, they're a bit yellow now.
Thanks for stopping by!
A small update...

JA Habs, they took a bit of a pounding in the storm yesterday, and aren't as green as I would like....I'll get them there once they dry out some...

We have a single Banana pepper and it's a real producer!

Working those Poblano flowers!

This Red Bhut has impressed me with it's growth spurt.

Brain, any ideas on the wrinkled leaves? I don't see any rust like the mites cause..

Orange Hab, It's covered up its arrow.

Bell with 10 pods on it, all this size. Yesterdays rain was the straw that broke the camels back, it fell over. Now that I'm starting to pull up some tomato plants I can reuse the cages.

Jal, it to fell over in the rain, loaded down with pods!
Great update! Those wrinkled leaves look like broad mites...I had the same trouble with the Annuums falling over last year, trying to do better at supporting them this year, but we're all always just one good breeze away from a disaster.
stc3248 said:
Great update! Those wrinkled leaves look like broad mites...I had the same trouble with the Annuums falling over last year, trying to do better at supporting them this year, but we're all always just one good breeze away from a disaster.
Dang mites! Well when it cools down I'm gonna hit 'em!
Yeah, I ran out of things to support them at plant time this year, gonna have to buy more, cuz I'm not planting less!
Well I decided to try out the Death by Rosemary juice this morning. I mixed it 1 gal water, 2oz Rosemary, 1tbls dish soap.
I leaned the Brain over at a 45 degree angle and soaked the under side, and then the top. I sprayed the Red Bhut with sulfur spray as it's showing the first signs of reinfection, going to try 3 sprays 4 days apart and see which works best.

The Brain several hours later.

The Red Bhut.

Picked some Jal's, Cayenne's, and Banana's

Been drying the Cayenne's


A couple of group shots of the Chinense ladies.
"Yall have a good one!
Scott fantastic update!!!!
  • Don’t fret the JA Habs, they’re so resilient it always amazes me … they’ll bounce back even stronger.
  • Banana, Poblano, Orange Hab and Red Bhut look beautiful, my Red Bhut is finally podding up, there’s around half dozen around half inchers and loads of flowers to setting.
  • I agree with Shane’s mite assessment on the Brain, the leaves don’t get the rust color till it’s late in the war. If they’re not broad they’re the same as the ones that hit your other plants. Keep it sprayed and she will come back. Thank goodness you spotted it early to keep that rust/brown damage off the leaves!
  • Whoa lovin the the Bells, simply beautiful brethren! Sorry she & sister Jal took a fall, but I’m sure you’ll help dem to their feet and they’ll keep pumping \o/
  • Regarding your rosemay spraying, hope they’re in the shade. I’ve found that once the solution dries they can take sun but I’d keep a close eye on them, you don’t want any of your girls to get sunburned. Love the before and after shots, great idea mon!
  • Super harvest, you’re just living large mon! Love dem dried Cayenne’s, we do the same ^_^
  • I agree with Sic but rather than say as he said “you aint going to be able to walk threw there without getting mugged soon.” I’d say “you aint going to be able to walk threw there without a machete soon, hehe”
Have a great week brethren!
Looks good Scott.
Pepper alley is going to be awesome once it "closes up"
Went out and got some JA last week and got them in the ground, cant wait for em to start producing, same with Bells. The Bells have a few pods but nothing major as of yet, just small pods no bigger than little finger nail.
sicman said:
pepper alley is looking fine :dance:   you aint going to be able to walk threw there without getting mugged soon.
Thanks Sicman!, I can't wait until they mug me!
WalkGood said:
Scott fantastic update!!!!
  • Don’t fret the JA Habs, they’re so resilient it always amazes me … they’ll bounce back even stronger.
  • Banana, Poblano, Orange Hab and Red Bhut look beautiful, my Red Bhut is finally podding up, there’s around half dozen around half inchers and loads of flowers to setting.
  • I agree with Shane’s mite assessment on the Brain, the leaves don’t get the rust color till it’s late in the war. If they’re not broad they’re the same as the ones that hit your other plants. Keep it sprayed and she will come back. Thank goodness you spotted it early to keep that rust/brown damage off the leaves!
  • Whoa lovin the the Bells, simply beautiful brethren! Sorry she & sister Jal took a fall, but I’m sure you’ll help dem to their feet and they’ll keep pumping \o/
  • Regarding your rosemay spraying, hope they’re in the shade. I’ve found that once the solution dries they can take sun but I’d keep a close eye on them, you don’t want any of your girls to get sunburned. Love the before and after shots, great idea mon!
  • Super harvest, you’re just living large mon! Love dem dried Cayenne’s, we do the same ^_^
  • I agree with Sic but rather than say as he said “you aint going to be able to walk threw there without getting mugged soon.” I’d say “you aint going to be able to walk threw there without a machete soon, hehe”
Have a great week brethren!
Thanks Ramon!
Yeah, them dang mites! Don't know if it's the environment (acres and acres of open country) or they're just hard to kill.
Hmmm the Rosemary plants are under the 30% shade, looked good this afternoon. Will be watching them. Hoping the mites sunburn....to hell that is!
Can't wait to see your Red Bhut put some pods on brother!
koskorgul said:
Looks good Scott.
Pepper alley is going to be awesome once it "closes up"
Went out and got some JA last week and got them in the ground, cant wait for em to start producing, same with Bells. The Bells have a few pods but nothing major as of yet, just small pods no bigger than little finger nail.
Thanks Rob!
Can't wait to see your grow take off!
Great looking plants Scott... you're gonna have to lose some weight to get between them soon! ;) Nice pull of Annuums. I like growing a mix of capsicum varieties because then it's a more or less continuous harvest, and the hottest peppers are at the end of the season. I guess you could say the sting is in the tail! Cheers...
Devv said:
Thanks Sicman!, I can't wait until they mug me!
hehe great reply.
Devv said:
… Yeah, them dang mites! Don't know if it's the environment (acres and acres of open country) or they're just hard to kill.
In my case here I’m sure I killed them but dem gotz more, for all I know they’re up high in the live oaks and paratroop down to the peppers. They have not returned to the JA MoAs yet, so they're good for now and all I hit them with is neem. They only seem to come back quick after the heavy rains, if I spray and it’s dry they stay away for weeks. There’s just too much vegetation in our yard to spray everything so I’m sure they’re alive and well on other stuff.
Devv said:
Hmmm the Rosemary plants are under the 30% shade, looked good this afternoon. Will be watching them. Hoping the mites sunburn....to hell that is!
That sounds good, I believe it’s working on the JA Hab but it’s hard to tell cause it’s possible they could have been washed away from the rain. That said, I’m happy with the death by rosemary so far, great job brethren!
Devv said:
Can't wait to see your Red Bhut put some pods on brother!
The red Bhut Jolokia started podding last week, I haven’t taken pics yet cause they’re only around ½” long so far but if I can keep the mites and hornworms away it’s looking like she’ll be full up, there’s lot of the flowers and most are setting. The Choco Scorp is also filling up with a lot of pods, the new pods look more scorpish but are still small. This is the plant I’ve found the most hornworm eggs on. It really sucks ... just when you get rid of one pest another comes along. Wish dat death by rosemary would kill dem eggs, I’d spray the tar out of it, lolz.

Have a great week Scott!
Your pepper patch is looking lush! Don't sweat them bug bastages...they won't eat the pods anyway! Hope your homemade mix kick their butts! Keep us posted on how it works! I may be shopping for some Rosemary plants!
stc3248 said:
... I may be shopping for some Rosemary plants!
You and me both, I already started looking around now I just need to know how long it takes for one to get big and if there are any bugs that mess with one. Aside from that, I'll go for year round grow with Ms rosemary, I love how the oil has worked so far. But the last thing I need is another bug magnet, lolz.