• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
WalkGood said:
Holy cowabunga you have been busy!!! Awesome mater harvest \o/ Love the look of your powders, did you leave the seeds in on the Jals? Only asking cause I took mine out and it looks a little darker than yours but next time (very soon) I’ll be leaving them in, it’s way too much trouble, lol.
Yes sir, day off and workin' it! I left the seeds in and kinda beat up the baggie I had them in which shook a lot out. I ran the grinder and then screened them before bagging them up.
Got to tell you, I’m so glad that I missed your update till after lunch, foodie is great awesome brethren …. Great job on every ting!!!
Thanks, that was the best Omelette I ever had, the fried potatoes and the powder really made the flavors come together.
I do my powdering in the garage, even the dehydrating cause it affects our oldest son and my wife, take a look how Shane used a fan ... he's got great ideas dat mon ... Have a great day amigo!
I need to do the same but it was raining. We decided to pass on the supers I smoked and dried from Jamie, the Cayenne was bad enough! I'll do those in the shop next time.
It's been a rainy 2 days here, don't get me wrong I cherish the rain here in South Tejas...but I had stuff to do...got wet and muddy, but I wasn't stuck in the house all day like yesterday afternoon.

Over view shot. Peppers and onions are all that's left now.
The Reapers:

Two angles of #1 it's just loaded down, got to be over a hundred on that plant.

Phenotype is incorrect, but quite gnarly anyways.

More correct look, plant #4

Got a bit of a tail on that one...

Orange habs are loading up too...

Jals are still loading up...

This poor Thai is finally recovering from a horrible mite attack.

Primo in the container loading up with flowers..
I need a bump please..

Red Bhut in a container, large leaves for being outside several months IMHO

Top shot of the Reb Bhut...

Good guy on container Reaper

Same plant starting to flower...

Red Bhut in the dirt

Primo in the dirt

Moruga in the dirt

Container Moruga, after second Death by Rosemary treatment, now in the shade.
That's it for now :party:

WalkGood said:
Wow awesome looking pods even if the shape isn't correct, I love the elongated look ... kinda like a ghost pepper on steroids ^_^
They are cool looking, and since the others are showing nicer pods I'm good with it :D
RocketMan said:
Bumpity bump dude
Man Ramon beat me to it! Anh, looking great so far :cool:
Thanks, appreciate the compliments!
Scott once again beautiful pictures mon. My red Bhut that I posted earlier today has very large leaves too and it’s getting a lot of sun. Although they do stop about half way up the stalks, I’m not sure how big the other leaves will get but I believe some have grown fairly large but not as big as the lower ones. I’m rooting for your Moruga, although in your hands I have no doubt she’ll rebound very nicely … have a great weekend brethren ^_^
PS all the other shots are great too, I always love seeing ladybugs ...
capsidadburn said:
Great looking grow you have! Serious space envy too! Nice podding going on there.

Great job!
Thank you sir!
Blame the space on the wife, she found the place and told me, "we have to buy this place", she was right. We love the privacy...but it's a long term project....getting there!
WalkGood said:
Scott once again beautiful pictures mon. My red Bhut that I posted earlier today has very large leaves too and it’s getting a lot of sun. Although they do stop about half way up the stalks, I’m not sure how big the other leaves will get but I believe some have grown fairly large but not as big as the lower ones. I’m rooting for your Moruga, although in your hands I have no doubt she’ll rebound very nicely … have a great weekend brethren ^_^
PS all the other shots are great too, I always love seeing ladybugs ...
Thanks buddy!
It was a weird few days, no sun. I covered the danged flash to get the pics today, no sun. Still raining here...reminds me of about 10 or 12 years ago, we had 50"s in a week..still singing "let's get it on"..LOL
looking very neat and tidy," i like!"     nice tomato haul,and that reaper with the crazy long tail is very gnarly. wish they all looked like that?
most importantly that peanut brittle oh my,awesome! i love the brittle and never had no spicy brit  you have my sweet tooth craving.
So sorry to hear about those ants!  Those things sound awful!  Hope you can find some Orthene.
The powder looks killer, man!  Nice job!  LB's brittle looks to die for, too!  63 quarts of tomatos!  Damn!  You are set for the apocolypse! 
Everything looks great in garden central.  Love the off-pheno Reaper.  The tail on the next one is incredible!  Glad you have one with the correct phenotype.  Lots of "nots" with this variety.
So I have been stopping by periodically, and am loving the pics of your grow, the pods, the food, the spicy peanut brittle, and just realized this morning that I've never actually left a comment on your glog.  Thought I would let you know that I am enjoying following your grow.
BTW, been wondering for a while, what does LB stand for?
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
awesome update.. cant wait to see how all 5 of your reapers looks like. =D
The others are just starting to produce, I'm hoping the weather hangs on long enough for them to load up! Been a way different season this year, but for the better, 3"s of summer rain in a week is extremely rare down here.
stickman said:
Plants are lookin' freakin' fantastic Scott! It's so strange to me that you're already talking about your season winding down.
Thanks! I'm really pleased with my first year growing the hots Mother Nature really cooperated this year with rain and cooler temps.
Yeah, I pulled everything but the peppers and the red onions, which are taking forever.  I set tomatoes and corn out the first week of March, so they played out. I could have left the tomatoes in longer but the rain made the weeds go nuts, just too big a garden to weed once they get crazy. And the toms that were left we're going to get any larger. It could be 100 here tomorrow and stay that way until late Sept...hopefully not.
sicman said:
looking very neat and tidy," i like!"     nice tomato haul,and that reaper with the crazy long tail is very gnarly. wish they all looked like that?
most importantly that peanut brittle oh my,awesome! i love the brittle and never had no spicy brit  you have my sweet tooth craving.
Thanks! We're up to our ears in tomatoes this year. The garden went nuts from all the rain the last two weeks, I was out there yesterday tilling in the rain LOL just deep enough to rip the weeds down to size.
I'll post that peanut brittle recipe, it's killer!
DocNrock said:
So sorry to hear about those ants!  Those things sound awful!  Hope you can find some Orthene.
The powder looks killer, man!  Nice job!  LB's brittle looks to die for, too!  63 quarts of tomatos!  Damn!  You are set for the apocolypse! 
Everything looks great in garden central.  Love the off-pheno Reaper.  The tail on the next one is incredible!  Glad you have one with the correct phenotype.  Lots of "nots" with this variety.
Actually LB found some Orthene yesterday, gonna bring it to 'em! Can't wait to make some of the hotter powder :dance:
Yeah, I went a bit overboard with the tomatoes hahaha, but they will get eaten!
The Reapers are looking better and setting more. Hoping this rain and cooler weather loads them up. Primo's and Red Bhut's are flowering too!
highalt said:
So I have been stopping by periodically, and am loving the pics of your grow, the pods, the food, the spicy peanut brittle, and just realized this morning that I've never actually left a comment on your glog.  Thought I would let you know that I am enjoying following your grow.
BTW, been wondering for a while, what does LB stand for?
Thank you!
LB...wife's name is Lori, her father calls her Loribelles, childhood nic that stuck ;)
Thanks again for the nice words and stopping by!
Edit: Peanut brittle recipe http://allrecipes.com/recipe/moms-best-peanut-brittle/
We added 1/4 tsp of Jal powder, should have added closer to a 1/2. Usually we used fresh Jals, powder is better
Great looking shots! Your reaper is definitely loaded up like crazy. Love the arrow you use as a stake.
Looks like the weather has been pretty good for you this year. I understand that Texas growing conditions can often be difficult with the heat and lack of rain. 
Wow...that is one cool long stinger Reaper! The rest of the plants/pods look killer too! Looks like my Reapers are looking more like most of yours do now that more pods are forming. Hope the taste/heat is constant! Great grow man...
Stefan_W said:
Great looking shots! Your reaper is definitely loaded up like crazy. Love the arrow you use as a stake.
Looks like the weather has been pretty good for you this year. I understand that Texas growing conditions can often be difficult with the heat and lack of rain. 
It's been hard to take pics with the lack of sun, I finally figured out how to cancel some of the flash that makes everything go white in the pics.
Last years garden was grown without a drop of rain, started in March, never rained until after I planted Garlic in late September. Things certainly perk up when ma Nature blesses us with the shower!
The area has received some nice showers but we need the heavy rains that fill lakes and aquifers, the closest lake is at 5%, 10 years or so ago it was over the spillway.
sicman said:
I'll post that peanut brittle recipe, it's killer!
ill be waiting!
I guess you missed the edit I made, so here it is again:
And to crank it up we added 1/4 tsp of Jalapeno powder, next batch will go to just under a 1/2. In the past we used fresh peppers, the powder works much better.
stc3248 said:
Wow...that is one cool long stinger Reaper! The rest of the plants/pods look killer too! Looks like my Reapers are looking more like most of yours do now that more pods are forming. Hope the taste/heat is constant! Great grow man...
The true looking ones are starting to pod up nicely and have lots of flowers. The weathers been cool enough so they should load up. I'm wondering when they are going to show some color....probably while I'm traveling in a few weeks...
So now I'm being invaded by grasshoppers, I haven't found any good info the get rid of the naturally.
Any ideas?
A little foodie stuff...

Stuffed peppers, Italian method, did I say I was Italian? Well half:)
4qts fresh toms blended and cook for several hours, a light dusting of Italian seasonings and some salt and sugar to taste. Mix chopped meat, (we use a custom blend of 50-50 venison and brisket) with egg, parmesan cheese, Italian bread crumbs, white rice.

Stuff the peppers.

Chunk 'em in the sauce, and cook for 4 hours on low. Serve over a bed of rice and grate some Romano cheese for topping.
Sorry no plate pic as this is how we put up the Bell's and Poblano's...film at 11..

Made a Garbanzo dip a la Ramon (Walkgood), the guys a recipe magnet! Used red ripe Jals which added color. It was a hit, my daughter ate like half of it!

We celebrated Fathers day yesterday, fired up the Bar-B, tried to do a foodie...but got that Bonnie "I'm feeling like a weirdo" syndrome when I pulled the meat off the pit. I don't have a camera phone...and didn't want to explain why I was taking pics of dinner...LOL

My son and his tribe came over along with my daughter and her hubby, these are my 3 oldest G-Kids. Don't mind the cattle panels, Otis likes to use the pool when we're not home...

While sitting on the porch sipping a beverage of choice this little humming bird put on a show. Dang they're fast and hard to catch on camera.

Sent my son home with a little pickin's
Happy Fathers Day all!
Scott things are looking great your way mon, I agree my plants also look perked up when mama nature gives us dat sky water. The stuffed peppers look awesome and who better to make them than a ½ Italian, I haven’t made them for a long while now but I bet yours were super tasty! Now that we know you are ½ Italian we’ll be expecting some gourmet Italian cooking with plating shots to boot, hehehe

I’m glad to see you’re making some garbanzo dip and enjoying it, good great stuff! I appreciate the “big up” on that but from now on just call it Scott’s or Devv’s as you da driver in tu casa and it looks great brethren!

I love the shots of your Fathers Day celebration … what a fantastic smoking area under that big tree, simply awesome \o/ Your son and daughter must be great folk blessing you with those 3 awesome G-Kids … cool shot of dat humming bird!

Great harvest you provided your son with, mon you are living da life … Hat’s off brethren \o_
Hope you have a great week!