• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
Your garden is smokin !
All kinds of things happening. Early starts, late starts....gnarly peppers....(and when ya think ya saw them all)...and even gnarlier looking ones.
It's got to be tough keeping up with the whole lot and spending time udating the glog ?
I'm still liking those Reapers......
great updates Scott !
WalkGood said:
Safe travels and have fun mon :)
 Thanks! It was a blast, now back to work to rest...LOL
Always good to be back home!
PaulG said:
Scott, Watch Out!  You have a yard full of SICK pods    :fireball:
Great growin', Devv!
Thanks Paul!
My first year growing peppers with any seriousness, I've learned a ton here this season and can't wait to apply it next year!
stickman said:
Happy Trails Scott! What's "pinky" sauce?
Ahhhh, That's when you splash a taste on your pinky for sampling. Home now and can't wait to try it on food!
PIC 1 said:
Your garden is smokin !
All kinds of things happening. Early starts, late starts....gnarly peppers....(and when ya think ya saw them all)...and even gnarlier looking ones.
It's got to be tough keeping up with the whole lot and spending time udating the glog ?
I'm still liking those Reapers......
great updates Scott !
Thanks Greg!
One thing I have going for me is a long season, if I can keep them alive through the next trip in 10 days I should be able to keep them going for a real harvest in Sept.
And yes the time factor is a challenge!
Stefan_W said:
The grow looks great! Those plants are huge, it does not surprise me at all that 3 foot spacing is not enough. Nice to see your plants loading up :)
Thanks Stefan!
This year is my first growing the hot peppers and is certainly a learning experience!
Well the trip was fun!
I forgot how hard they party up in New York....of course fireworks are illegal there...but that didn't stop the locals from putting on quite a show!
They sent up so many mortars that it truly sounded like the news clips from Operation Desert Storm. It went on for hours and until Saturday night!
I loved the monster mortars that kept setting off the car alarms from miles away!
I have an update...after dinner:)
Well everything survived while I was gone!
I took more pics than I have the energy to post tonight..mas tired from the travel day.
Mostly pod pics tonight:
Some Ripe Reapers!

 A little blurry..and slightly chewed on..


Red Bhut pod grew a lot!

Red Caribbean.

Lot's of Funky Reapers ripe.

Primo's first pod from the dirt grow plant, still tiny..

Group shot of the potted grow..I'm just glad they survived!

Potted Reaper pod

Tonight's small harvest...

That's it for tonight, I'm a tired boy and have a lot of catching up to do this week!
Have a good one!
Welcome Back Brerthren ^_^ hope you had a great trip & lots of fun ...
  • Hot dam dats some beautiful colors in ya garden
  • Bumpy, gnarly Reapers, what chews on dem must die -_- heck even da Funky Reapers have da kine color!
  • Sweet looking Red Bhut, bet you can’t wait to sink your teeth into her, hehehehe
  • Ya mon Red Caribbean \o/ … looking ready for picking, super harvest! Heck now I need to take off for a few days and come home to dat awesomeness, great job mon & have a great week!
PaulG said:
Allright, looks like "Reaper Madness"
Good growin', Scott, nice ''small" harvest!
Thanks Paul! I'm surprised they're doing so well with the heat we're having this summer, can't wait until fall, they're gonna load up in early September!
I say small harvest because I see what Doc and Jamie pull in!
GA Growhead said:
Glad your back home with all the same plants that you left! No causalities is good news!
Reapers are looking bumpy!
Thanks! I picked a few today, and yes I was worried all vacation about the watering systems. Next trip is on the 18th, after that if all's well we're good!
WalkGood said:
Welcome Back Brerthren ^_^ hope you had a great trip & lots of fun ...
  • Hot dam dats some beautiful colors in ya garden
  • Bumpy, gnarly Reapers, what chews on dem must die -_- heck even da Funky Reapers have da kine color!
  • Sweet looking Red Bhut, bet you can’t wait to sink your teeth into her, hehehehe
  • Ya mon Red Caribbean \o/ … looking ready for picking, super harvest! Heck now I need to take off for a few days and come home to dat awesomeness, great job mon & have a great week!
Thanks Ramon!
Had a blast and left a bunch at the casino...but they kept the rum coming so I'm goood!
I know I have grasshoppers in the garden, and as far as I know I really can't do anything. So far any pod that's been chewed on a little has finished ripening and I just cut the spot out...the ones with big holes I just save the seeds..
I really hope the Red Bhut pod comes through without being damaged, I have just the one..need some cooler weather so more can set.
PIC 1 said:
Colorful Harvest !................that sure beats the  light and dark green pods I have on my plants....................I can't wait to crack a ripe one open out of the garden.
 Thanks Greg!
You know it won't be long before all of us are drooling over your harvest picks!
Stefan_W said:
Very nice looking "small" harvest! Loads of great colours in there.
 Thanks Stefan!
They are starting to come in! Now I have to process them. I hit the 30 something fruit trees with water the last two days and picked a bowl of Cayennes...tomorrow I have to do something with all the peppers...looked at your grow this evening..doing real well!
DocNrock said:
Looking great, Scott.  Welcome back!  Glad to see your Reapers with the desired, and a cool, phenotype.  Love the corking on those Jals.  Nice manageable harvest!  :)
 Thanks Doc!
After seeing what you have been pulling; I know what you mean by "manageable harvest"!
I'll be saving those Reaper seeds to share!
I have more to post but am trying to catch up some with other glogs and this place where I live...more watering tonight and I have calls to make..
Thanks 'yall!
Hey Scott, hope you've had enough time to unwind a bit before getting back in the swing of things. Have you had a chance to sample either of the two bottles yet? Cheers
stickman said:
Hey Scott, hope you've had enough time to unwind a bit before getting back in the swing of things. Have you had a chance to sample either of the two bottles yet? Cheers
 Hey Rick!
I had the jam with waffles this morning...just FANTASTIC! Perfect blend of ingredients!
I'm thinking about babyback ribs and using the hab sauce insted of BBQ sauce this weekend.
Trippa said:
Can't believe I haven't visited this thread before. Simply a plethora of food pods plants and porn of the plant kind. Loving it. Well done
Thanks Trippa!
If you're like me you find it hard to visit and contribute to all the glogs you would like to, there are many, many, I would like to stay current with!
Thanks for visiting!
WalkGood said:
 Thanks Bud!
I'll be working on something for you this evening....
No rush, I be out of town for a week with limited net access or none. Guess my wife or kids could bring it in ...
Edit: might have to cancel, eminent storm coming … sucks loosing air tickets to a no show and cancellation is all but a few bucks :(
WalkGood said:
No rush, I be out of town for a week with limited net access or none. Guess my wife or kids could bring it in ...
Edit: might have to cancel, eminent storm coming … sucks loosing air tickets to a no show and cancellation is all but a few bucks :(
 I'll hold off until next week...
It's been a very busy week! Go away for a few days and soooo much to catch up on...
I guess I'll start with the potted plants, they're hangin', and not doing much, it's just under 100 right now. I just want to keep 'em alive for a fall harvest..
Red Caribbean, note Otis keeping watch...not really he likes the wet dirt from the soaker hose.

JA Hab with some flowers...

Reb Bhut

Primo, hurting a little from the heat and hot winds...note the grass...or dried straw!



Full sun plants, they look like this everyday when I get home and I water them twice as much. But they're Annuum's and keep putting out pods..

Long shot of the sun shade group.

A little closer.

Red Bhut..

That's 10, I have a bunch more, took them all week but was too busy processing to post.
Bump please..