• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
At first I only wanted to make sure I was post #500...but then I started looking at them Reapers with Measles and got side tracked! Nice review...eating whole ones aren't for everyone, but the way you handled the sliver you just may be a "chosen" one. Good on ya brotha! Some plants seem to love the heat/sun more than others, I am always adjusting which plant is where in the sun/shade spectrum around the yard until I get them all happy...my Aji was none to pleased with its spot in full sun, while my bhut is screaming for more.
WalkGood said:
You had me fooled with your great skills I thought you were already using the new cam and I didn’t check the meta data, great job!

Sorry to read you have the hornworms now, I’ve never seen it so bad here. Great catch on spotting the egg, I’ve done that where you’re looking at a picture you take only to run out to pluck some bad bug ...

Whoa all the pods & plants look illustrious \o/ but man dem bumps on dat Reaper make it look super smexy. Bet you can’t wait to eat da whole ting ;)
Hoping you have a great weekend brethren ^_^
Hey Ramon!
The new cam is the sh!t!, I have to learn to take advantage of the new features, but that shouldn't be too hard considering how I have had to fight with the "old guy" ( I resemble that statement). It's way better than the three year old I demoed.. The bumpy Reapers are still way green, gonna definitely eat one!
TXCG said:
Christ Devv those pods are gonna hurt somebody. Surface is so rough you could sand something with it.
Well you're lucky 500, and in the true THP fashion (as displayed by Jamie (Romy6) to me) you get a prize! Of course right now I only have Annuums...but you call it. Gnarly Reaper pods or seeds? They just have to get there :D
stc3248 said:
At first I only wanted to make sure I was post #500...but then I started looking at them Reapers with Measles and got side tracked! Nice review...eating whole ones aren't for everyone, but the way you handled the sliver you just may be a "chosen" one. Good on ya brotha! Some plants seem to love the heat/sun more than others, I am always adjusting which plant is where in the sun/shade spectrum around the yard until I get them all happy...my Aji was none to pleased with its spot in full sun, while my bhut is screaming for more.
"Missed it by that much" Don't know if you're old enough to know where that comes from, but hell I do...cuz I'm old! Well Shane, I don't have much to offer one that's been here for as long as you.... but I do have a Reapers (3) that seem to be true, so I have pods a coming and seeds. I'll holler at you when I'm there. Thanks for always being so positive, solution providing and encouraging!
stickman said:
When the HazMat team shows up... Nobody Knows Nuthin'!... got that? :fireball:
LOL, I almost called them...like I mentioned...Cayenne was the hottest I've ever tried...my tongue still feels like I ate too hot a slice of pizza! Funny thing is the burn didn't match the aftermath..
Devv said:
"Missed it by that much" Don't know if you're old enough to know where that comes from, but hell I do...cuz I'm old! Well Shane, I don't have much to offer one that's been here for as long as you.... but I do have a Reapers (3) that seem to be true, so I have pods a coming and seeds. I'll holler at you when I'm there. Thanks for always being so positive, solution providing and encouraging!
Maybe you've gotta do it in that nasal New York accent for them to get it Max... My god... I guess I'm old too! :P
LOL, I almost called them...like I mentioned...Cayenne was the hottest I've ever tried...my tongue still feels like I ate too hot a slice of pizza! Funny thing is the burn didn't match the aftermath..
stickman said:
"Missed it by that much" Don't know if you're old enough to know where that comes from, but hell I do...cuz I'm old! Well Shane, I don't have much to offer one that's been here for as long as you.... but I do have a Reapers (3) that seem to be true, so I have pods a coming and seeds. I'll holler at you when I'm there. Thanks for always being so positive, solution providing and encouraging!
Maybe you've gotta do it in that nasal New York accent for them to get it Max... My god... I guess I'm old too! :P
LOL, I almost called them...like I mentioned...Cayenne was the hottest I've ever tried...my tongue still feels like I ate too hot a slice of pizza! Funny thing is the burn didn't match the aftermath..
 Careful 99..LOL
Oh yeah, I didn't think the burn was so bad at the time..but my mouth still feels like I  burned the heck out  of it eating way too hot pizza....that's the best way I can describe it..
Them reapers are the shizzle!
Searching like mad, but no hornworms yet. Going to get a darklight/uv flashlight so i can night search for them. Can stand them things!
stickman said:
Oh yeah, you'll get over it, but your taste buds'll never be the same... We've all been there bro'
Silver_Surfer said:
Nice reapers Devv. Grown on dude. :)
Thanks SS!
GA Growhead said:
Them reapers are the shizzle!
Searching like mad, but no hornworms yet. Going to get a darklight/uv flashlight so i can night search for them. Can stand them things!
Thanks! I feel blessed to have them look like they're supposed to. I've seen so many other pics that so a different look. I can see why people are upset...
So I did some picking this morning:
The Annuums are still producing despite the heat.

Some not quite ripe Oranges Habs, that one has a bonnet like look, Red Caribbean's and The Elongated Reaper's, I just noticed the bite in the 4th Reaper:(

Probably one of the best investments I've made in the garden is the sun shade...Jal's just keep producing!

As well as the Poblano's, they're kicking in for round two..

Bell's are still coming on strong, we're giving them away.

Under the skirt shot of the Funky Reaper

The container plants, which now live under a Live Oak, I rigged up a soaker hose and a timer for vacation time...still dialing that in.

JA Hab starting to setup and flower!

LB's Pineapple, getting there, it survived the Otis freight train experience well.

This goes to show how resilient plants are, this thing has looked bad for some time, now it's sending a shoot or slip out the side...

'Yall have a great weekend!
Shoot Scott, if you're gonna hit Foxwoods you're only gonna be an hour and a half from my place. I usually pass through there on my way down to "South County" RI to fish in the fall. If you've got the time and feel adventurous, you're welcome to stop by.
Man I almost want to hate you for how good those plants, harvests, and food are looking! Especially those stuffed peppers and venison sausages. I had to change shirts after all the drool. And I about fell on the floor laughing when I saw that picture of your two grand kids looking so cheery and the one in the middle looking sour as a grapefruit.

As far as more recent posts, that bell pepper and pineapple look to die for once they ripen up. Keep on trucking man, I'm inspired by your results.
stickman said:
Shoot Scott, if you're gonna hit Foxwoods you're only gonna be an hour and a half from my place. I usually pass through there on my way down to "South County" RI to fish in the fall. If you've got the time and feel adventurous, you're welcome to stop by.
I'd love to but I'm a hostage of the wife's sister and brother inlaw, they have the wheels.... A really big thanks for the offer though!
Peptacular said:
Man I almost want to hate you for how good those plants, harvests, and food are looking! Especially those stuffed peppers and venison sausages. I had to change shirts after all the drool. And I about fell on the floor laughing when I saw that picture of your two grand kids looking so cheery and the one in the middle looking sour as a grapefruit.

As far as more recent posts, that bell pepper and pineapple look to die for once they ripen up. Keep on trucking man, I'm inspired by your results.
Hi Tay!
Thanks for the kudo's! My Tejas grow is a bit ahead of most of the country, climate here...I know I'll be drooling soon when I'm done and 'yall are reaping in those harvests!
I've been working with meat for close to 20 years, the reason: the cost to have a deer processed and made into sausage is $200.00 plus. I have a wife that can de-bone the deer quarters as quick as I can bring them to her, meaning I have the second piece ready, and she's done with the first....I say don't ever piss her off! So anyways we have learned to make the jerky, dried sausage, fresh sausage by our selves...
Yeah Lorelye is the serious one, I had her smiling in the first set, but Lyndzee, the baby, was looking down at the ground...so it was a hard choice. My youngest G-kid had a B-Day yesterday, turned one, and we had a party in the 105 degree heat today, I have pics of Lorelye smiling :D
We had water pistol fights today, and I cheated, I filled mine from the water in the ice chest...LOL
Great pull brethren \o/ love the look of the elongated Reapers, kinda have a Butch T look and the color is way cool. Orange Habs look good too, would be cool if all of them had that bonnet look, any others on the plant that have that trait? You should save some seeds from that one for next year to see if you can reproduce da bonnet. Carib Reds look very elegant and bet dem super tasty too.
Jals, Bell and JA Habs all look killer! Shouldn't be long before you're tasting the JA Hab, all my little plants are podding now too. Congrats on pineapple save, thought she had been doomed, dam she's as big as mine now. Mines is ripening up now but it’s not as large as my last harvested ones. I have a smaller one that’s also getting bigger now, hope that one doesn’t turn to ripen but it shouldn’t. Congrats on the slip, mine just had her first of this season, I’ll let it get big before I attempt to replant. All in all you’re looking awesome,
Have a great day mañana!
Man you make me want to grow a pineapple. Do you just bring it inside when it gets cold? Did you start it from the top of a store-bought pineapple?
C'mon man...pics of the plants! 
I keep meaning to try a pineapple top...never gets high enough on my priority list to get-er-done. Hit 105 at my casa yesterday and today will be as hot or hotter. Stuff is cooking out there. Hope you're stayin cool down there brother!
WalkGood said:
Great pull brethren \o/ love the look of the elongated Reapers, kinda have a Butch T look and the color is way cool. Orange Habs look good too, would be cool if all of them had that bonnet look, any others on the plant that have that trait? You should save some seeds from that one for next year to see if you can reproduce da bonnet. Carib Reds look very elegant and bet dem super tasty too.
Jals, Bell and JA Habs all look killer! Shouldn't be long before you're tasting the JA Hab, all my little plants are podding now too. Congrats on pineapple save, thought she had been doomed, dam she's as big as mine now. Mines is ripening up now but it’s not as large as my last harvested ones. I have a smaller one that’s also getting bigger now, hope that one doesn’t turn to ripen but it shouldn’t. Congrats on the slip, mine just had her first of this season, I’ll let it get big before I attempt to replant. All in all you’re looking awesome,
Have a great day mañana!
Thanks Ramon!
I knew they would start to kick in right when it was vacation time. I guess I should consider myself lucky that they set. The Red Bhut, Primo's, and Moruga's have just s few pods between them, and keep dropping flowers in this heat. Gonna have some of a Red carib in my omelete this AM...should be good!
I have to look to see if anymore have that bonnet look, it's kinda tight in there, I planted 3' rows and 3' plant spacings...everything is becoming one big plant!
Way lucky on the pineapple, considering how much damage was done. I won't check to see if the trunk healed until after the harvest, it will be interesting to know. That one with the slip, that's the first growth from that top...ever see that before?
TXCG said:
Man you make me want to grow a pineapple. Do you just bring it inside when it gets cold? Did you start it from the top of a store-bought pineapple?
We start the Pineapples from the top, leave 3/4" of the fruit below the top leaves. We let them sit a few days, 2-4 upside down, then plant. We bring them in before a frost or freeze. I had 10 going in the garden one year and they all died when it froze. The one that had the fruit is a two year old plant..enjoy!
Edit: Ramon (Walkgood) had them both potted and in the dirt, they can be found in his glog..
stc3248 said:
C'mon man...pics of the plants! 
Of the Pineapples or more pepper plants?
I keep meaning to try a pineapple top...never gets high enough on my priority list to get-er-done. Hit 105 at my casa yesterday and today will be as hot or hotter. Stuff is cooking out there. Hope you're stayin cool down there brother!
LB is the Pineapple caretaker:) Was way hot here yesterday, we're in survival mode!
GnomeGrown said:
Nice pineapple.
Keep up the good work.