• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
Man... 105?! Shoot, I'd be in survival mode before that! When it gets up into the upper 90's here, my favorite way to cool down is to pull on a pair of swim trunks and get out the float tube, diver's fins and fly rod. It's like sitting in an easy chair with cool water up to your waist and getting around the lake by kicking your feet with the diver's fins on. When the weather's hot I'd be wasting my time to fish for Trout, but when I go for Bass I tie on a big fly made of craft foam and rubber legs called a "Chernobyl Ant". Bass and big Panfish love it!
Can you believe it's 70 now? Storms all around us, lightning and drizzle. Not going outside after last experience with lightning..
I haven't been fishing in a very long time, I haven't any places around here, but used to go quite often when I lived up north.
Love the tubing!
Nice looking plants.  It was a sweltering 68 degrees here this morning for my run.  Cold front came in and has shut down my fishing attempts.  
Good luck on your trip. Hope you win big. 
Well the rain and lightning passed, more wind than anything!
Got some ruffled feathers in the garden...and the container grow..
Reaper, it has 3 or 4 pods on it now..

Container Reaper pods, I'm calling this one to be gnarly later on..that's 4 for 5, I can live with that!


This one has been chomped but you can see it would have been a nice one. Grasshoppers..

Moruga, a little roughed up from the wind, no pods yet. Very late start with this one...


It's lone pod...but I like it!

Red Bhut, bushy and floppy, stems are really flexible.

Group shot, as you can see 3 feet is too close for the Chinense, I didn't know..

Funky Reaper is close to 4 feet wide..

Bodeen said:
Nice looking plants.  It was a sweltering 68 degrees here this morning for my run.  Cold front came in and has shut down my fishing attempts.  
Good luck on your trip. Hope you win big. 
Well it was 69 here after some storms came in, rare deal especially after yesterdays heat.
 Thanks again for the win big wish, we're over due!
I need a bump please!
Reapers had their skirts lifted by the winds

As did the Red Carib's, and they're loaded!


Thai's first pod..

Primo in the dirt just starting to flower..

Dirt grow Moruga just forking, late start, on this one.

First Red Bhut pod set! Cute aint it?

Well tomorrow is Monday, sorry.
Enjoy what's left of the weekend!
Looking awesome there, Scott.  Glad to see the pod set starting to take off, and just about the time you start getting some ripening Reapers!  Very cool.  Sounds like your weather has cooled a bit.  We're 110 today, but it seems to be causing a mass ripening. 
The garden and container plants are looking great.  Once you get that drip system dialed in it's gonna be great.  Such a work saver and definitely allows you the freedom to vacation. 
Love LB's pineapple.  Definitely going to have to give that one a go sometime.
Looking great Scott, you got some pretty gnarly looking pods! I always underestimate the spacing and end up with a amalgamation of pepper plants.  Kinda like a single, long hedge. Not the best for isolation, but pretty decent for standing up to the wind and still produces boatloads of pods. 
But the crazy weather swings could make for some crazy pepper swings!
Not to mention some crazy people swings... ;)  My only excuse is that this is only the second year I've ever grown Chinense, so I have just now established the baseline... and my in-ground peppers are too close together. Solidarity brethren... :P
Great looking pod shots Scott it looks like you've struck the right balance between sun and water.
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Very nice updates. Glad to see all the foilage and pods going on
Thanks Denniz!
Bodeen said:
Love the look of that red carib...really cool looking.
Thanks! I was really surprised how large the pods got and how many!
DocNrock said:
Looking awesome there, Scott.  Glad to see the pod set starting to take off, and just about the time you start getting some ripening Reapers!  Very cool.  Sounds like your weather has cooled a bit.  We're 110 today, but it seems to be causing a mass ripening. 
The garden and container plants are looking great.  Once you get that drip system dialed in it's gonna be great.  Such a work saver and definitely allows you the freedom to vacation. 
Love LB's pineapple.  Definitely going to have to give that one a go sometime.
Thanks Doc! 110? That's insane! I was at my G-Son's first B-day and it was 105, in the shade, I did two hours and bailed. Yeah 69 yesterday after some storms blew by in the morning, I believe 85 for the high...quite a big difference!
I have until tomorrow to have it dialed in :D  I do have a house sitter coming, so I'm hoping she will watch my babies.
The Pineapples are fun to grow, LB can't wait to harvest her first one!
MGOLD86 said:
Looking great Scott, you got some pretty gnarly looking pods! I always underestimate the spacing and end up with a amalgamation of pepper plants.  Kinda like a single, long hedge. Not the best for isolation, but pretty decent for standing up to the wind and still produces boatloads of pods. 
But the crazy weather swings could make for some crazy pepper swings!
Thanks Matt!,
I'm thinking 5' between rows next year and 4' between plants, but that's if they don't get any bigger. I can hardly get through there now, which is good! I never thought they would get so large.
It's really hard to take the pics when they're so crowded.
stickman said:
Not to mention some crazy people swings... ;)  My only excuse is that this is only the second year I've ever grown Chinense, so I have just now established the baseline... and my in-ground peppers are too close together. Solidarity brethren... :P
Great looking pod shots Scott it looks like you've struck the right balance between sun and water.
Thanks Rick!
Yeah, my first year with the Chinense, had no reference point to go by... Been growing the Annuums forever, and they are spaced correctly. I'm gonna try some Pubes and Baccatum's next season and I guess I need to read up on them:)
So it's Christmas in Tejas today!
I got two packages today!
Rick (Stickman) sent me this Rhubarb/Strawberry Jam and Red Habanero sauce...yum! Next I have to con him out of the recipes :D

AND...Ramon (Walkgood) sent me seeds for the second time this year!

"Yall are great! Thanks!
Devv said:
... That one with the slip, that's the first growth from that top...ever see that before?
I dont understand the question but I have gotten up to 3 slips from a top before. Also have gotten a slip before fruit if that is what you mean. This year Ive only had one slip so far on a slip starter which is my larger pineapple. Unfortunately do to heat or what ever its now ripening a little small so Ill probably be picking it soon. Its almost completely yellow now, if I have some time tomorrow Ill take a picture.
Devv said:
We start the Pineapples from the top, leave 3/4" of the fruit below the top leaves. We let them sit a few days, 2-4 upside down, then plant. We bring them in before a frost or freeze. I had 10 going in the garden one year and they all died when it froze. The one that had the fruit is a two year old plant..enjoy!
Sucks to loose them, Im guessing all you grow now are potted, which works great as you know they grow fine in pots. Beautiful picture brethren, bet you cant wait to taste her :)

Back to the peppers, wow Im loving the jungle look, everything is getting so big, continued lushness and very beautiful! Pictures are great as usual and you seem to even be taking them up a notch, remarkable brethren!

Great looking Hab sauce and Rhubarb/Strawberry Jam, lucky you mon! Glade to see you got the seeds, hope dem all arrive in good condition considering my third world mailing tactics, hehehe. Hope you have a fantastic week!
stickman said:
You're welcome to it Scott... I just hope LB doesn't partition it sauce is yours and jam is hers... ;)
LOL, I'm sure she'll try. I'll do my best to at least get her to taste it...Thanks again!
WalkGood said:
I dont understand the question but I have gotten up to 3 slips from a top before. Also have gotten a slip before fruit if that is what you mean. This year Ive only had one slip so far on a slip starter which is my larger pineapple. Unfortunately do to heat or what ever its now ripening a little small so Ill probably be picking it soon. Its almost completely yellow now, if I have some time tomorrow Ill take a picture.
Well I've never seen a top fail to grow, and then shoot out a slip.
Sucks to loose them, Im guessing all you grow now are potted, which works great as you know they grow fine in pots. Beautiful picture brethren, bet you cant wait to taste her :)
Oh Yeah, and LB is already doing the countdown, she's pretty excited because they are her babies. Otis was call Pineapple killer for a few weeks after he freight trained that plant..

Back to the peppers, wow Im loving the jungle look, everything is getting so big, continued lushness and very beautiful! Pictures are great as usual and you seem to even be taking them up a notch, remarkable brethren!
Thanks Ramon! The garden had exceeded my expectations this year, the weather sure has helped this spring. I still have to get to know that camera some more, but it certainly is easier to shoot. I did a 1.5 minute video Sunday. Now that takes practice, I figured out to make my self dizzy..

Great looking Hab sauce and Rhubarb/Strawberry Jam, lucky you mon! Glade to see you got the seeds, hope dem all arrive in good condition considering my third world mailing tactics, hehehe. Hope you have a fantastic week!
Rick did a wonderful job with those and I alway appreciate the generosity! Thanks again for the seeds, they will hit dirt once the vacation time is up!
stc3248 said:
South Texas Jungle!!! Man those habs are loving it down there! Awesome care packages too!  :dance:
I think you need bigger arrows...
Thanks Shane! I never knew those Chinense would grow like that. Live and learn, next year some better planning will happen.
WalkGood said:
Forget the arrows, you'll be needing dem 10' spears :D
One can only hope!!
Thanks again for the visits and compliments!
I'm mostly out of here until late Monday, been watering the 35 trees, gave each 10 gals. The auto water is working well, no sorry looking plants when I came home today.
My daughter inlaw and the 4 G-kids are staying here to use the pool and eat our food...LOL. No, really they are doing us a favor by staying here. I hate to leave the place along way out here where some creeps could take everything we own.
She also said she would watch my babies while we are gone....I like that. I harvested all the pods that were ripe and close to it, dried or froze them. Looking forward to a buttload of ripe pods when I get home...
Wanted to post some pics tonight but no time, I leave the house at 2:30 in the AM, and haven't packed yet...yikes!
"yall have a great week!