• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
Devv said:
 Thanks! I'm banking on the fall as well this year. I'm considering some Hab thinning very soon, just waiting on them to finish coloring up.
When did you plant?
I bought plants this year from CCN, they showed up on April 5th this size:

And got planted in 1 gallon pots on 4/13 after being hardened off for a week.
Trippa said:
Yeah certain varieties in my experience do that (have mini pods inside) more then others Devv ... funnily enough my Douglah's seem to quite often do that as well as my Bahamian Goat ... one of my douglahs last season actually had a weird twin half growing inside another and the other half made some of the outside of the pod... 

The Green is the outside of the inside pod if that makes sense??  Millworkman was the one to suggest that it was actually two pods when I couldn't work out why that part was staying so green ... sorry for the hijack

Amazing plants devv ... great work my friend
No highjack, feel free to add any time.Very interesting, do you have a pic of when you cut it open?

millworkman said:
That's because I am a badass and I rock!
 Well said!
TXCG said:
I bought plants this year from CCN, they showed up on April 5th this size:

And got planted in 1 gallon pots on 4/13 after being hardened off for a week.
So that puts us a pretty close schedule. I did notice today one of the Reapers in the dirt and the Red Bhut is flowering like crazy, but it's been close to 100 everyday. It would be way cool if they stuck!
GA Growhead said:
Pods in pods are always cool to see. I have had a few bells do that in the past. One one or two pods did that last year for me. :)
 That was a first for me, LB said she's seen Bells that way from the store before...
No unfortunately I don't think I do ... Its weird as I thought I did take a shot of it?? ... Anyway it never fully ripened because the other one was going to go bad before it did. But a fully formed mini pod it turned out to be.
Scott very cool awesome pepper in a pepper! I get those on the JA Habs every now and then. Yesterday I was processing a bunch for dehydrator and I found two that I ate on the spot, mine seem to explode with juice within them. No pics from me, I had wet gloves on and fought off all the body burns when I was done, lolz. Great job and as always I love the photos!
Have a great weekend brethren!
The pepper in a pepper thing is really cool. I also have seen it in bells many times, but not in hot peppers which tend to be smaller. 
Trippa said:
No unfortunately I don't think I do ... Its weird as I thought I did take a shot of it?? ... Anyway it never fully ripened because the other one was going to go bad before it did. But a fully formed mini pod it turned out to be.
 I was thinking that may be the case, I wonder what that phenomenon is called?
WalkGood said:
Scott very cool awesome pepper in a pepper! I get those on the JA Habs every now and then. Yesterday I was processing a bunch for dehydrator and I found two that I ate on the spot, mine seem to explode with juice within them. No pics from me, I had wet gloves on and fought off all the body burns when I was done, lolz. Great job and as always I love the photos!
Have a great weekend brethren!
Thanks Ramon!
I know what you mean about the burns one winds up with when processing, I've ran to take a shower a few times!
Stefan_W said:
The pepper in a pepper thing is really cool. I also have seen it in bells many times, but not in hot peppers which tend to be smaller. 
I'm sure you will at some point, I was just surprised to see so  many in one pull!
Devv! Not to hijack your thread but I think I might've got the flower drop sorted out or at least slowed down! After about a week in the shade my "red" yellow fatalii has EIGHTEEN set pods, the two yellow ones have 2-3 each, the scorpion has 1 & the moruga may have one but I can't tell for sure. They get morning sun til about 10am then shade & a bit of filtered light the rest of the day. 
Devv said:
First time I've seen this:
A pepper in a pepper, actually 4 or 5 were like this in the last pull.
Hi Scott,
   My Orange Habs did that last year too. It didn't seem to change the taste or heat levels at all.
Trippa said:
Yeah certain varieties in my experience do that (have mini pods inside) more then others Devv ... funnily enough my Douglah's seem to quite often do that as well as my Bahamian Goat ... one of my douglahs last season actually had a weird twin half growing inside another and the other half made some of the outside of the pod... 
Good to know Trippa... since I've got one of your Alphanerdz-strain Douglahs podding up now.
TXCG said:
Devv! Not to hijack your thread but I think I might've got the flower drop sorted out or at least slowed down! After about a week in the shade my "red" yellow fatalii has EIGHTEEN set pods, the two yellow ones have 2-3 each, the scorpion has 1 & the moruga may have one but I can't tell for sure. They get morning sun til about 10am then shade & a bit of filtered light the rest of the day. 
I went and read! Congrats!
No such thing as a highjack here :D
So one thing I love about THP is the sharing of knowledge, seeds etc. and the love of peppers, so many things can be done with them. I brought some powder I made to Ohio and shared it with whomever had the guts to try it.
Here's a quote from an email I got today from my brother in-law in Phoenix:
"Great seeing you guys... You've ruined food for me... I need some of your pepper powder!"
I love it!
Well we had already packed some up and sent him some yesterday, he's tickled :party:
I can't wait until the bigboys produce this fall so I can send him some fresh ones!

stickman said:
Hi Scott,
   My Orange Habs did that last year too. It didn't seem to change the taste or heat levels at all.
Good to know Trippa... since I've got one of your Alphanerdz-strain Douglahs podding up now.
That one Trippa posted is really unique in my book being it grew into the side like that. Cool stuff!
Dang I thought I posted up here lol! Every time I get on here and try to post something I just have my wife sending me to do this or move this or open this and I eventually forget were I was at.

Lot's of good stuff man! I bet once it starts to cool off you're gonna get pods up to your eyebrows.

All the hard work building the soil is rewarding you, just look at those beastly plants, well done sir!

Nice to know you live close to San Antonio, a cousin of mine lives there and I'm planning on taking a vacation to check it out and kick it with my cousin like the old days. Maybe I can go visit and 35 miles really isn't that much.

, Walter
Vegas_Chili said:
Dang I thought I posted up here lol! Every time I get on here and try to post something I just have my wife sending me to do this or move this or open this and I eventually forget were I was at.

Lot's of good stuff man! I bet once it starts to cool off you're gonna get pods up to your eyebrows.

All the hard work building the soil is rewarding you, just look at those beastly plants, well done sir!

Nice to know you live close to San Antonio, a cousin of mine lives there and I'm planning on taking a vacation to check it out and kick it with my cousin like the old days. Maybe I can go visit and 35 miles really isn't that much.

, Walter
Thanks Walter!
My investment this fall will be on the soil, more dark dirt and mulch to help with holding the moisture. It's either that or more sun shade structures so I can rotate the crops better, really wish I could afford both, maybe the wife will hit lotto...LOL
Holler at me when you make your trip! I think SA would be a good choice, it won't kill you with humidity like Houston, great medical choices, real civilization...unlike Devine LOL. If I was to start out looking for a place (take me back 25 years) and knowing what I know now....I would have bought East of 35 close to the Guadalupe river, an hour from here give or take. They get way more rain than we do here...
Bodeen said:
Awesome looking pod for sure.
And the really weird thing there were 4 or 5 like that!
Woot! Great job on spreading the pepper love with your in-law Scott \o/ We try to do the same with family & friends ... Hat’s off brethren \o_
WalkGood said:
Woot! Great job on spreading the pepper love with your in-law Scott \o/ We try to do the same with family & friends ... Hat’s off brethren \o_
Thanks Ray, he got his prize yesterday, I have a feeling he's going to go through it fast...
WalkGood said:
Looking forward to see some of your wood working, I've done a little over the years but I'm just an amateur.
Well I'm no pro, I just tinker....and I have been getting the itch to breath saw dust again..
I really like Mesquite, rich in color and character, I leave in the natural blemishes, or I would have to throw 50% plus away. I made the boards from felled trees, and after a few years made some pieces. Here's a couple of older pics:
King size bed

Chest? or entertainment center.

What got me started was LB wanted a new kitchen, she's been really patient.
One of the pantry's

Over all shot, still need to finish some drawers and doors. I WAS done, LB placed a change order...

I have way too many hobbies, one of my others is target shooting with my handloads.
I made a custom BR stock for the Encore chambered in .20 Ruger. Chrony traps it at 4350fps. laminated Mesquite.


I guess a few pepper shots...LOL
Can't believe this JA Hab set a pod in 100 degree heat, she has a few others that are tiny. I'm happy!

Potted Reapers are ripening....all 2 of them..LOL
Here's one of them.

Dirt grow Red Bhut is coloring up too!

That's it for now, I forgot to water the fruit trees...yikes!
Wow now that's a nice piece of art. Those look very professional.

Nice to see you're getting pods and color on 100º weather. Those are gonna be HOT ! I'm gonna try to look for that spot you mentioned, but I'd be happy in any place where it rains and have more green ecosystem and either rivers or lakes just like My old Mexican home... humidity in a way is good, because as you get older you won't get wrinkles as people living in dry climate and you'll look younger.

, Walter
Wow Scot that is some might fine custom carpentry, awesome work! I’ve only done shaping, framing and rough carpentry, lol. When I was in college a friend and I owned a custom frame shop and we made all the frames and molding but that’s easy stuff compared to your furniture and kitchen cabinets.
Great to read you have a JA Hab on the way, Reaper and Bhut look awesome … they should provide you some exciting hot nights …
Take care brethren ^_^
Vegas_Chili said:
Wow now that's a nice piece of art. Those look very professional.

Nice to see you're getting pods and color on 100º weather. Those are gonna be HOT ! I'm gonna try to look for that spot you mentioned, but I'd be happy in any place where it rains and have more green ecosystem and either rivers or lakes just like My old Mexican home... humidity in a way is good, because as you get older you won't get wrinkles as people living in dry climate and you'll look younger.

, Walter
 Thanks Walter!
There are cool rivers East and West of SA, spent many an hour on them with a cooler in tow :drunk:
WalkGood said:
Wow Scot that is some might fine custom carpentry, awesome work! I’ve only done shaping, framing and rough carpentry, lol. When I was in college a friend and I owned a custom frame shop and we made all the frames and molding but that’s easy stuff compared to your furniture and kitchen cabinets.
Great to read you have a JA Hab on the way, Reaper and Bhut look awesome … they should provide you some exciting hot nights …
Take care brethren ^_^
 Thanks Ramon!
I told the wife, "I'll never make cabinets again" what a pain! Beds, chests and tables are way more fun to craft.
The plants are really trying, and succeeding some in this intense heat we're having. The usual summer average is 94, so we're paying for the cool spring now....No Prob, it will cool down and kick butt before the cold comes.
Thanks for stopping by!