• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
WalkGood, on 26 Oct 2013 - 5:48 PM, said:
WalkGood said:
Nice pull, hope you get what type of winter you want ... personally I hope it gets cold here, saves me a ton on electric, hehehe. Plants large enough always make it thru our winters.
Thanks Ramon!
I like it when it cool down and we can use the fireplace :surprised:
Bodeen, on 26 Oct 2013 - 7:59 PM, said:
Bodeen said:
Nice pull.
Thanks Jeff!
Finished picking a short while ago:

First of the true Reapers, Funky Reapers, JA Habs on the bottom. What I guess is not Moruga's, the seeds came from a dried red pod a friends dad gave me.. a few Primo's and a Red Bhut....about time!




Another weekend just flew by, enjoy what's left!
Looks like you've got your work cut out, processing all those.  I've got to get busy next week pulling my biggest harvest of the year.  Between some sort of bug... bad cold or strep, maybe (doctor? we don't need no doctor), and a long road trip to PA that lead to a relapse, I've left some pods way too long.  Those will be good for seed only, but at least I'm certain of mature color now.  But many, many more are prime for picking.
Hope your ferment turns out well.  I think I've worked up my courage to try this recipe, but with jalapenos instead of cukes.
Sawyer said:
Looks like you've got your work cut out, processing all those.  I've got to get busy next week pulling my biggest harvest of the year.  Between some sort of bug... bad cold or strep, maybe (doctor? we don't need no doctor), and a long road trip to PA that lead to a relapse, I've left some pods way too long.  Those will be good for seed only, but at least I'm certain of mature color now.  But many, many more are prime for picking.
Hope your ferment turns out well.  I think I've worked up my courage to try this recipe, but with jalapenos instead of cukes.
Thanks John!
Sorry to hear about the bug, yeah doctors, I try to stay away. They always seem to find a test you need that insurance won't cover...I'm thinking kickbacks..LOL
Shoot I brought a 5 gal bag to work and gave away the Jal's, Pob's and Bell's, Sent off a stuffed SFRB and froze what was left. I'm out of space to keep them and have more coming soon. Gonna start a few more ferments this coming weekend, I just can't eat them fast enough!
Good luck on you recipe, looks worth trying!
WalkGood said:
Wow your plants keep pumping out the pods on a consistent basis, you've been blessed with an awesome season & wonderful colors ... great job!
Thanks Ramon!
I have been blessed with a productive season for sure, and hopefully next years does the same. Certainly have much more variety to plant so I can see which are going to be keepers for the future. I'll have more space because of the killer tomato harvest we had this year. Gonna drop 2/3 of the tom grow.
Enjoy the week!
Nice title Scott.."Fall Colors".......and you sure have them. Beautiful peppers. You're one of the growers here, besides Gary (winchicken) that appreciates the New Mex and the border peppers as we call them. I dig a good Hatch on the grill, poblano, jalapeno..........I can take the super heat or walk away from it. I like to taste whats on my plate.........great job man, year round with this glog ! 
PIC 1 said:
Nice title Scott.."Fall Colors".......and you sure have them. Beautiful peppers. You're one of the growers here, besides Gary (winchicken) that appreciates the New Mex and the border peppers as we call them. I dig a good Hatch on the grill, poblano, jalapeno..........I can take the super heat or walk away from it. I like to taste whats on my plate.........great job man, year round with this glog ! 
Thanks Greg!
That's the whole thing with me, got to be able to taste what I eat. Prior to January I never ate anything made with Habanero's or hotter. Now they are in our food when appropriate. The supers are being made into powders, sauces, and ferments. Finding more and more uses for them too! I just got finished reading on your Indian Wings preparation, definitely have to give that one a whirl!
Enjoy the week!
Hot dang, Scott! You got some processiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnn to do!
Is that yellow TSMB or yellow 7 or YBrain? Oddly, mine all wound up having a similar outty-belly-button effect on those 3 types of yellows. Which hopefully will blend with some freshly dried and powdered garlic, onion, lime, pineapple and maybe mango . . . keep thinking "mango" with the dried naga, though.
(You got me on limes and Ramon got me on strawberries, peaches . . . wearing out dehydrator!)
Happy Halloween, hon!
annie57 said:
Hot dang, Scott! You got some processiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnn to do!
Hi Annie!
I gave away all those Annuum's at work, we're just out of room. Most of the supers went to SFRB's, everyone's been so generous to me...it's my turn to share the pain :dance:
Is that yellow TSMB or yellow 7 or YBrain? Oddly, mine all wound up having a similar outty-belly-button effect on those 3 types of yellows. Which hopefully will blend with some freshly dried and powdered garlic, onion, lime, pineapple and maybe mango . . . keep thinking "mango" with the dried naga, though.
Actually those are the result of a dried red Moruga pod I was given, I haven't even tasted it yet. But will this weekend.
(You got me on limes and Ramon got me on strawberries, peaches . . . wearing out dehydrator!)
Well I hope you enjoy the results! Experimenting is most of the fun!
Happy Halloween, hon!
Back Atch! Enjoy the little ones today!
Thank you Scott for this nice box of goodies! It's gona be a painful weekend LOL.

Those Not Morugas look interesting. They also have a dark shade of orange on top of the pod. I gotta taste it as soon as I have the chance. Working 12hrs and having a 1 year old leaves you no time for anything LOL. Thanks again brother!


Have a safe Halloween and a great weekend!

Hi Scott, Hope you've been feeling better in the joint department this week... your pulls have been looking fantastic! You know it's been a good season when you find yourself asking "Now what do I do with these d@#& things!"... ;)
You're more than welcome!
I marked the one smaller Bhut because it looked so much like the "Funky Reapers". I sent one Primo, all I had ripen, it's the one with a short stem. Can't tell the Primo's from the Reapers. Lemme know what you think of the not Morugs'a

stickman said:
Hi Scott, Hope you've been feeling better in the joint department this week... your pulls have been looking fantastic! You know it's been a good season when you find yourself asking "Now what do I do with these d@#& things!"... ;)
Thanks Rick!
LOL, we are good in the pepper dept. for now!
Been careful with the knee, nothing more than an twinge now.
stc3248 said:
Haha...love what I'm seein over here! Sharing that pepper love! Great first super season my brotha!
Thanks Shane!
Got to share, what's really cool is the way the season vary across the country we can keep each other in the heat almost all year long. I just want to thank all the good people here for sharing with me..
So between today and yesterday I added another 6+ yds. of mulch to the pile, it's at 24 yds. now, I think I'm good to get going next season. The plants are going to be done producing once the harvesting is complete, I think it's too cool for them to set and ripen anymore pods. I do have a feeling we're going to see some frost this year. It's already been into the mid 40's twice. If this is a normal year, you know before...ahem, global warming the warming trend started we should see frost around turkey day.
This weekends pull, glad to see the supers doing their thang:

Largest Red Bhut pull so far, they did OK but not spectacular production for me this year.

Reaper's took forever to set pods, and production is better than the Ghosties, still a ton of them out there...

Finally a few Primo's

Some JA Hab's, they did OK being they were sown in late April

The Funky Reapers have kicked some butt this year production wise, a few not Moruga's...weak production.

Started two new ferments, Tejas Flamethrower on the left, might make ya run for the border.... Both kinds of Reapers, Reb Bhut's, and the few Primo's.
Habulous on the right, JA Hab's and Red Caribbean's.

That's all I have this week, it sure went fast!
Enjoy Monday!
PS: I do have an acronym for Monday's AFM....
Mon I’m not surprised on another great pull … it’s like clock work, great job! The new ferments look interesting and I love the names, always liked local flare in names. Keep up dat great grow, I’m thinking you won’t get a break for a long time now ;)
Sawyer said:
Great looking harvest, Scott.  Glad to see you got some production out of the Reapers.  What do you use for a lacto-starter in those ferments?
Thanks John!
I've been using Caldwell's starter. What have you been using?
'Bout time those Reapers came in, still a bunch, lots out there.
WalkGood said:
Mon I’m not surprised on another great pull … it’s like clock work, great job! The new ferments look interesting and I love the names, always liked local flare in names. Keep up dat great grow, I’m thinking you won’t get a break for a long time now ;)
Thanks Ramon!
I've been blessed with a bountiful year so far, I guess it's worth mentioning, I didn't plant much variety, but a lot of plants ;)