• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
Bodeen said:
Were you the one looking to get your hands on some apple wood for smoking?  I had to cut a 2 inch diameter limb off an apple tree and I could cut it up on the table saw and send you a SFRB stuffed of it if you'd like?  Give you all winter to cure it out.
Thanks Jeff!
The wife found some in San Antonio last weekend, she also found Cherry. I appreciate the offer!
Jamison said:
BUMP! Damn man!
Thanks Jamison!
I guess this a not Moruga, it's been this color for a week, it went in a SFRB to my son. Easier to send it versus a two hour drive!

Plenty of Moruga's in the wings...

Todays pull...Poblano's


Hotter gals...

And I started two ferments, a basic Hab, garlic brew with some Jal's and carrots. The second has Reapers, Habs, garlic, carrots, and Pineapple. Hoping they come out OK.

I pulled up a few Poblano, Jal, and Bell plants today, I had way too many, the seasons winding down and I'm tired of taking care of them. Some how while stomping the shovel I did something to my knee, it really started Friday getting in the trailer, I have really good knees for an old fart...I was done for the day. And when I took the above pic and kinda sunk down lower to get a better shot, using my knees, I thought tears came to my eyes...so slow going for a day or week...LOL. I'm half German (half assed?) We'll see how far that goes :crazy:
Have a great week!
Beautiful plants and pods … woot you’re really loading up mon \o/
Gotta tell ya, my favorite plant is the variegated Jamaican Habanero, I’ve yet to produce more than one per year and with the last planting I didn’t get one :/ If it were possible I’d have 6 of them to replace my non Vera gated ones. Great job!
Edit: Guess I was writing while you posting so I just caught da second half, total awesomeness!!! Love da pull, pods & ferments. Sorry to read about the knee, hope you feel better ... No advice from me, when I wrenched mine I bought a neoprene knee brace and kept right on surfing :crazy:
Hi Scott, it looks like you're gonna be rolling in pods in a month or so... nice work! I see you started out small with your ferments, but that's probably a good idea for your first. I'm confident that once you've done it successfully you'll be hooked.
What a drag that your knees are bothering you now. :tear:  Is it muscular or the joints? For muscle sprains, strains and bruises I use Arnica ointment. It's an herbal that doesn't do anything to block pain (so you're not tempted to re-injure since you feel better), but it greatly speeds healing by increasing blood flow in the area it's applied to. It does this by dilating the blood vessels... just don't apply it to broken skin since it'll make you bleed like aspirin will, and never take it internally! I got sold on this herbal when I badly sprained an ankle about 20 years ago. A woman 30 feet from me heard the pop when the ligament tore. I saw the doc about it, and he said it would be at least 6 months before I could dance again, but after using the Arnica 4 times a day I could dance again in 6 weeks with full range of motion and no pain. Feel better soon!
WalkGood said:
Beautiful plants and pods … woot you’re really loading up mon \o/
Gotta tell ya, my favorite plant is the variegated Jamaican Habanero, I’ve yet to produce more than one per year and with the last planting I didn’t get one :/ If it were possible I’d have 6 of them to replace my non Vera gated ones. Great job!
Edit: Guess I was writing while you posting so I just caught da second half, total awesomeness!!! Love da pull, pods & ferments. Sorry to read about the knee, hope you feel better ... No advice from me, when I wrenched mine I bought a neoprene knee brace and kept right on surfing :crazy:
Thanks Ramon!
I'm pleased the supers are finally doing something. As for the knee, just going to be careful, it's OK to walk on. Just felt the pain when bent and pushing off it...weird, it's never bothered before.
Spicegeist said:
Nice little ferment.  Do you just snack on that in the winter time?
Thanks Charles,
This is my first attempt, so when it's done I'll blend it into hot sauce. I've had a few people telling me how good it comes out...we'll see!
Cartz said:
Now that's an update!
Thanks Nathan!
stickman said:
Hi Scott, it looks like you're gonna be rolling in pods in a month or so... nice work!
Thanks Rick! It's about time they produced.
I see you started out small with your ferments, but that's probably a good idea for your first. I'm confident that once you've done it successfully you'll be hooked.
Well never doing this before I figured two small tries to see how I liked it. I followed the one you posted, but I added a carrot to sweeten it up.
What a drag that your knees are bothering you now. :tear:  Is it muscular or the joints?
It's soft tissue, but not sure what. Hoping it's not cartilage, because that won't go away...but I have a sneaking suspicion. I've used my knees big time to compensate for the back.
  For muscle sprains, strains and bruises I use Arnica ointment. It's an herbal that doesn't do anything to block pain (so you're not tempted to re-injure since you feel better), but it greatly speeds healing by increasing blood flow in the area it's applied to. It does this by dilating the blood vessels... just don't apply it to broken skin since it'll make you bleed like aspirin will, and never take it internally! I got sold on this herbal when I badly sprained an ankle about 20 years ago. A woman 30 feet from me heard the pop when the ligament tore. I saw the doc about it, and he said it would be at least 6 months before I could dance again, but after using the Arnica 4 times a day I could dance again in 6 weeks with full range of motion and no pain. Feel better soon!
Thanks for the advice about the Arnica ointment, I've been using Tiger Balm (old man cream). I guess I just need to stop moving like I'm 20. I've never hesitated to step up on a 2' trailer or high tractor step in one motion. Did both today but limited the height and felt no pain, used my arms to assist...dang getting older isn't fun..but the alternative really sucks!
Hoping everyone has a fantastic week!
WalkGood said:
Hope da knee is getting better … tell LB no more dancing dis week :D
"Dancing"?? The Roches, "My Sick Mind" is playing for me.
Ferments look gorgeous, Scotty!! (Notice my zoom to that. Ya gonna love it!) Poddage amazing and thinking about yanking poblanos too and letting ripen in paper bag. I mean, gorgeous harvests, hon!! I sent a true red moruga, amongst others to my neph for his 16th b-day this week. Sent bro text. "Incoming." Baby bro freaked. "You did WHAT!??!" :party: Hope fam members enjoy--that well might be a moruga that you sent if going by shape :shh:
Take care of the knee or raise everything to non-squat height. I feel for ya, babe. Hoping just to get through day with lower back, after yesterday's outside work but one mishap with right knee and they've told me "replacement." And I celebrate that dx at least 5 times year with tennis match or few pick-up games basketball but one gets hurt worse gardening than any sport. Heal well, RICE. Cook some rice and . . . only because you won't listen to squat. Really, please take it easy on it. :pray:
Sanarda said:
beautiful end of season success story :dance:
Thanks Pia!
It took a while but they set finally...
WalkGood said:
Hope da knee is getting better … tell LB no more dancing dis week :D
Hi Ramon! LOL! This white boy kant dance, well maybe at a wedding after a few many ;)
annie57 said:
"Dancing"?? The Roches, "My Sick Mind" is playing for me.
Ferments look gorgeous, Scotty!! (Notice my zoom to that. Ya gonna love it!) Poddage amazing and thinking about yanking poblanos too and letting ripen in paper bag. I mean, gorgeous harvests, hon!! I sent a true red moruga, amongst others to my neph for his 16th b-day this week. Sent bro text. "Incoming." Baby bro freaked. "You did WHAT!??!" :party: Hope fam members enjoy--that well might be a moruga that you sent if going by shape :shh:
Take care of the knee or raise everything to non-squat height. I feel for ya, babe. Hoping just to get through day with lower back, after yesterday's outside work but one mishap with right knee and they've told me "replacement." And I celebrate that dx at least 5 times year with tennis match or few pick-up games basketball but one gets hurt worse gardening than any sport. Heal well, RICE. Cook some rice and . . . only because you won't listen to squat. Really, please take it easy on it. :pray:
Hi Annie!
Son should get his SFRB today, and he's the one who said "never again" after we shared part of a F-Reaper, now he's asking for them. The Orange Moruga must be a cross, pods to me look like Moruga, they just are Orange. I haven't tasted one yet, I hear they hurt!
I hope the ferments come out OK, how long should I let them set?
Thanks for the concerns about the knee. I've had it bother me getting up from a squat, but never paid it any mind. These three incidences  this weekend were at a slight bend pushing off it. And that was new to me, hadn't been to a doc, and won't go unless it gets to where I can't stand it. But will be careful. Hoping it's not a meniscus injury.
Have a great week!
Very nice Scott! Can't beat free mulch from the local. I really like what you're doing with the soil, your plants really show it.

The poddage has gone insane! Big difference from before.

Now that funky reaper... only if it can switch habits with the true reaper lol. Looks like they got the wrong genes lol.

Glad to see everything is running smoothly. Tell LB to take it easy and hope you have a great weekend!

, Walter
WalkGood said:
Captain are there bubbles yet?
Hab a great weekend \o/
I'm seeing bubbles if I move the jars, one has what I think is yeast forming at the top. I just swirl the jar to knock it down before it gets out of control. No action in the airlocks that I can see.
Back atcha on having a great weekend!
annie57 said:
Just be patient on ferments, Scotty and let them hang about 30-40 days.
I hope not meniscus big time!! :pray:
Be well, hon!
That's my plan, hoping for them to really bubble soon!
Two coaches I work with think it's meniscus, not going to doc..LOL. I have done a lot of squatting in my life and have never injured a knee, it has to be wear and tear. I've stopped running up the stairs two at a time and flying down them as well. DON'T want to kill it. This week was good, so I'm going to have to act my age a bit...I try and stay in shape 6'3" and 197lb's and still move good...maybe too good ;)
Thanks for your thoughts!
Vegas_Chili said:
Very nice Scott! Can't beat free mulch from the local. I really like what you're doing with the soil, your plants really show it.

The poddage has gone insane! Big difference from before.

Now that funky reaper... only if it can switch habits with the true reaper lol. Looks like they got the wrong genes lol.

Glad to see everything is running smoothly. Tell LB to take it easy and hope you have a great weekend!

, Walter
Thanks Walter!
I know I have a bunch of the funky ones coloring up, been waiting for the Bhut's, Moruga's, Primo's and True Reaper's. I really want to send the SFRB's out with a nice mix.
I have the third load of mulch sitting in the yard, shoveled 2.5 yds after work, and then it was time for a ice cold Shiner..should put me at around 15+ yds. once all loaded. Heck it's free and I'll be coming back until they're tired of seeing me...LOL
PIC 1 said:
Scott nice harvests and I like the colorful ferments...Bottles look like the same setup I use....works out well.
Enjoy the rest of your season..........mines over, but the cleanup continues.  
Thanks Greg!
And what a fantastic season you had this year!
I've been doing some clean up too, pulled almost all the Jal's and Poblano's, all the bell's have been pulled. Just 3 Jal's and 2 Pob's left, along with the Hab's and hotter.
It's Shiner time, LB called it. I had the shovel in my hand most of the day, 5 yd's of mulch hauled and close to 2 yds. of dirt spread out where the peppers plants were pulled from.
This is around 17yds.

Reapers are showing some color.


Red Bhut's starting to color up too. Nice large pods too!

This Red Bhut is on the driveway.

Not Moruga is not too prolific, but has large pods.

Driveway Primo getting there!

Hard to tell it from the Reapers...

I can't believe how these JA Hab's are loading up!


Enjoy your Saturday!
Primo's looking awesome, can't go wrong with too many JA Habs, Reapers have certainly produced well for you this season. Can't wait to see your Bhut color up and mon dat Moruga looks tasty for sure!!!
Things looking great over there for sure, love dem colors.
Hab a great weekend ^_^
WalkGood said:
Primo's looking awesome, can't go wrong with too many JA Habs, Reapers have certainly produced well for you this season. Can't wait to see your Bhut color up and mon dat Moruga looks tasty for sure!!!
Things looking great over there for sure, love dem colors.
Hab a great weekend ^_^
Thanks Ramon!
I hoping everything ripens before it gets too cold. I have this gut feeling we're going to have a really cold winter, way over due. Usually a rainy fall is a cold winter. If so it's OK, I should get most pulled.
Today pulled up the last of the Bell's, they're done, same with a few Jal's and Pob's. LB picked the pods off the plants I pulled.


Gonna hit the ripe Chinense in the morning..
Nice pull, hope you get what type of winter you want ... personally I hope it gets cold here, saves me a ton on electric, hehehe. Plants large enough always make it thru our winters.