• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
Dude, great looking tomatoes, potatoes, onions, and cayennes on top of it all! 
Glad you like the powder.  It's a mix of reds, yellows, and browns, with some of the reds and browns smoked.  About 80% of it is from superhots and the other 20% mixed hots.  You can use it on pretty much anything, as I'm sure you have gathered.  That breakfast taco looked killer!  Glad my wife is almost done with dinner!
And thanks to Annie57 for the tip on mites.  If I get hit, now I know what to use.   
DocNrock said:
Dude, great looking tomatoes, potatoes, onions, and cayennes on top of it all! 
Glad you like the powder.  It's a mix of reds, yellows, and browns, with some of the reds and browns smoked.  About 80% of it is from superhots and the other 20% mixed hots.  You can use it on pretty much anything, as I'm sure you have gathered.  That breakfast taco looked killer!  Glad my wife is almost done with dinner!
And thanks to Annie57 for the tip on mites.  If I get hit, now I know what to use.   
Thanks Doc!
Gonna have to make something this weekend the put it on, things are just too crazy during the work week!
Yes, good tip from Annie on the mites, I want to but it, wife's like 62 bucks?
DesertChris said:
Wow, your desert garden is doing awesome!
It'll be a while till mine gets going like that!
Thanks Chris!
We're into week 11 now and things are coming together, just got in and pulled another hand full of Cayenne's and about a 5 gal bucket of maties. Some of the corn's close too.
Supers are close too! All the larger ones are budding and flowering

 Reapers on right, Red Caribbean's left. Small Red Bhut right, small Primo left (late planted)

Orange Hab's on left. Tiny Scorp on right (yellow arrow feathers)

This Reaper is loaded with flowers and buds, every node looks this way and this guy is over 2' wide. Don't want to count before they hatch,but I'm thinking poddage here :dance:
I hear ya on the arrows. With my luck and 2 left feet I would trip over something and impale my self on an arrow. 10 yrs ago I would have had enough arrows to do what you did but alas, they are all gone. I used bamboo for my fence posts and stakes. Kept a close eye on freecycle and jumped on a post someone made fro free bamboo. Picked up all that the van could carry. Love that site, hell I got a fully working power washer from there for free, just had to go pick it up.
Anyhow, looking awesome there man. For the powder. I got some off of muskymojo and plan on using it on some grilled chicken this weekend.
DesertChris said:
hahahaha, it looks like you were using your peppers for archery practice!!!!
Nice update! Plants look super nice :)
I'm hoping for some pepper results real soon! Yeah those arrows are for this year only, next year a taller stake that one can't fall on will be used. Hopefully each one was a bulls-eye pepper wise :D
WalkGood said:
Tremendous look to dem plant rows, very impressive detail and the plants look breathtaking, bet you can't wait for poddage!!! When dem girls plants bush out and jump up it will be a pepper jungle ^_^  
Edit: out again, hehehe for now hope dis will do
I just love that like add-on!
Thanks for the compliments! I could definitely comment on the girls bushing out but I'd better not :shh:
DocNrock said:
Plants look great.  Love the arrows!
I have my fingers crossed for some poddage showing up real soon!
koskorgul said:
I hear ya on the arrows. With my luck and 2 left feet I would trip over something and impale my self on an arrow. 10 yrs ago I would have had enough arrows to do what you did but alas, they are all gone. I used bamboo for my fence posts and stakes. Kept a close eye on freecycle and jumped on a post someone made fro free bamboo. Picked up all that the van could carry. Love that site, hell I got a fully working power washer from there for free, just had to go pick it up.
Anyhow, looking awesome there man. For the powder. I got some off of muskymojo and plan on using it on some grilled chicken this weekend.
Glad to see you got your goodies in the dirt this last weekend!
WalkGood said:
Tremendous look to dem plant rows, very impressive detail and the plants look breathtaking, bet you can't wait for poddage!!! When dem girls plants bush out and jump up it will be a pepper jungle ^_^  
Edit: out again, hehehe for now hope dis will do
romy6 said:
 Garden is looking might superb Scotty. We demand more pics time permitting  :fireball:
 Aye Captain!
The first round crapped cuz the other camera said uh..no..
These are with the slr with a large lense, real hard to shoot in close quarters.
So here's my fav, still growing like crazy.

And finally she's paying me back for all my love...
Mini Reapers, I counted 4 or 5 and she's loaded down with flowers. Wish I could get better pics.


Hopefully soon to be gnarly!
I haven't shown any container plants lately cuz they have looked rather crappy cuz of the mites that seem to like them
Red Caribbean coming back around..and flowering.

This Reaper was topped by the leetle basturds..she's really trying.

The JA's are getting there, one is looking bothered, gonna keep a watchful eye on her..

Back in the garden, the Primo still has a ways to go..

This lens won't shoot any tighter than this. Just some of the peppers.

Gonna be picking some corn this weekend

Been picking Maties like crazy, wife's canning as I typo...

I'll see if I can get some better pics Sat. morning before it gets hot. Hard to focus without glasses on, if on sweat runs in them, nasty hot and humid today.
Thanks for coming by:)
Looking good Scott.
Will be doing the same with the maters, just noticed a few flowers on the cherry tomato plant lastnight, so it wont be much longer. All of my Thai Fires that I have in buckets have the beginning of flowers on them now. Plus the 7 pot
Mas WG ramblings ... [SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]
  • I’m guessing it’s your reaper by the water bottle, she’s getting big mon!
  • Whoa mini reapers already, I love that look while they’re setting, congrats ^_^
  • BTW those two close ups are very nice, great limit on depth of field! I love the DOF (depth of field) out of focus! Also the other shots are very good, I like the quality of dis cam ^_^ or should I say photog using it, hehe
  • Sorry to hear of the mite issues on the container grow, have you tried mineral oil? I used a 2 to 3 oz per gallon of water mix. It might be too much for them to handle that in the sun so if you go that route best keep them in the shade. I also alternate with soapy water 3 oz per gallon of water (I rinse this after 15 minutes). I’m also in the trenches fighting aphids war ... but the next plague could be mites again, I sure hope not. The plus of this all is that the whitefly has been beaten back as an off shoot \o/
  • Did you top the reaper? I didn’t top mine off but the battle lasted longer IMO and yes they do come back \o/
  • JA’s looking good brethren, yea take care of the bothered one and she’ll take care of you with nice red pods ^_^
  • Primo in the garden has a leaf curled up or two, check her close … other than that she looks great!
  • Picking corn already, dam I’d be so stoked \o/
  • Whoa a boat table full of maties … dat’s awesome mon!!!!
Hope you have a super memorial day weekend … mas maties to ya, hahahah!!!!
You've really got some nicely dense shrubby pepper plants. Heavy producers they shall be !

Look at that tomato harvest! I can see setting up that photo...I'd probably be picking a tomato off the floor while another one would be rolling off the table....."mo-fo'er"

It will be interesting to see the shape of those Reapers, that plant shows the making of a heavy loader.

Dam fresh corn already ! The saying goes around here for the plants, "Knee High by 4th of July"...Heck we get the bi-color "Peaches and Cream" around here, that's not for a couple months yet. Lucky you.....lol

Hopefully that rain does your plants good. We just had a few days of it along with 40 deg temp and high winds. My plants look like they could use a day indoors. Lucky they were hardened off for 2 weeks prior to sticking them in the dirt.

Have a great weekend !

cool98010 said:
Nice Garden :D
Thanks! I appreciate the compliment!
GA Growhead said:
Reaper pods!
DesertChris said:
Wow, you are way ahead of me at this point!
I may have to get some better lights for next year's jumpstart!!
Hi Chris,
We have similar yet different climates. Mine doesn't stay cold at night nearly as long. I started the Chinense in early Feb, probably 45-60 days late knowing what I now know. This was my first try from seed for any pepper type. I was able to put them in full sun when they were very young and in most cases leave them outside all night.
I don't have a proper grow light setup, but will next year! I want them to be almost this size at plant out for next year....already planning :D
stc3248 said:
Haha...lookin great!!! I got a couple dozen extra arrows layin around. May have to use your bullseye technique! Great to see the poddage, gnarly coming right up!
Hi Shane, Thanks! I'm tickled, I didn't think I was going to get any to set until fall. I can't wait to see how they turn out. I can say this, I have 5 Reapers, they all look different, the shapes and leaf sizes. I've read a lot about them not being stable, this may be the case. I'm going to get some comparison pics up here this weekend. The arrows are perhaps better suited for containers, I'm going to have to find a way to make them safer so no one can get hurt with them.
koskorgul said:
Looking good Scott.
Will be doing the same with the maters, just noticed a few flowers on the cherry tomato plant lastnight, so it wont be much longer. All of my Thai Fires that I have in buckets have the beginning of flowers on them now. Plus the 7 pot
Thank you sir!
It goes quick plant out, and they grow fast!
WalkGood said:
Mas WG ramblings ... [SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]
  • I’m guessing it’s your reaper by the water bottle, she’s getting big mon!
  • Yes sir she's amazing me with her growth, but I've been treating dem all goood!
  • Whoa mini reapers already, I love that look while they’re setting, congrats ^_^
It's a bout time eh? I've been looking at all these pods for weeks....can you say pod envy? LOL
  • BTW those two close ups are very nice, great limit on depth of field! I love the DOF (depth of field) out of focus! Also the other shots are very good, I like the quality of dis cam ^_^ or should I say photog using it, hehe
Ramon, I had to do those on manual. The camera is great it's a Cannon EOS D60 SLR with a 28-300 lens when put on a digital camera it's 42-450, much better suited for weddings, landscapes, and portraits. To buy a macro is way expensive, I can buy a camera that has the capability for 1/2 the price. So to get shots like that I run the lens all the way out, manually focus, and set the F-stop. When out the far the F-stop is high and the depth of field diminishes. It's 10 years old now but still a clickin' Thanks for the comments:)
  • Sorry to hear of the mite issues on the container grow, have you tried mineral oil? I used a 2 to 3 oz per gallon of water mix. It might be too much for them to handle that in the sun so if you go that route best keep them in the shade. I also alternate with soapy water 3 oz per gallon of water (I rinse this after 15 minutes). I’m also in the trenches fighting aphids war ... but the next plague could be mites again, I sure hope not. The plus of this all is that the whitefly has been beaten back as an off shoot \o/
Sorry to hear a bout the Aphids, easier to kill right. At least you can see the critters! I tried the mineral oil for several weeks, they laughed at it, maybe Tejas mites are tougher :crazy:  Anyways it looks like the sulfur spray is getting them. The new growth looks OK and I'm a watchin'
  • Did you top the reaper? I didn’t top mine off but the battle lasted longer IMO and yes they do come back \o/
I haven't topped anything, just pinched older ugly leaves. The container Reaper was topped by the mites.
  • JA’s looking good brethren, yea take care of the bothered one and she’ll take care of you with nice red pods ^_^
I was worried today when it was pouring, but they look great, wet and now worried about dampening, but they're outside and should dry just fine.
  • Primo in the garden has a leaf curled up or two, check her close … other than that she looks great!
Ahhh.. hit that baby the other day with spray, am watching..
  • Picking corn already, dam I’d be so stoked \o/
I am for two reasons, I get to eat it and be done with it..LOL. I had an ear Wed. night, it was a little young but good. We're hoping to start on them this weekend.
  • Whoa a boat table full of maties … dat’s awesome mon!!!!
They're coming out of our ears..<--LOL unintended pun, but we try to grow for the whole year. We grow enough to put up or eat it before it spoils. No funky chemicals and dang fresh...gotta love it:)
Hope you have a super memorial day weekend … mas maties to ya, hahahah!!!!
You too! Thanks!

Thanks for the positive comments and have a great weekend!
Thanks for stopping by!
So now I find out my replies were too long...will do after a bump. Thanks!