• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
Yeah, Scott, as Rick said, and then make powder, can go mole, and for preservation? I love harissa! Here's link to recipe to start it and after that, can add, subtract, and if using oil, pressure can: Harissa. I used poblanos roasted, peeled, etc., Carib Reds just roasted, Choc Hab or 4, few Anaheim roasted, and this year going for some with pasilla bajio roasted, guajillo roasted, ripe jals, roasted. I subbed the caraway for dill seed last year but this year might go with some allspice, freshly ground. Also caramelized some onion. And, I think caramelizing sugar with 1/2 cup bourbon be real good too before heating it all up. Just thoughts.
Bodeen said:
Peppers are looking good!!!
They're coming in quite regular now which makes me happy of course, but the d-seeding process...I need to find a better way:)
annie57 said:
Yeah, Scott, as Rick said, and then make powder, can go mole, and for preservation? I love harissa! Here's link to recipe to start it and after that, can add, subtract, and if using oil, pressure can: Harissa. I used poblanos roasted, peeled, etc., Carib Reds just roasted, Choc Hab or 4, few Anaheim roasted, and this year going for some with pasilla bajio roasted, guajillo roasted, ripe jals, roasted. I subbed the caraway for dill seed last year but this year might go with some allspice, freshly ground. Also caramelized some onion. And, I think caramelizing sugar with 1/2 cup bourbon be real good too before heating it all up. Just thoughts.
Thanks Annie! Gonna look it up!
I love Hrissa too... if you're gonna cook Moroccan ya gotta have it. I made some last year with some of my gochu powder and some good extra virgin olive oil... that's my go-to when cooking North African.
Why bother taking the seed out of the Anchos when drying whole in the sun? The Mexicans don't, and the drying temperatures are low enough that the seeds inside the dried anchos should still be viable. Keep it simple...
I'd say pick 'em first Scott... if you leave them on a green plant, they'll still be getting water from the plant, and the object is to dry them, no? The exception would be if you uprooted the whole plant and hung it upside down to dry, or if you had a chile variety that was so thin-fleshed that it dried on the plant regardless. I'm finding the Criolla Sella is like that, and maybe the De Arbol chile too.  Here's an interesting web article you might enjoy...   http://www.mexconnect.com/articles/2034-warm-reading-for-cool-nights-a-guide-to-mexican-chiles-part-2-dried-chiles
A few pics...very few ;)
I've been trying to catch a pic like this and never could with the D60, not quite a close as I would like....
Bees intrigue me.


Today's pick.

We'll be making powder in the morning. Left to right: Cayenne, Red Caribbean, Funky Reaper, Jals. The dehydrator is loaded:)

Thanks for stopping by!
I have two, a ten year old Cannon D60. Takes great pics but really hard to get some of the shots like the bee shot. It's old technology and fights to focus on small objects. But is a great camera for portraits and weddings etc.
The new one is a Nikon L820, still learning with it. You want to have a look at Pr0digal_son's site. He has a Nikon L810 and knows how to make it sing!
DocNrock said:
Harvests are getting bigger!  Are those Peach Habs in the left upper corner?  Pods look great.  I agree with Jason.  Deseeding sucks, but (to me) it is worth it for the greater good.  That Reaper powder is going to be awesome!  And love the bee shot. 
Hey Doc!
Those are Oranges Habs on the top left, I guess the lighting makes them look lighter. Yeah, D-seeding does suck. LB and I spent a lot of time Friday and Saturday removing seeds, I finally settled on cutting the pod in half, standing it up on the stem end and removing 3/4 of the remainder, exposing the placenta. Then just scape them off. We made the Reaper powder and Hab powder earlier and that was enough for one day. I know better than to touch my face, but the powder still gets on ya. Second "pepper shower"in two days to wash the burn off..LOL
Grasshoppers still are a problem, this Moruga has been chewed.

Yet another damaged Reaper pod. I've only pulled 3 or 4 clean ones so far! Sorry for the blurry pic, too hot to go back out and take more..

Red Bhut has a second pod! Strange in this heat to set pods. It has a more open growth pattern than the Primo's, Reapers, and Moruga's.



This Primo is a beast for it's age, just shy of 3' tall. It's trying to set but keeps dropping it's flowers.

Top shot. It's got some grasshopper damage too.

The Habs are so loaded that the branches have started to droop, they did this while I was on vacation. Glad I had the arrows in place. I guess I should have tied them before they drooped...learning here..

Quite a trunk on this one!

The wife's Banana pepper continues to surprise me with constant pods.

Bump please:)
stickman said:
Bump incoming Scott... Have you tried the sauce on anything yet?
 Yes sir!
BabyBacks with Stickman's Habenero sauce (on just my half:)  I painted them heavily and cooked for the last 10 minutes. Was excellent! Being new to hot sauces I was a bit cautious, next time I'll use more:)


I've never grown a Thai before, but this podding up action is killing me. Is this normal?

Some pods the grasshoppers haven't found yet.


Can't wait to see what these gals do when it cools off, I'm 6'3 with a 36" inseam and these are up to my belt.

JA Hab, about 14"s tall now and flowering nicely. OW material

Container Red Bhut, very open growth pattern just like the one in the dirt.

Thanks for stopping by!
I'm liking the looks of that meal Scott, and I'll be there by the end of the week myself... I haven't cooked ribs yet this summer... :drooling:
That is actually normal for the Thai chiles... if they're happy they can be very prolific... at least the ones with smaller pods can. If you haven't checked out JoynersHotPeppers glog, do it... He's got more Thai varieties in one place than I've seen anywhere else.
Despite the grasshopper(?) chewed pods, everything looks great. I look forward to seeing pics of your adventures in drying chiles... cheers!
Liking the updates! It's just nice when a some varieties still pod up in the heat. No likey on the grasshoppers, they basically eat everything. You're still lucky they're not eating all your crop.

I have a bhut that's growing in 105º+ weather and under the sun. Such surprise, it might be the wally bags.

This place is sooo full of nice people. That's very kind to offer reaper seeds.

What part of Texas do you live in? I'm thinking of moving out to San Antonio maybe next year or after when my girl get a lil older and walk. Take care man and burn those damn grasshoppers!

, Walter
Vegas_Chili said:
Liking the updates! It's just nice when a some varieties still pod up in the heat. No likey on the grasshoppers, they basically eat everything. You're still lucky they're not eating all your crop.

I have a bhut that's growing in 105º+ weather and under the sun. Such surprise, it might be the wally bags.

This place is sooo full of nice people. That's very kind to offer reaper seeds.

What part of Texas do you live in? I'm thinking of moving out to San Antonio maybe next year or after when my girl get a lil older and walk. Take care man and burn those damn grasshoppers!

, Walter
Hello Walter!  Thanks! I appreciate the compliments.
The Bhut is the only plant setting in this heat!
I live 35 miles South West of SA. If you want more rain and can do so East of SA. is the place to be. The 35 corridor is kind of the cut off for rain.
Here's today's pull:

A freak July rain storm, only 2 times can I remember rain in July in the last 24 years here, what a blessing!

So I felt brave tonight, I tasted a True Reaper, fear the Reaper people!

This is one of 5 I picked, the only one today that was not bitten by grasshoppers. However I did get seeds :D
So I cut off a slice, 7/16" wide by 3/4" long and popped it in my mouth, it's a thicker walled pepper than the Funky Reaper. Before I go on, I'm not a super pepper eater, I've tasted the Funky Reaper, I don't have the tolerance that most of you have. Before that Cayenne was the hottest I have ever eaten, so I had a cold Rum and coke ready. The aroma was fruity but one can tell this pepper is a beast as well as it has an under lying sharpness to the aroma. Don't be fooled by the fruity aroma! I chewed it completely and swallowed, the initial taste was the fruity yet a somewhat sharp taste. I'll call it good. Until about a minute later, then the flames hit.
This sucker is hot! I lasted about 90 to 120 seconds, down went some rum drink, edit: after about 14 hiccups. Then I waited, the heat just kept coming. I found myself doing the deal where one holds their mouth that funny way and just tries to cool it down. I was determined to wait it out. The burn was a mouth burn, slight throat burn, and slowly went down to my stomach, but not a bad stomach burn.  My head sweated, my eyes watered a little and my sinuses ran a bit, I also got a funny feeling in my ears, don't know how to describe it...a buzzing?. My hats off to those that have the Huevos to eat these whole. That passed after a few minutes. The burn lasted 25 minutes...and I once again have the tongue feeling like I ate pizza that was way too hot...LOL
So compared to the "Funky Reaper"? Just more.
Cheers, I'm still alive!
Edit: ya know there was a buzz involved too...can't beat that!