• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
So here's the jungle....a few different angles..


 It's tight in here!

Came home to a lot of ripe pods..Jal.

Red Caribbean's, they're slowing down..

Orange Hab's

Dirt Moruga, not doing much...

Red Bhut, the growth surprised me after being away 5 days.

Primo at 42" now, still no pods
That Jungle's looking great, do you arrange multipleday trekkings? ;)
Shame about the primo and moruga plant. Good thing there's enough to keep you busy.
Man Devv, quite the forest you have growing down there! I feel your pain on the plants without pods. My moruga & trinidad scorpion have set all of 2 pods between them & both my yellow fataliis have produced about 3 pods despite being gigantic.
Hopefully our lazy plants will get their act together once things start cooling off in a month or so!
Boy, it's plain to see the difference the shade area makes for your plants... the ones under the netting  look twice as tall or more, and also more productive. More surface area on the leaves too since they don't get fried by the sun every day. Maybe I'm gonna have to get some shade netting to experiment with next summer. Probably not the peppers though, except the Alpine varieties that like it cooler.
I thought I was getting off easy. Went all the way through Shane's glog, no spidey picks. I hop over here, not even thinking of spidey pics and jumped out my seat. Coulda posted a little one. Ohhhh no. Had to go tarantula style. Legs half up and everything. Lucky you posted those beautiful grand kids so no tongue lashing today. Just a "UGHHHHHH!"
Oh yeah, beautiful pods and plants. Looks like you are going to be busy busy. Going to have plenty of powder for the winter. Good going my friend
Holy photo marathon, plants look great, plus they’re huge mon & it’s nice to come home to some picking and processing work \o/
I agree on the bed thing, I love sleeping in our tempurpedic VS anywhere else … well I didn’t complain at the Grand Wailea resort in Maui but I probably spent more time in da water surfing than in the bed, lol.
A little disappointing that there’s no pods on your Bhut, Primo, or JA Hab :/ I see the flowers on her, if it’s not too hot I normally hit mine with Epsom salt water spray over the leaves when the girls flower, I’ve read that helps make bigger pods from dem but couldn’t tell you if that’s true. I can say some do pump out some whoppers. I didn’t see any pods on your Moruga are they hidden and I missed them? Regardless you’ve got plenty of pods to keep a small army happy ^_^
Reaper pod picks look spot on and even better than their marketing promo shots, great job Scott!
Jungle looks great Tarzan Scott, keep up dat great grow mon! Awesome harvest \o/
Great update Scott !
Whatever you're doing for the plants : they're sure loving it...
Once again  you're putting the steady harvest on the table . Whichever plants aren't producing now will be bombarding you in the future.
My Primo is also getting tall, but it's only just starting to flower. Our weather has cooled down for the next week. I think that has made the difference.
Keep the Bungle going in the Jungle... 
wahlee76 said:
That Jungle's looking great, do you arrange multipleday trekkings? ;)
Shame about the primo and moruga plant. Good thing there's enough to keep you busy.
I planted the Chinense too late this year (3rd week of Feb.), my first try. The Habs and some of the Reapers have produced. I'm expecting a large fall crop as our season should last into mid November. Next year will be different. Thanks for stopping by!
TXCG said:
Man Devv, quite the forest you have growing down there! I feel your pain on the plants without pods. My moruga & trinidad scorpion have set all of 2 pods between them & both my yellow fataliis have produced about 3 pods despite being gigantic.
Hopefully our lazy plants will get their act together once things start cooling off in a month or so!
 Thanks! I'm banking on the fall as well this year. I'm considering some Hab thinning very soon, just waiting on them to finish coloring up.
When did you plant?
capsidadburn said:
Massive jungle hideaway you got there Scott! Impressive effort and reward.
 Thanks Mike!
I had no idea things would get to where I couldn't walk between the rows....lesson learned this first year! The Hab harvest alone has been crazy!
stickman said:
Boy, it's plain to see the difference the shade area makes for your plants... the ones under the netting  look twice as tall or more, and also more productive. More surface area on the leaves too since they don't get fried by the sun every day. Maybe I'm gonna have to get some shade netting to experiment with next summer. Probably not the peppers though, except the Alpine varieties that like it cooler.
The shade cloth makes it possible to grow during June-August. In years past not only would the plants as a whole suffer but the crops sun scalded before they ripened. I got the shade cloth at a really good price, they custom build too. I want more for next year. I'll dig up the URL...
Sanarda said:
I thought I was getting off easy. Went all the way through Shane's glog, no spidey picks. I hop over here, not even thinking of spidey pics and jumped out my seat. Coulda posted a little one. Ohhhh no. Had to go tarantula style. Legs half up and everything. Lucky you posted those beautiful grand kids so no tongue lashing today. Just a "UGHHHHHH!"
Oh yeah, beautiful pods and plants. Looks like you are going to be busy busy. Going to have plenty of powder for the winter. Good going my friend
LB first saw that tarantula walking out the front door, it was halfway up the side of the house and fell when she shut the front door. It then ran straight at her and went under the firewood rack we keep on the front porch. It was still there when I got home from work that afternoon. LB still looks up and around when she opens the door now.
Thanks for the compliments and stopping by!
WalkGood said:
Holy photo marathon, plants look great, plus they’re huge mon & it’s nice to come home to some picking and processing work \o/
I agree on the bed thing, I love sleeping in our tempurpedic VS anywhere else … well I didn’t complain at the Grand Wailea resort in Maui but I probably spent more time in da water surfing than in the bed, lol.
A little disappointing that there’s no pods on your Bhut, Primo, or JA Hab :/ I see the flowers on her, if it’s not too hot I normally hit mine with Epsom salt water spray over the leaves when the girls flower, I’ve read that helps make bigger pods from dem but couldn’t tell you if that’s true. I can say some do pump out some whoppers. I didn’t see any pods on your Moruga are they hidden and I missed them? Regardless you’ve got plenty of pods to keep a small army happy ^_^
Reaper pod picks look spot on and even better than their marketing promo shots, great job Scott!
Jungle looks great Tarzan Scott, keep up dat great grow mon! Awesome harvest \o/
Thanks Ramon!
The plants that haven't set fruit yet started to flower after we got above 95 for the highs, so they just keep dropping the flowers...
This week is scheduled for highs right at 100 all week long. After Sept. 15th I expect things to load up again, so I'm going to concentrate on getting the plants stronger. Vacations didn't help, as you know all you can hope for is live plants when you return.
I was lucky with my Reapers, many have had theirs grow non true pods. I've been saving every seed and will be handing them out :D
PIC 1 said:
Great update Scott !
Whatever you're doing for the plants : they're sure loving it...
Once again  you're putting the steady harvest on the table . Whichever plants aren't producing now will be bombarding you in the future.
My Primo is also getting tall, but it's only just starting to flower. Our weather has cooled down for the next week. I think that has made the difference.
Keep the Bungle going in the Jungle... 
Thanks Greg!
Looking forward to seeing your harvest, it's going to be massive. Was in Ohio Wed.-Mon. of last week, very hot the first two days and then a cool front with nice rain came through. My brother has some supers growing and I keep pointing him to all the great grows going on in his area. I think I got him a little more enthused after he tried some powder I brought, now he wants to make some and that requires peppers:)
Pr0digal_son said:
Looking stellar Scott. The Primo is the tallest superhot I have grown. Mine were 6' in the North Atlantic,you should get to that easily and even taller down there.
Thanks John!
This is my learning year, next years goal is to set out 12-18" tall plants instead of 4" plants. I'm happy with the returns so far and should get a great fall harvest, gonna use August to add growth and intend to thin out that jungle in a week or two.
Thanks for stopping by!
WalkGood said:
I hope you don't thin it too much, I love dat jungle look ...
 I was thinking about removing a few Bells and Orange Habs to allow me to be able to walk through the jungle. Snakes are not a good thing..
Wow, the plants are looking pretty amazing. You are definitely doing something right to have them growing that tall and looking that healthy.
Love the red jalapenos! 
You've got some amazing looking plants there, Scott.  I've got some Jethro Tull playing in my head now...
Sanarda said:
I thought I was getting off easy. Went all the way through Shane's glog, no spidey picks. I hop over here, not even thinking of spidey pics and jumped out my seat. Coulda posted a little one. Ohhhh no. Had to go tarantula style. Legs half up and everything. Lucky you posted those beautiful grand kids so no tongue lashing today. Just a "UGHHHHHH!"
Oh yeah, beautiful pods and plants. Looks like you are going to be busy busy. Going to have plenty of powder for the winter. Good going my friend
Pia, you'll want to stay away from page 23 in my glog, too.
BrooklynXpat said:
Love the primo tree you got growing Scott. I am very jealous of your jungle :)
I'm already planning for next year, and getting them in the ground earlier so they set before we get the 100's. Planning on more variety, especially after reading about all the strains here on THP. I never knew so many different varieties existed!
Stefan_W said:
Wow, the plants are looking pretty amazing. You are definitely doing something right to have them growing that tall and looking that healthy.
Love the red jalapenos! 
Thanks Stefan!
I'm calling it beginners luck! I just treated them like tomatoes and they like it! Yes, I love letting the Jals ripen to red, kinda Christmas tree looking with all the red.
Sawyer said:
You've got some amazing looking plants there, Scott.  I've got some Jethro Tull playing in my head now...
Pia, you'll want to stay away from page 23 in my glog, too.
Thanks John!
I still have Tull on vinyl, showing my age :D
First time I've seen this:
A pepper in a pepper, actually 4 or 5 were like this in the last pull.

Our mean old cow dropped this beauty while we were on vacation. It took a few days before she brought her up near the house.
Yeah certain varieties in my experience do that (have mini pods inside) more then others Devv ... funnily enough my Douglah's seem to quite often do that as well as my Bahamian Goat ... one of my douglahs last season actually had a weird twin half growing inside another and the other half made some of the outside of the pod... 

The Green is the outside of the inside pod if that makes sense??  Millworkman was the one to suggest that it was actually two pods when I couldn't work out why that part was staying so green ... sorry for the hijack

Amazing plants devv ... great work my friend