• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
Man Devv, that is one gorgeous rifle. Some day when it cools off perhaps a Texas THP range trip is in order...assuming I can ever find any ammo lol. I got 7.62x54r out the wazoo but hell if I can find any .22, 9mm or .40s&w that I won't have to trade a kidney for. 
Also glad to see you're getting some pods set despite the heat. I think we had the hottest day of the year yet, 104 in Austin. The plastic suction cup holder I had mounted on my window actually melted and it's been in the sun every day all year with no problems thus far.  :shocked:
TXCG said:
Man Devv, that is one gorgeous rifle. Some day when it cools off perhaps a Texas THP range trip is in order...assuming I can ever find any ammo lol. I got 7.62x54r out the wazoo but hell if I can find any .22, 9mm or .40s&w that I won't have to trade a kidney for. 
Also glad to see you're getting some pods set despite the heat. I think we had the hottest day of the year yet, 104 in Austin. The plastic suction cup holder I had mounted on my window actually melted and it's been in the sun every day all year with no problems thus far.  :shocked:
The range is here at the house, have both pistol and rifle set up! Haven't shot in a while, and need too. I think some deals are available online if you buy in some volume, I'll ask a buddy who's a hoarder...LOL
Yeah I was really surprised to see a few new pods this week, been hot here as well 102-103. Anybody in this region is ready for mid Sept.! And some REAL rain!
Thanks for stopping by.
Now that's a real blessing, to be able to have a range on your own place.  My neighbors would freak out if I started shooting, though technically I wouldn't be breaking the law.  It's about a 30 mile drive either way to the two places I can shoot comfortably.  (Well there are indoor ranges closer, but they charge money.)  What's the effective range on that .20?  I hadn't heard of them before, but I read now there's a few different .20s people are using.
Sawyer said:
Now that's a real blessing, to be able to have a range on your own place.  My neighbors would freak out if I started shooting, though technically I wouldn't be breaking the law.  It's about a 30 mile drive either way to the two places I can shoot comfortably.  (Well there are indoor ranges closer, but they charge money.)  What's the effective range on that .20?  I hadn't heard of them before, but I read now there's a few different .20s people are using.
 The 20 cal is good to 300 plus, most use it for ground hogs. I just like to shoot it. I have another one in a Cooper Arms bolt action, single shot, had a Ziess Conquest 6-20 on it, set the trigger pull to 1.5 lbs pull. No lie with the load I came up with I can hit 5 in a dime group, reliably.
Nice.  I keep thinking I'll get into reloading one of these days, but it hasn't happened yet.  I haven't done much shooting lately, but I need to check the sighting on my .308 before deer season, shoot some clays w/ the 12 ga. before duck season, and shoot at least a cylinder of some 255 gr hard cast bullets through the .44 magnum before I head to bear country in Wyoming next month for a week or so of backpacking. 
It's a great hobby, I just have too any of them..LOL
I get really anal with preparation and it pays off, besides it cuts the cost of shooting by 2/3's.
Yes please work that .44 before you go into bear country!
I think with reloading, you have to be anal, don't you?  Wouldn't want something over-pressured.
It's been awhile, but I've shot quite a bit of 240 gr. SP through the .44.  At only 28.3 oz., it packs a pretty good punch on my end, but soft-points (or hollow points, for that matter) aren't recommended for grizzly protection.  That's where the hard cast comes in, supposedly they will punch through a bear's skull if the (entirely unlikely, and hopefully completely avoidable) need arises.  The 255 gr HC seemed like a good choice.  I wanted 270 gr. but couldn't find it in HC; looked at some 305 gr HC, but with the lightweight revolver, crimp-jumping can be a problem.  I wouldn't consider the heavier loads in a titanium cylinder.
Sawyer said:
I think with reloading, you have to be anal, don't you?  Wouldn't want something over-pressured.
It's been awhile, but I've shot quite a bit of 240 gr. SP through the .44.  At only 28.3 oz., it packs a pretty good punch on my end, but soft-points (or hollow points, for that matter) aren't recommended for grizzly protection.  That's where the hard cast comes in, supposedly they will punch through a bear's skull if the (entirely unlikely, and hopefully completely avoidable) need arises.  The 255 gr HC seemed like a good choice.  I wanted 270 gr. but couldn't find it in HC; looked at some 305 gr HC, but with the lightweight revolver, crimp-jumping can be a problem.  I wouldn't consider the heavier loads in a titanium cylinder.
Yes! You have to be anal! Back in the early 80's I had a rifle explode with reloads I bought from a highly recommended source, he had worked as a gunsmith @ some big Houston gun shop. It took me many years and a lot of guts to start doing it on my own. I have to dig up the photo and copy it to digital...lucky I'm still here. With that said, I never use max loads and stop when the chrony says I hit the max speed....usually way before the max charge. I load for accuracy anyways not speed...but speed doesn't hurt:)
If you ever start doing this I'm confident that you'll do fine, I can tell you have the mindset!
Sawyer said:
I'd like to see that photo.
I try to remember to post it in the morning....scarey pic, and I never forget the boom clang and being knocked 4' back in the blind. The worst of it I was shooting at a huge buck!
Hi Scott,
   Glad to see you're keeping your hand in with the pods in the 100+ degree  heat. Awesome woodworking skills! How hard is Mesquite to work with? I always thought it was a scrubby kind of brushwood, but you cut some boards that looked over a foot wide. Lovin' the look of the gunstock too! My Dad was a gun nut (in a good way) who did his own reloads, and we used to spend a lot of time at the range and hunting the Rabbits and 'Chucks that were in the gardens in our neighborhood. The neighbors never complained about the noise and asked us to patrol their plots too as time permitted. I'd still have the portion of his gun collection I inherited, but I couldn't afford the gun permit the state requires, so I sold the guns and the "Rockchucker" press and dies and put it all into fly fishing and tying gear. I still like to shoot though, and keep current on my skills with an air rifle. That I don't need a permit for.
stickman said:
Hi Scott,
   Glad to see you're keeping your hand in with the pods in the 100+ degree  heat. Awesome woodworking skills! How hard is Mesquite to work with? I always thought it was a scrubby kind of brushwood, but you cut some boards that looked over a foot wide. Lovin' the look of the gunstock too! My Dad was a gun nut (in a good way) who did his own reloads, and we used to spend a lot of time at the range and hunting the Rabbits and 'Chucks that were in the gardens in our neighborhood. The neighbors never complained about the noise and asked us to patrol their plots too as time permitted. I'd still have the portion of his gun collection I inherited, but I couldn't afford the gun permit the state requires, so I sold the guns and the "Rockchucker" press and dies and put it all into fly fishing and tying gear. I still like to shoot though, and keep current on my skills with an air rifle. That I don't need a permit for.
Hi Rick!
Yeah the pods are still setting, a few here and there, it hurts to see all of the flower drop...they sure are trying!
Thanks for the kudos on the woodworking, I figured the garden has been slow so what the heck? Mesquite can get to 20+ inches in diameter, it's easy to work with but dulls the blades easily because of the high mineral content. It's my favorite wood to work with, a board foot is 12x12x1" and goes for $13.00 plus, all of mine was free harvested from logs...but I'm getting too old to go out and get them anymore...way heavy wood! The Mesquite pieces I showed have not been stained, just a few coats of hand rubbed poly. IMHO it's stands up to Mahogany's beauty. It's pink when cut and oxidation turns it a more orange color. I did a test one day and set out a piece in the sun for one hour and put a beer can on it. In just an hour you could see the difference. I did our whole bedroom in it, two 5 drawer dressers, night stands and a desk that seats two with computer shelves, along with the entertainment center. I'm also doing the "back room" as we call it, maybe it's a dining room? In Mesquite, window sills, a pantry that transitions into a desk, and entertainment center with a yet to be made bookcase on top, I'm hoping to have enough to make a table and chairs as well.
It's shame you had to part with the guns, but I also understand, however they can be a great hobby...and I have too many already! I have an old Diana air rifle, single break-over pump that's good for 1,000fps, put an old scope on it...fun toy!
Thanks for stopping by!
Well I figured a pepper update was over due, it's been 100+ for two weeks with no  end in sight, however the plants are happy and trying to set pods!
Here's a few Reapers I picked, I think this was the last ones until some more set:


Reb Bhut, gona pick it in the morning and give it a taste...I'm scarred....(I can spell scared:)

Overall shot of the jungle:

Got a few good guys working for me...
Don't see near as many of these than I would like too!

These guys are always working overtime...I give them some latitude...

Another helper...

JA's are setting and flowering, despite the 100+ heat! Sorry for the depth of field issues:)


JA flower...

Thanks for stopping by!
Holy frequing beautiful pods Tarzan of da jungle, you da mon!
Scott your plants get taller ever time I see them and dem just keep on growing, looking great and I see you have the beneficials protecting them too. The reapers look gnarly but beautiful, so does your red Bhut … great looking shape and color on all da pods.
I hear ya about not seeing many ladybugs, for a long time it was far and few between for me too. But now there’s one on almost every plant and if not there’s eggs waiting to hatch. I’d still like more but if this up coming batch of eggs plus others I’ve seen around all hatch I’ll have an army of larva, lol.
I think the JA Hab’s will do you right in the heat, mine have set in those high temps but they do need some filtered light or shade. I can’t wait to see you posting some big bad red pods from dem mon :)
Dat pic of your JA flower is great \o/ … keep up da awesome gardening brethren and have a great week ^_^
Damn impressive wood work buddy. That rifle stock is gorgeous. Drool. Oh yeah, you have a garden too! Hahahaha what a garden it is. Just beasting. Nice work. I'll have to try and keep up with your (and everyone else's) glog.