• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
Great Live Oak shots mon! I'll have to post some of ours one of these days ...
Scott wishing you & yours a most awesome T-Bird day today, kick back relax and enjoy a cold one ^_^
Cartz said:
Really glad I took the time to catch up on your glog Scott, you've still got so much great stuff going on! And I love your commitment - not content with pulling and processing hundreds of Autumn pods, you get right into starting an early (and massive) 2014 grow. Best of luck to your fave OW's too. I'm sure they'll come out the other side bigger and better.
Question - do you have a specific use for the orange habs you've got growing? It seems to my simple mind that you've got other superior habs growing, so I was curious as to whether they filled a particular niche. Are they an essential part of a fave recipe or something, or do you just simply have a soft spot for them?    
Hi Nathan!
Sorry for the late reply, I was out of town surrounded by my 4 grandkids. It was fun, but we've had an empty nest for over ten years now and the commotion is enlightening to say the least ;)
Well the orange habs....Last January was the first time I ate anything hotter than a Cayenne. I was with the wife grocery shopping, something I rarely do, and we were in the produce section. They had orange Hab's so I bought some and made some hot sauce. Was way better than any made with Jal's or Serrano's.So I bought some seeds, next I found the Red Caribbean, then I started Googling hot peppers and found Primo, Reaper, and Ghost pepper seeds. So that was basically this years grow, and it was started way too late. The Hab's seeds I now have were mostly sent to me by THP members, I harvested the seeds from pods. I also bought a couple of varieties online prior to receiving any pods this season.
As for next year the orange will only survive as an OW...maybe.
Next years grow will have to be trimmed down some, I plant more seeds than I plan on using so I know I'll have enough. The germ rates have been OK not spectacular. I have a coworker who wants to buy extra plants and I'll be giving my son a few too. I don't think they have the patience to start them from seed :shh:
Thanks for the compliments!
WalkGood said:
Great Live Oak shots mon! I'll have to post some of ours one of these days ...
Scott wishing you & yours a most awesome T-Bird day today, kick back relax and enjoy a cold one ^_^
Thanks Ramon!
I hope your Turkey day was a good one!
We were at our son's house, went Wed. afternoon and stayed the night. They were having 20 people for dinner, LB and I pitched in, from 7AM to 3:45 was a busy time! Shortly after dinner we scooted, then we relaxed and had a few after we got home :drunk:
So it's warming for this coming week, I'm hearing rumors of a wicked cold front coming down next Sunday. The OW's and the potted JA's are on the driveway after a week in the shop. They did well. I pulled the Moruga and Primo from the garden, they got hammered by the frost yesterday morning. That left the three Reapers that have very few pods, I'm a firm believer that the soil needs to rest AND I want to pump it up a notch, so they were pulled as well. I added the heavy soil and tilled it in. Tomorrow's chore is to add the mulch and till it in as well, then plant the clover. So we're definitely slowing down here.
It's Friday, can't beat that!
Today I Tilled in 2.5 yds of mulch where the "jungle" used to be, and spread some clover seed. Also cut up a lightning hit Oak, it's true what they say. When a tree has been hammered by lightning the wood is rock hard, it had no bark on the lower 6'. It's down in the "bottom" and blew pieces 100 feet to the neighbors porch when it was hit a year ago May. I waited to cut it until it died, knew it would, it was split 15' up all the way to the ground. Deer are hitting the feeders, and LB saw a doe this morning. Time to buy a license!
I also planted the second run today:
Sweet Hungarian Paprika-Rick-Habenerohead
Espelette Basque-Mike-Patrick
Onza Roja-Mike
Red Jals-Romy-super hot for a Jal
Kurtovska Kapija-Rick-Misterno
Tam Jals
Thai Red
Costeno Amarillo-Mike
Inca Red Drop-Annie
Yellow Limon-Annie
Planted 2 seeds of each, also planted some toms, and some spices.
Thanks for stopping by!
Devv said:
Today I Tilled in 2.5 yds of mulch where the "jungle" used to be, and spread some clover seed. Also cut up a lightning hit Oak, it's true what they say. When a tree has been hammered by lightning the wood is rock hard, it had no bark on the lower 6'. It's down in the "bottom" and blew pieces 100 feet to the neighbors porch when it was hit a year ago May. I waited to cut it until it died, knew it would, it was split 15' up all the way to the ground. Deer are hitting the feeders, and LB saw a doe this morning. Time to buy a license!
I also planted the second run today:
Sweet Hungarian Paprika-Rick-Habenerohead
Espelette Basque-Mike-Patrick
Onza Roja-Mike
Red Jals-Romy-super hot for a Jal
Kurtovska Kapija-Rick-Misterno
Tam Jals
Thai Red
Costeno Amarillo-Mike
Inca Red Drop-Annie
Yellow Limon-Annie
Planted 2 seeds of each, also planted some toms, and some spices.
Thanks for stopping by!
And so it begins continues :D
Wonderful list Scott, I'm sure it will grow and love to see you are growing Rick/Habenerohead's Sweet Hungarian Paprika ... if dat's the paprika Rick sent it's truely special ^_^
Hab a great evening mon!
HabaneroHead said:
Hi Scott,

Oak is very hard, even if it is not hit by the lightening.:-)
Impressive grow list, I'm glad to see that the Hungarian Paprika was also included, you will be satisfied with it, I am sure.

Here's the tree, kinda blown up!


This was May 2012, two main branches were blown off. Trunk is baked dark color.
WalkGood said:
And so it begins continues :D
Wonderful list Scott, I'm sure it will grow and love to see you are growing Rick/Habenerohead's Sweet Hungarian Paprika ... if dat's the paprika Rick sent it's truely special ^_^
Hab a great evening mon!
Thanks Ramon, these should nicely compliment the hots, also planted the maties..
annie57 said:
Nice list to begin, Scotty! (I know list is not nearly complete but a nice "mild," for most part, group :party: ; am growing more of those this year as well, to blend with the supers.) Ditto on Hungarian Sweet!
Hi Annie,
The hots are listed here..so far "OK" germ rates.
Enjoy today!, work tomorrow... :shh:
One season just blends seamlessly into the next, doesn't it, Scott?  Especially, I guess, down your way.  We're finally getting a few relatively warm, relatively dry days here, so I'm going to try to get some winter rye planted tomorrow.
That's one of the more serious lightning strikes I've seen.  I'd love to see a slow-motion video of that happening.
Devv said:
Finished product, got some woozy's en-route. Gonna stick it in the fridge to marinate until then..
Maybe you already mentioned this and I just missed it, but where did you wind up getting your woozies?  I need to order some, but haven't done enough research yet to pick the best deal.
annie57 said:
Geez, Scotty . . . now I won't feel so bad about posting my "scaled back" :rofl: list!
I think for every pepper I've eliminated from my 2013 list, I've added two new ones for 2104.
WalkGood said:
Scott half of her looks perfect for a little clone experiment ;) :D
LOL, ever hear of acorns? :drooling:
That was a really nice tree, 26" diameter trunk, hated to cut it down.
annie57 said:
Geez, Scotty . . . now I won't feel so bad about posting my "scaled back" :rofl: list!
Annie, This year will be a discovery year, I want to sort through and decide which are going to be my main crop in future years...so I'm growing pretty much all I can get my hands on :D
Yeah I know:)
Pinoy83 said:
nice list you :P  have and those treeesss got messsseeed uppp
Poor tree!
Sawyer said:
One season just blends seamlessly into the next, doesn't it, Scott?  Especially, I guess, down your way.  We're finally getting a few relatively warm, relatively dry days here, so I'm going to try to get some winter rye planted tomorrow.
That's one of the more serious lightning strikes I've seen.  I'd love to see a slow-motion video of that happening.
Maybe you already mentioned this and I just missed it, but where did you wind up getting your woozies?  I need to order some, but haven't done enough research yet to pick the best deal.
I think for every pepper I've eliminated from my 2013 list, I've added two new ones for 2104.
Hi John,
Yeah down here we have three seasons, so something can be grown all year. My main goal is to have the supers picked and done by June-July, like the rest of the garden. I need a break!
I planted rye and mowed it twice when it got 9"s tall, after the second mowing I tilled it and planted clover.
At first I thought the tornado that tore up Devine broke a 1/3 of the tree, a week later another 1/3 had fallen aimed 180° from the first. When I went to clean it up the neighbor said he was at his desk and saw the strike, he said pieces went everywhere. That's the third tree that I know of that's been hit on our place, the other two had no damage. Video would be cool!
I ordered from Fillmore Container in Pa. Mine are due in Tuesday. I'll let you know what I think about the product.
Yeah, gotta try the new, or unknown varieties. Never know if your favorite is out there...
Well today was the last real pick of the season, no more plants in the garden, just the potted ones I have been down sizing. I still have three JA Habs that are full size, they are in 5gal pots or smaller and can be moved around, so they're my experiment for keeping something going all winter. I pulled the supers the other day and laid them down, today we pulled all the pods.
We pulled any that showed color.


The ripe ones were frozen, only reason we had any space was we ate a turkey and a ham..LOL
The JA Habs did very well for a late season start. The plants were sown in mid to late April.

Just awesome producers!
Have a great week!
Hi Scott, Glad to see you planted the sweet paprika and Kapia peppers... I think you'll really enjoy them! For future reference, I started the kapia peppers along with my Chinense varieties because it's such a long-season pepper... about 120 days from sowing... It's what makes them so sweet and meaty.
I see you've been busy improving your growing plot... tilling in the green manure and amending the soil, there's definitely no flies on you... ;)  And with all that work, I'm sure next season will be a smash success for you. Cheers!
Acorns … now what fun would that be, hehe cloning one of them huge branches would be a feat but I did wink :D
Awesome harvest, lovely colors and lots of pods to keep you busy processing. Wow your 3 JA ladies are producing more than my 6 big ones right now I’m waiting for mine to fill up, probably be another month or so … great job on yours and their size is fantastic!
Hab a great week back at you ^_^
Devv said:
I started some seeds for next year:
Jigsaw-Dale 4/7
Manzano-Rick via Shane 0/8
TSMB-Annie 1/2
Peach Bhut-Annie 1/2
Giant Yellow 7-Annie 1/2
White Bhut-Ramon 4/5
MOA-Ramon 5/9 was 6/9 poor gal
Bishops Crown-store 0/2
Devils tongue-store 1/2
White Hab-store 3/3 lost one
BOC-Mike 2/3 lost one
Sepia Serpent-Mike via Jason 2/3 lost one
Goat pepper-Mike 0/2
Giant Yellow Brains-Annie 2/3
TS Moruga X Bhut-Spicegeist 1/2
Trin perfume-Annie 1/2
Fatalli-store 1/2
Yellow Fatalli-Annie 4/6 lost one
Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist 2/2
Yellow Cardi-Jamie 2/2
[Douglah x Butch T] x Superhot-Spicegeist 0/2
Bhut x Y7 F2-SPiceGeist 2/2
Choc Scorp-Ramon 2/2 lost one
Trin Choc Bonnet-Mike via Jason 2/2
Red Recotto-store 1/7 lost-helmet, ones hooking
Trin Scorp-Ramon 0/1
Barrackpore-Jamie 2/2
Jay's Peach Ghost Scorp-Mike via Jason 0/2
Bonda-Annie 2/2
Douglah-Rick 1/2
Aji Crystal-store 1/2
Jays Red gost scorp-Mike via Jason 2/2
Cumari do para-Mike 1/2
choco bhut-douglah-Spicegeist 2/2
Scotch Bonnet-store 1/2
Brainstrain-Jamie 1/2
Red Bhut-Ramon 2/2
Mystery Red-Jamie 1/2
Black Congo-store 0/2
JA Hab-Ramon 1/3
Yellow 7-Matt 1/2
BubbleGum 7- Mike via Jason 1/2
Edited list 11-25
Annuum's to be planted next week.
Nice list! :onfire:
I hope the [Douglah x Butch T] x Superhot germinate...
stickman said:
Hi Scott, Glad to see you planted the sweet paprika and Kapia peppers... I think you'll really enjoy them! For future reference, I started the kapia peppers along with my Chinense varieties because it's such a long-season pepper... about 120 days from sowing... It's what makes them so sweet and meaty.
I see you've been busy improving your growing plot... tilling in the green manure and amending the soil, there's definitely no flies on you... ;)  And with all that work, I'm sure next season will be a smash success for you. Cheers!
Hi Rick!
I should be good on the Kapia's, actually I'm starting pretty early and will probably be doing some pruning waiting for things to warm up.
I'm hoping all my hard work pays off next season, one thing I know is the soil will now hold moisture. Never saw a puddle in the garden until recently, this should really pay off when it gets warmer hot.
WalkGood said:
Acorns … now what fun would that be, hehe cloning one of them huge branches would be a feat but I did wink :D
Awesome harvest, lovely colors and lots of pods to keep you busy processing. Wow your 3 JA ladies are producing more than my 6 big ones right now I’m waiting for mine to fill up, probably be another month or so … great job on yours and their size is fantastic!
Hab a great week back at you ^_^
Thanks Ramon!
I'm super impressed with the JA's I want to see what one does in the dirt next season.
I know you were kidding with the cloning, especially since the tree died ;)
Oh yeah, been busy, the 5 days just blew by, works for resting ..LOL Hoping to get caught up around here during the Christmas holidays once and for all (fat chance).
Spicegeist said:
Nice list! :onfire:
I hope the [Douglah x Butch T] x Superhot germinate...
Thanks Charles,
I started early so I could make sure I had time to replant any seeds that didn't germ. So it's about time to plant some more :shh:
Devv said:
... I'm super impressed with the JA's I want to see what one does in the dirt next season. ... ...
They'll get big in good dirt, like a small tree. My in ground didn't in crappy soil here at the house but a good friend of mine that grows my seed in ground with good soil trimmed his back when it reached 8' tall. He lives 10 miles north of me and has much better soil, AFAIK he didn't even amend it. Great luck with them, I love their taste ^_^
WalkGood said:
They'll get big in good dirt, like a small tree. My in ground didn't in crappy soil here at the house but a good friend of mine that grows my seed in ground with good soil trimmed his back when it reached 8' tall. He lives 10 miles north of me and has much better soil, AFAIK he didn't even amend it. Great luck with them, I love their taste ^_^
Wow! 8', now that's a goal :party: