• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

DF 2021 Glog

Hope you avoided the worst weather, Neil!
Your new plants look pretty nice, especially
the big Candy Cane! How they doin’?
Their doing slow, recovering from transplanting.
Weather is going to drop again next week 20/8c :(
36c right  now, unbelievable.
Lost two grape vines, only one came back, guessing the yoyo weather and the plants confused thinking Feb was spring (warm and some buds came out) then cold again.
Other people have also said that they lost some well established plants.
Not seeing a good year, hope im wrong.
Our weather has been wonky, as well,
but not as bad as yours! Egads, Neil.
We had a couple of hard winters in the
last decade or so that wiped out a few
established azaleas and rhododendrons.
One winter we had about two weeks straight
with temps around 25F. The ground was as
hard as concrete.
Better days ahead, friend!
Hope so, we actually had record high temps, I think they said 1988 it was 34c. Saturday the temps drop.
Making sure plants dont burn, grass is growing fast, have to mow every 4 days lol. Also Sunday night supposed to be 5c.
Will start taking pics soon. Still Have one plant from last year, the Sweet Heat pepper I think it is.
Same for us, Neil. Dropping from the 90’s to
the high 60’s by Friday/Saturday according
to the forecast. The plants will probably like a
break from the 92 degree days! I know I will!
dragonsfire said:
I suspect the weather pocket is from the Suns Eruption that near missed us last week, takes three days to reach us, we got grazed so it matches when the temps changed, big influence on the weather the Sun eruptions.
Wow, never thought about that! The things you can learn on THP. Thanks DF!
The Carrot looks good. You will get at least one pod!
And I don’t see any a****s!
Hey, DF, looks like good things
happening in the far north!
Keep on keepin' on, my friend...