heat Diablo Negro??? Hottest Pepper???

I would suspect the ratio of the genes is different, because they're not the same pepper.
Perhaps a long time ago they were, but not anymore.

Here's the Bhut Jolokia test results:
Among the 19 samples of C. annuum, C. frutescens, C. chinense, and 'Bhut Jolokia', the scientists obtained 136 reproducible and reliable polymorphic RAPD markers to work with. To sum up the rather complex test results, the researchers found eight RAPD markers specific to C. chinense, as well as three markers specific to C. frutescens. No annuum-specific patterns were detected in this Indian chile, but one that was specific to 'Bhut Jolokia'. The genetic similarities among and within the species were calculated by applying some sophisticated algorithms that would be beyond the scope of this article. At the bottom line, the experts obtained a so-called "similarity index value". A totally pure species would mean a value of 1.00, which is rather rare, as most cultivars (= cultivated varieties) contain genes from more than one species through breeding.

The C. annuum samples included in this analysis for reference delivered a similarity index value of 0.86. Similarly, the C. chinense as well as C. frutescens reference samples showed similarity index values of 0.82 and 0.85, respectively. The C. frutescens and C. chinense clusters merged at the similarity index value of 0.45. The the average genetic similarity between C. chinense and 'Bhut Jolokia' was 0.79, which means this chile clearly belongs to the C.chinense species, but has some C. frutescens genes as well.

According to Dr. Bosland, such a genetic species mix is not uncommon, and it is called "interspecific hybridization". As an example, he mentioned the Greenleaf Tabasco cultivar -- it was developed by interspecific hybridization between C. frutescens and C. chinense, followed by repeated backcrossing to C. frutescens. DNA analysis revealed that 'Greenleaf Tabasco' indeed contains some C. chinense genes.

Considering that various C. frutescens peppers are cultivated in northeastern India as well (Indian PC-1 for example), the presence of some frutescens genes in this chinense cultivar should be no surprise. In Assam, plants of C. chinense and C. frutescens could have been grown near each other, allowing for hybridization between them, Paul Bosland remarked. Quite possibly, local farmers knowingly selected for a higher heat chile pepper, eventually leading to the ultra-hot 'Bhut Jolokia'.
I've never seen results where all the different varieties had frutescens. This would almost prove that they are all from the same strain, which is still being debated.

Have any of the varieties other than the Bhut Jolokia been DNA'ed? If they have, where were the results published? I would *love* to read the articles!

The Red Savina test was likely flawed since they could never duplicate the results.

The Red Savinas that were presented for testing were grown by the owner of the patent, correct? Do we know the particulars of the testing or the growing, like did he present dried pods or what? I've always felt there was some sort of pre-testing skulduggery involved.

Which would be why I get on my soapbox about growing the Unholy Five together under controlled conditions to find out which one is really the hottest. And why I give accolades to Bosland et al
for investing the time and effort in correctly testing the Bhut Jolokia.
Pam said:
...growing the Unholy Five together under controlled conditions...

Pam....would you tell me what the unholy five are please ma'am?
Bhut Jolokia, Naga Morich, Trinidad Scorpion, Dorset Naga, and 7 Pot/Pod

And that's generously assuming the Dorset Naga is a separate variety.
Pam said:
Bhut Jolokia, Naga Morich, Trinidad Scorpion, Dorset Naga, and 7 Pot/Pod

And that's generously assuming the Dorset Naga is a separate variety.
What?! no Diablo Negro?! :shocked:

Omri said:
What?! no Diablo Negro?! :shocked:


Oh, oops, I forgot. Ahem.

Note to self: Please to be keeping unverified possibly incorrectly labeled faux hottest peppers in the world on list.
Pam said:
Oh, oops, I forgot. Ahem.

Note to self: Please to be keeping unverified possibly incorrectly labeled faux hottest peppers in the world on list.
As long as you don't repeat that mistake, it's all good. ;) :lol:
Pam said:
Bhut Jolokia, Naga Morich, Trinidad Scorpion, Dorset Naga, and 7 Pot/Pod

And that's generously assuming the Dorset Naga is a separate variety.

Cool...I have all of those and will be growing them side by side this coming spring plus I will add the Bih Jolokia also....ov course, all techniques will be documented
To make it more complicated, there are different 7-pod and T. Scorpion versions going around. I've got 7-pod now from 3 sources to compare and 2 types of Scorpion as well as nagas from a Bangladesh market.
To make it more complicated, there are different 7-pod and T. Scorpion versions going around. I've got 7-pod now from 3 sources to compare and 2 types of Scorpion as well as nagas from a Bangladesh market.
I know what you mean.
I have Naga Morich from different (reliable) sources, and even the green stage of the plants is not the same.
I found it difficult to differentiate between Trinidad scorpion, Naga Morich and Dorset Naga last season. Some of the scorpions had tails/stingers but so did some Nagas. It becomes easier to tell them apart when they begin to change color and ripen slightly different.
I found it difficult to differentiate between Trinidad scorpion, Naga Morich and Dorset Naga last season. Some of the scorpions had tails/stingers but so did some Nagas. It becomes easier to tell them apart when they begin to change color and ripen slightly different.
Nagas with tails? sounds more like a cross with a Scorpion.
It wasn't a cross. Even pods on a single plant can look very different. Tails are apparently not that uncommon on Nagas from other reports I've heard.