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Discovery channel style porn

News from the garden. Been pretty busy recently, trying to turn a jungle into sth I can actually grow stuff in next season. Here are some pics of pods 'n' creatures....


Aji White Wax


A visitor (or maybe a resident)


close up - note the hairy, almost spiked legs!


Champion - first ripe pod. It tasted excellent, maybe the most tasty pepper I had this year (so far)
Are champion growing that next year and a cross..
Champion x Aji Omnicolor (baccatum x baccatum)..really nice pictures..why the spider picture..

There was a miniature spider right next to it, weaving its web. Maybe 100th of the size of this spider. Maybe I should've posted a pic of that one!
Always nice to have spiderman watching the plants for you :)
I had this one a couple of years ago. Never seen anything like it. The size it appears on the screen is actually very close to real size.
^^^^ I would have shit a brick and pulled out a .45 and gotten rid of that sucker. I hate spiders but tolerate them most of the time. Little ones that scurry away are no problem but big ones like that are just nasty.
uUu said:
Always nice to have spiderman watching the plants for you :)
I had this one a couple of years ago. Never seen anything like it. The size it appears on the screen is actually very close to real size.

O thx uUu Nightmares now :rolleyes::(
Chiliac said:
Awwww... c'mon! Any spider lovers here????

I used to own 6!! 1 was about the size of a paper plate!!
Freebies from the exotic pet shop I worked at. When someone
says to you.."hey want some free tarantulas?" what was I supposed to say..no??:lol: Nice looking garden Chiliac!!