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Disgusted, outraged, I really dont know what to feel

Are you effing kidding me? Felonious assault? How about attempted murder? Son of a bitch! There is no reason what so ever for that cop to shoot that kid. No way can it be justified.
He took the stand this morning and they replayed the video and he started to cry. The rider was 24 when the incident went down.
Bad thing is that you really can't know what the officer was seeing at the time of the shooting. He had a different perspective than the camera so it was likely that he could not see what was in the victims right hand. The guy on the bike did not seem too interested in getting his hands in the air and even started turning to the right and towards the officer. I figure I will get some flack from not being automatically against the cop like most people like to do but unless you were there you will never understand how things go down and how fast they happen. I have a friend that is a deputy and he was on a traffic stop once and the guy refused to roll his widow down all the way. My friend saw the guy messing around with his right hand down beside the seat so he pepper sprayed him through the window and backed up to give it a few seconds to take affect. The guy in the vehicle was blinded (temporary) by the spray and exited the vehicle with a .357 in hand. He started shooting but of course his sight was blurred. My friend put a few rounds in to the guy and stopped the attack. Guy lived. Things happen just that fast.
nubster said:
Bad thing is that you really can't know what the officer was seeing at the time of the shooting. He had a different perspective than the camera so it was likely that he could not see what was in the victims right hand. The guy on the bike did not seem too interested in getting his hands in the air and even started turning to the right and towards the officer. I figure I will get some flack from not being automatically against the cop like most people like to do but unless you were there you will never understand how things go down and how fast they happen.

nubster said:
Bad thing is that you really can't know what the officer was seeing at the time of the shooting. He had a different perspective than the camera so it was likely that he could not see what was in the victims right hand. The guy on the bike did not seem too interested in getting his hands in the air and even started turning to the right and towards the officer. I figure I will get some flack from not being automatically against the cop like most people like to do but unless you were there you will never understand how things go down and how fast they happen. I have a friend that is a deputy and he was on a traffic stop once and the guy refused to roll his widow down all the way. My friend saw the guy messing around with his right hand down beside the seat so he pepper sprayed him through the window and backed up to give it a few seconds to take affect. The guy in the vehicle was blinded (temporary) by the spray and exited the vehicle with a .357 in hand. He started shooting but of course his sight was blurred. My friend put a few rounds in to the guy and stopped the attack. Guy lived. Things happen just that fast.
+1 Looking at that he plenty of time to put his hands up, but opted against that course of action the angle the shooting officer was would (IMO) have looked like he was pulling his jacket open to "draw a weapon" I know for DAMN SURE that if I thought I was about to get shot and I had the means to get in first, I would! Self preservation MUST ALWAYS come first! Attempted murder my ass!!
nubster said:

Nub, there is a lot of that going on in this thread. However, you must remember that the common man has NO idea what it is like out on patrol. They can not even begin to comprehend just how quickly events unfold and that in a blink of an eye you could be kissing your life good bye. It is the naivety of society to constantly second guess and to armchair quarter back our every play. Also, it is in their nature to despise and even hate the police, well....until they are in danger or victimized themselves and then we are their saviors. It has been a love hate relationship since the very beginning. 911 should have proved that to all. Does anyone remember how many police officers lost their lives that day? NOPE! But everyone knows and mourns the firefighters who perished, and they are all still remembered.

As for this video, I have watched it several times and I must say, the easiest path is the path without resistance. The fact that this person refused to raise his arms and show his hands when commanded to, notice that I said commanded not asked, I just think it was tragic. But, we should all be asking ourselves, what information did the officer have at the moment, in the moment. He definitely did NOT know that this person was unarmed. Had he known that he would have chosen other options, be sure of that! It is now in the hands of the jury, but lets not forget that had this person been armed and the officer did not act when he did, he might have been on the loosing end of that fight.
Exactly. That is why I said "Ignorance". Because anyone that watches this video or videos like it and starts talking a bunch of shit and starts talking about committing violence against the cop is ignorant. I agree with you 100%. 99% of the people out there in society and this board is no different I am sure...have NO idea what it is like to have to make a decision with little to no information in less than a second that could result in the severe injury or death to a person including yourself. Videos rarely show the whole story and like you said, who knows what the cop knew about this guy and this situation and the media likes to twist things to further skew the facts so it makes it way too easy for the general population to hatemonger.
Why in the hell would you take off like a bat outta hell with a cop right behind you?
Why when stopped and told to raise your hands wouldn't you?
It's tragic what happened to the dude, but just going with the very superficial stuff in the article, I'm going to go with the police on this one.

I was pulled over one time because my vehicle fit the description of another truck belonging to someone that apparently had some warrants. I pulled over, did exactly what the officer told me to do while he was running my ID, and after it came back, the dude apologized for pulling me over, we both went on our way, and that was that.
Skydiver said:
Why in the hell would you take off like a bat outta hell with a cop right behind you?
Why when stopped and told to raise your hands wouldn't you?
It's tragic what happened to the dude, but just going with the very superficial stuff in the article, I'm going to go with the police on this one.

Yeah and from the policeman's POV it certainly looks like he could be reaching for a gun, their actions before the shot led to this accident.
Maybe some cops are too trigger happy but that is just one more reason to do exactly what they tell you to do in this kind of circumstances.
patrick said:
Are you effing kidding me? Felonious assault? How about attempted murder? Son of a bitch! There is no reason what so ever for that cop to shoot that kid. No way can it be justified.

Since you were there and saw the whole thing go down....please tell us your perspective.
I don't think the cop should've shot the kid. There are other useful tactics in taking down someone...ie. tazer, rubber bullets, k9, etc.
secretz said:
There are other useful tactics in taking down someone...ie. tazer, rubber bullets, k9, etc.

Did he have time to make that choice?

"Wait here - I'm just going to call for a dog?"
secretz said:
I don't think the cop should've shot the kid. There are other useful tactics in taking down someone...ie. tazer, rubber bullets, k9, etc.

Tazer is pretty much the only other option in that situation other than waiting and hoping the guy on the bike doesn't turn around and start shooting. And not all departments/officers carry a tazer as they are really expensive.

The higher courts have ruled before that in a situation such as this if a suspect refuses to obey orders to show their hands and the officer has a reasonable belief that they may receive serious injury or be killed, deadly force has been found to be appropriate even when there was not a display of a weapon.
Although I can see how the cop would see the guy as a possible threat and that he did reach toward his waist and because it was dark could have had a gun, but what I don't understand is even if he did there is NO way you can turn your right hand backward and actually shoot the gun. I mean think about it turn your back toward someone while sitting in a chair and see if you can pull out a pen from your pocket and point it at the person behind you. Even IF he could have shot the gun all cop cars have bullet proof glass and I'm not sure, but I believe the doors also have bullet proof protection. I mean seriously if you thought you life was in danger why not just get in the car and run the guy over? Why not just sit until the guy gets on the ground when you feel your safe. Why not do anything except pull the trigger?? The problem here is the cop had a LOT of other possible options, but for whatever reason he thought it was best to jump out and shoot. I would chalk it up to piss poor training and bad decision making on the cops part because the incident clearly could have been avoided and handled a LOT better.