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DIYFS DWC + GA3 under $100

Yeah he is my little buddy! I'm gettin ready to fire up two more DWC cans! Got a fatali and a 7 pot douglah that are beggin to be bubbled!
Ok, here are some updates. First some photos of progress from June 28th: From right to left in the Hydro are, Morouga, Fatali, and a Naga. :

Here is the Morouga on June 30th as well:



Then, Yesterday I broke down and bought some 5 gallon buckets frome Lowes and some 6" net cup lids. I put the three of them into the buckets and filled them with a nutrient solution heavy on the vegetation growth. In this photo they are, Left to right; Fatali, Naga, and Morouga.
As far as the build goes, the buckets are just standard 5 gallon ones from lowes, with a 1/4" hole drilled in the side near the top for the air line to run through. I just took the little 4" net cups that you see in the above pictures and placed them into the 6" lids with built in cups and surrounded them with hydroton clay pebbles. Here is are some closer shots and a shot of the air pumps I am using:



I see you put your plant into hydro before it got its first true leaves. I thought they had to get their first true leaves before going to hydro?
I didn't. That was just a representation of what it should look like. It was on it's 3rd set of leaves when it went into the hydro.
Loveing this one. Ive been wanting to switch to some hydro setups. I thought about buying one of the hydro grow cabinets, but cant find anything suitable. The DIYFS system you have seems to be working wonderful. You happen to have a complete list of items, nutrients, and all that to get one going for my bhuts and all that great stuff.
The first page shows you exactly what you need. As far as nutrients go, I use GH three part. Micro, Grow and Bloom. I started with the suggested mixture for seedlings from the back of the bottle and have since moved up to the vegetative growth mixture. I change the solution when I've transpired the capacity of the system. And I check the PH every few days. I'm pretty lazy so this system seems fairly forgiving. It don't have to be as precise as everyone says it needs to be. Just stick that sumbich in a container with nutes and bubble it with an airstone and pump.... *POOF* hot peppers! lol ask me more questions if your unsure! I love talkin story bout hydro! :lol:
DT...thanks for the pics and explanation. I copied them and plan on trying it out next year on a few of the plants. Thanks to toastynoodles as well for the original design, I saw that you said you got the idea from him.
I did indeed see this design first from toastynoodles. Im actually working on a package to put together for anyone that wants one. No profit just cover materials and shipping kinda thing. Ill find a section to post a thread for that at some point if anyone shows interest. I just put two of them together for my neighbor and he is loving them. He uses the three part GH nutes also. Im also thinking about putting together 5 gallon packages too. I know I would have loved to have an all inclusive DWC setup when I first started.
I was chatting with the young fellow at the hydro store today and he said that one could use peroxide in their nutrients as well as bubbling as more O2 is better. I didn't think about it affecting the PH but I suppose it would. Does peroxide get nutralized by the PH-up or down chemicals?
Coming up on a weekly picture update. Will take photos as soon as I get home. That Naga in the middle is popping buds every day! I literally have to go out there every night and pinch buds! I like to let one or two set fruit while the plant grows tho. Its amazing how fast the plants grow that have the buds pinched regularly, compared to the ones that have a pod or two growing on them.
Ok, as promised, here is a photo of the plants from tonight. Not bad for 9 days of growth?


And a few of my 9 month old habanero:

Oh, as a side note, I know in the original post I said that I was going to spray the plants with GA3 but none of them were ever sprayed with any. So all of this growth is natural.
Oh, as a side note, I know in the original post I said that I was going to spray the plants with GA3 but none of them were ever sprayed with any. So all of this growth is natural.
I can tell you didnt use any....But ,you are in Hawaii...you have all year to get em big! ... at least they arent leggy!