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music Do Plants Grow Better to Music?

To my knowledge, there has been no peer reviewed scholarly studies that have offered any substantial proof.
I love to have music playing for my peppers, especially during their first few months of life. Death Metal makes them hotter! :rofl:
Hmm... maybe I should start blasting King Diamond all the time like I used to, instead of just in the car. Who knows, it might discourage the aphids and make the Tabasco plant I'm trying to overwinter healthier... lol. I've got a (crappy) subwoofer connected to my computer, so who knows--its vibration might just be enough to knock a few of them off. But I'd probably need to crank the volume in my car and wave the plant in front of my subs to really knock 'em the hell out. Of course, I'd likely switch it up to with some death metal (Six Feet Under, Dying Fetus, Cryptopsy, Deicide, Nile, Bloodbath, Hypocrisy, etc.) and black metal (Satyricon, Emperor, Darkthrone, Cradle of Filth, Maniac Butcher, etc.), as well as various other hard rock and heavy metal bands. :twisted: :party:

Really, I'm not so sure I believe that music or talking would do anything, but it would be amusing if some of the above-mentioned bands and styles of music really proved such an advantage to plants. The two Mythbusters videos posted above were interesting, but it would have been nice if they restarted the experiment after their watering system malfunctioned. Or perhaps had two greenhouses for each method they used (sweet-talking, condemning, rock/metal, classical).
Read The Secret Life of Plants (1973) a book by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, It deals in depth with the subject. Also Sonic Bloom invented by Dan Carlson,. http://www.originals...m.com/index.htm

Item 7 is interesting. I have the sonic bloom CD here and I also have some of the nutrient so I might start spraying my chillies this season. Unfortunately I am not set up enough to do a real controlled experiment although it would be interesting. Maybe I could put some Chilli plants in pots in my garden and take half away while I Sonic Bloom the rest. That would sort of be a control. As long as I put them straight back afterwards it should give some sort of results.

22 Mind-Boggling Farm and Garden Results
Obtained Using Sonic Bloom

1. Strawberry yields, individual results have had increases of 300%.

2. 5 ft. alfalfa has been reported by users, with 100% increase in tonnage, 29% protein gives 30% increase in milk production.

3. Over 600 ft. Purple Passion Plant (Guinness World Record)

4. Sonic Bloom doubled the Active ingredient in Ginseng.

5. Apple yields increased 50%

6. Soybean harvest doubled.

7. Hot peppers mature 30 days sooner and produced twice as many peppers.

8. Sonic Bloom apples had 5-month shelf life.

9. Zinc content of apples increased 1750%.

10. Sonic Bloom matures tomato crop 35 days sooner and nearly doubled yield.

11. 16 foot high corn with three or four ears per stalk.

12. Accelerated growth of Black Walnut trees 300%. They are ready for sale in 20 years instead of 50 years.

13. Sonic Bloom increased sugar levels.

14. Sonic Bloom increased grape yields by 100% and sugars 2 percentage points

15. Sonic Bloom increased the size of cranberries by 66%.

16. Normally sterile tomato plant "suckers" are potted and produced tomatoes faster than from seed.

17. Blueberries were the diameter of a nickel and ripened 2 weeks sooner.

18. Cucumber plants produced 3 times as many cucumbers.

19. Sonic Bloom reduced irrigation requirements up to 55% in some cases.

20. Sonic Bloom tomatoes had a roadside, fruit stand and shelf life twice as long as untreated plants.

21. Produce buyers drove extra distances in order to buy Sonic Bloom produce because of its incredibly delicious flavor.

22. Chrysanthemum flowers doubled in quantity and mature in 4 weeks.

1. Strawberry yields, individual results have had increases of 300%.

2. 5 ft. alfalfa has been reported by users, with 100% increase in tonnage, 29% protein gives 30% increase in milk production.

3. Over 600 ft. Purple Passion Plant (Guinness World Record)

4. Sonic Bloom doubled the Active ingredient in Ginseng.

5. Apple yields increased 50%

6. Soybean harvest doubled.

7. Hot peppers mature 30 days sooner and produced twice as many peppers.

8. Sonic Bloom apples had 5-month shelf life.

9. Zinc content of apples increased 1750%.

10. Sonic Bloom matures tomato crop 35 days sooner and nearly doubled yield.

11. 16 foot high corn with three or four ears per stalk.

12. Accelerated growth of Black Walnut trees 300%. They are ready for sale in 20 years instead of 50 years.

13. Sonic Bloom increased sugar levels.

14. Sonic Bloom increased grape yields by 100% and sugars 2 percentage points

15. Sonic Bloom increased the size of cranberries by 66%.

16. Normally sterile tomato plant "suckers" are potted and produced tomatoes faster than from seed.

17. Blueberries were the diameter of a nickel and ripened 2 weeks sooner.

18. Cucumber plants produced 3 times as many cucumbers.

19. Sonic Bloom reduced irrigation requirements up to 55% in some cases.

20. Sonic Bloom tomatoes had a roadside, fruit stand and shelf life twice as long as untreated plants.

21. Produce buyers drove extra distances in order to buy Sonic Bloom produce because of its incredibly delicious flavor.

22. Chrysanthemum flowers doubled in quantity and mature in 4 weeks.

As stated above, I think there has been some pretty interesting little studies on the effects of high frequencies (in particular) on plant growth.
I like to think it works :)
I take a different approach...if the peppers are from the carribean, they get Bob Marley...if they are from India, they get Ravi Shankar...but that is just until plantout, then they get a steady diet of Texas Honky Tonk....... ;)
You're right, it does look bad by the titles. Just growing chiles.

Ahhh, not to worry about the titles. ;)

The main thing is that your chile plants responded well to the music you were playing to them.

I'm wondering if it isn't so much the type of music, but the tones and frequencies that are generated within the music.

I recall reading something about 'Sonic Bloom' in one of my books. The product consisted of two things: a plant fertilizer and a CD with birds chirping on it, if I'm recalling it correctly.

Bird calls can consist of high pitched chirps, chips and buzzes. In fact birds were using tweets and twitter to communicate to one another long before we came up with the idea. :rofl:

But it would be interesting to see how different plants responded to various types of vibration, maybe in the forms of chanting and in various frequencies of monotones generated with a tone generator.

The various tones could be taped and then played back to the plants to see which vibrational tones the plants responded best to.

Now maybe this work has already been done with the 'Sonic Bloom', but I was just curious as to how plants would respond to various isolated vibrational tones.

It could turn out that plants have a sweet spot for growth within certain sound frequencies, just as they do with certain blue and red light frequencies.
