• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

DocNrock's First Grow Log -- 2013 Grow Has Begun!

Hi all. I've learned so much from reading the Glogs of others that I've decided to put mine out there. Hopefully someone can say, "Hey, you're doing it wrong!" before its too late.

I got seeds from Refining Fire Chiles. The seeds were for Butch T, Bhuts, and Douglah. I soaked them overnight in water that I had boiled then cooled to room temp. All the seeds sank to the bottom, which I've read is a good thing. (?) Anyway, I got one of those 72 cell Jiffy Mini-Greenhouses with heater pad to germinate these. I didn't use the peat pellets. The germinating instructions that came with the seeds said not to use peat pots because of their acidity. I didn't know if this applied to the pellets or not, so I filled the tray with Organic Seed Starter Jiffy Mix. I sterilized it first by running boiling water through it in a sieve. I've since seen a number of posts on here using the peat pellets, so note to self they work.

Moving along, I've been watering (but not too much) with a misting bottle filled with boiled water that has 1/4 cup 3% H2O2 and 1 cup brewed chamomille tea in a total of one quart.

Here is my germination setup:


After four days, Hello little guy! Baby Butch T.

Today I spent cleaning out the garage. It was in the upper 90's and humid as hell. Sucked to be me....anyway....

I took my seedlings outside for their first sunlight, which was mostly overcast with occasional bursts of sunlight. They seemed to like it, as the seed leaves really did seem to darken their green and nothing curled!

I read about T8 lights on this site so I got one. This should go into the ghetto growing gear, hahaha! A bit over $30 at Home Depot. The crates I got at Office Max a few months ago for $6.

Great set up similar to what I used except I used PVC to hold up my light setup. That awesome about the Douglah sprout atleast you got one that is positive side and that all you really need anything after that is a plus.
Great set up similar to what I used except I used PVC to hold up my light setup. That awesome about the Douglah sprout atleast you got one that is positive side and that all you really need anything after that is a plus.

Agreed about the Douglah. It just means I can't let anything happen to this sprout, hahaha!

Funny about the PVC. Last night I was actually planning a PVC frame for the light and was going to go to Home Depot today to get some. Then I remembered the crates in the garage.
Good to see you are taking them outside! I am always forced to start when there is snow on the ground, so it is never an option for me until a couple of weeks before planting in my garden.
Made a thread about this one but I figured I'd post it here. A quick Google search indicates that very rarely seeds can harbor twins. I think I have a twin TSBT. Notice how parallel the stalks are. And I'm pretty sure I didn't plant two seeds in one hole.



EDIT: Updated grow list- Butch T, Bhut, Douglah, Brain, Moruga, Barrackpore...and possibly seeds from a Mystery Box O'Peppers coming next week if the varieties seem cool/desirable.
I know how you feel! Ive got some baby habs coming in and i just put sum red bhuts in some soil and cant wait for them to start popping up! :onfire:
I know how you feel! Ive got some baby habs coming in and i just put sum red bhuts in some soil and cant wait for them to start popping up! :onfire:


My wife also planted some peppers in the garden outside. She cheated! She bought plants! Ha! Two jalapenos and a habanero. Funny thing is, she got them at the 99 cent store! It will be interesting to see if the hab grows true. It actually seems to have some small pods forming.



Jalapeno - Habanero - Jalapeno:


I updated my ghetto rig. I got a couple of those car windshield reflectors from the 99 cent store. Total cost, $2 and change:


I just finished thinning out the fatalities. Those hull bound ones do not like to survive. The non-fatalities seem to be doing well.

One Butch T is starting to get its first set of true leaves:


Speaking of hull bound, I have two that don't seem to have given up, so I have had mercy on them and am giving them a chance:


Butch T twin is still alive:


Question: Do Douglah sprouts have brown stalks? The two that did come up have brown stalks. Here is one:



The healthiest/largest of the lot:


Finally, the backup bunch, just in case the others don't make it. If they do, then I can gift these to others:


That's it for now. I have some Primo seeds on the way and a Mystery Box. If anything looks cool and tastes hot in the Mystery Box, I'll probably sprout some of those, as well.

Thanks for looking!

The seedlings look amazing awesome job with that your probably for certain going to get a few chocolate habs and fatalii those are good overall peppers, but if your interested in some non superhots just pm.
Haha well hey! Buying isnt that bad of cheating! :liar:

Haha well good idea with the car windshield reflector things. i should do that! :dance:
Seedlings look great! Keep it up!

The seedlings look amazing awesome job with that your probably for certain going to get a few chocolate habs and fatalii those are good overall peppers, but if your interested in some non superhots just pm.

Thanks, man! Everything I've done from seed to where they are now I learned on this board. PM coming soon! Thanks for the offer.

Haha well hey! Buying isnt that bad of cheating! :liar:

Haha well good idea with the car windshield reflector things. i should do that! :dance:
Seedlings look great! Keep it up!


Thanks, Lucas. Yeah, I guess buying isn't lying!
Finally, the backup bunch, just in case the others don't make it. If they do, then I can gift these to others:

Hahaha, that reminds me of what i did!!

I sowed 3 seeds of each variety, with the intention of picking the best looking of the 3, and ditching the other 2. But when it came to the crunch, i couldn't do it!! I now have WAY too many plants indoors, battling for growlight space, and still 6 weeks until spring (which can't come soon enough now!!)

Your grow is looking great so far, and it's easy to get hooked on growing these things isn't it!!?....it's the most rewarding thing i've done in ages!

Keep up the good work!

Hahaha, that reminds me of what i did!!

I sowed 3 seeds of each variety, with the intention of picking the best looking of the 3, and ditching the other 2. But when it came to the crunch, i couldn't do it!! I now have WAY too many plants indoors, battling for growlight space, and still 6 weeks until spring (which can't come soon enough now!!)

Your grow is looking great so far, and it's easy to get hooked on growing these things isn't it!!?....it's the most rewarding thing i've done in ages!

Keep up the good work!



Thanks, Neil. Yes, it is quite easy to become obsessed with these little things. They're the first things I check on in the morning and the last thing at night. Fully understand about not being able to ditch them. If most of the hull-bound sprouts hadn't have died, I'd probably be trying to nurse them along, too. Hahaha!

Counting the days until your Spring for you! And awesome vid of your Son! I can see why it went viral. You've either got a future basketball player or mechanical engineer on your hands. I bet he could play a mean game of pool!

Thanks for stopping in.

Had planted some Home Depot Cayenne seeds in the back yard planter for the heck of it a couple of weeks ago. Wrote them off last week. Went out this week to water my Wife's plants and...lo and behold...there are actually sprouts. They even survived the 102 degree temp we had today! I had tried to sprout a few in peat cartridges and to no avail.

Indoor sprouts are getting 1st set of leaves. Everyday it seems one or two more of them are sprouting their first leaves.

One of my Douglah's died. I have one left. It looks pretty healthy. Fingers crossed.

New seeds in the germinator for: Barrackpore, Primo, Jonah, and Infinity (F1).
Sorry to hear about your douglah

Thanks, but no worries, bro. Was hoping to have two in case one croaked, but guess what? One croaked! So it goes. Now I have one. At least it looks really healthy and is starting to get its first true leaves.

I had emailed Jim at Refining Fire Chilis from whom I had bought the seeds. When I told him about the germination rate, he offered to send a few more seeds. Waiting on those now. I may not need them, but if this plant dies, then at least I can try to sprout at least one more.