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Does anyone grow peppers in the far North?

Like, waaayyyyyyyy North????

Rob here. I live in Kodiak, Alaska and am starting some peppers indoors again in small pot/containers, but would love to be able to get them to do well outside where they won't be a clutter. The problem is the temp. It gets all the way up into the 70's(a few times, that's it!) in the summer, and the nights go into the 50's all summer(30's tonight). Without building a greenhouse, what can I do to help the peppers thrive? I was thinking of doing the tops-turvey thing and painting the outsides of the buckets black to help warm the roots. Maybe even put silver/reflective material behind them. The last couple years they did poorly. Not much outdoors growth vs. indoors, and low yields.
Good news is that there is no shortage of light!!!!!
dont think you will have agood crop if the temp stay low chilis LOVE heat now you might try some rocotos this kind of chilis like cold weather but as far as others iam sure they would do alot better if its up in60s night time but if u can build green house that would be good
good luck
Goats weed is cold tolerant. PM me your addy and i will send you some seeds.

Hi-jack alert.... You say you occupation is "Swim Damnit Swim!" May i ask what you actually do apart from swimming to get there??
Billyidle and Mrarboc both live north of the Artic Circle, maybe talk to them and find out some tips and tricks.
I'm in Prince George, British Columbia and I think I may be pushing it for growing peppers outdoors. Our season is short (90 days), but I've started them early and will be planting them in a greenhouse. Outside of rising through the ranks, attaining ultimate power and living by no-one else's rules but your own, I'm not too sure what you can do on base.
How about a mini, portable greenhouse? How bad are the winds? Build a small frame out of PVC and use some plastic to cover it. You can move it in and out as you please/need to.

Now, being retired USAF I would be happy to send you a care package this fall after the harvest, if I'm fortunate enough to actually get one that is. What would you like/want?
Novacastrian said:
Goats weed is cold tolerant. PM me your addy and i will send you some seeds.

Hi-jack alert.... You say you occupation is "Swim Damnit Swim!" May i ask what you actually do apart from swimming to get there??

Thanks! I have goats weed already! Just got some this year, this is the first year that I've researched growing just peppers. No more flowers, or other veggies anymore. Just peppers for me from now on!!! Ok, maybe some garlic....

I'm a U.S. Coast Guard Helicopter Rescue Swimmer. So, I fly! Right now, where I'm stationed I'm flying in the HH-65C's. The all orange ones that sound funny!
patrick said:
How about a mini, portable greenhouse? How bad are the winds? Build a small frame out of PVC and use some plastic to cover it. You can move it in and out as you please/need to.

I might do that! I'm thinking maybe a metal shelving unit and a plastic cover? Think that would help 'em grow? I don't think it could hurt?
Beerswimmer said:
Thanks! I have goats weed already! Just got some this year, this is the first year that I've researched growing just peppers. No more flowers, or other veggies anymore. Just peppers for me from now on!!! Ok, maybe some garlic....

I'm a U.S. Coast Guard Helicopter Rescue Swimmer. So, I fly! Right now, where I'm stationed I'm flying in the HH-65C's. The all orange ones that sound funny!

What a cool job!! Would not be easy by any means i imagine but it would be very rewarding.
I agree that a short season pepper is your best bet, and when it starts dipping in the 30's bring them inside to finish. A few years ago I grew Aji Amarillos in Duluth,MN and the season was too short, but they finished ok inside.
Can anyone recommend some short season hot peppers?
There are quite a few Northern growers around the pepper forums, but I think most use a greenhouse or some sort of temporary cold-frame. You'd also likely be best growing some hybrids bred for short season gardening. For an early hab type try the Kukulkan which is listed as a 60 day f1
If you start them wicked early indoors in containers, like November'ish and you bring them out when the weather is accaptable, sure you will get peppers, maybe even a decent harvest.
Beerswimmer said:
Yeah, I have free electricity to run all the lights I want!

Seedlings dont require much, even when they get bigger you dont need a stadium to keep them growing... I use CFLs, 400 Watts total for 12 hours a day, but you dont even have to go that far.

It's not that expensive.

You live in alaska, even if you are going to build a greenhouse, you still need to heat the thing, and that will use more electricity than the lights!
Beerswimmer said:
Yeah, I have free electricity to run all the lights I want!

Well in that case, get yourself an actual grow light and get the peppers started early. Yea standard floro's work well, but since you're not paying for electricity get the best you can and go from there. I'm all for giving the plants the best advantage you can then let mother nature take it from there.
Beerswimmer said:
Yeah, I have free electricity to run all the lights I want!

Get you a 1000W hps light and you can grow shitloads indoors year round. That's what I'd do with free electricity. Hell I'd probably have 3 of those.
This may be a good variety for you.

Semi-early (108-113 days) prolific hybrid. Plant is strong, 60-70 cm height. Fruits are conical-elongated, black, hot, high sugar and vitamins contents. Mass is 70-120 grams. Hybrid's value: abundant fruiting, hardiness to bad weather conditions and diseases. It is recommended for hot sauces and seasonings, pickles. Very decorative. Molnija hybrids series will be original decoration for your garden.
Beerswimmer said:
Thanks! I have goats weed already! Just got some this year, this is the first year that I've researched growing just peppers. No more flowers, or other veggies anymore. Just peppers for me from now on!!! Ok, maybe some garlic....

I'm a U.S. Coast Guard Helicopter Rescue Swimmer. So, I fly! Right now, where I'm stationed I'm flying in the HH-65C's. The all orange ones that sound funny!

Intresting environment to work and live !!!!

Free elec ! yep as above 1000 HPS (High Pressure sodium) laps with water heated tables... IMO
Beerswimmer -

I imagine growing peppers is tough up there in Alaska. You've got to concentrate on short season. I'm thinking Gypsy, Hungarian Hot wax, and long slim. We're talking about 60-75 days to maturity. I'm sure they're others....

Of course the other option is to carefully select your favorite for an overwinter if that's possible in Kodiak. Overwinters take a LOT of time off the maturity of the pod setting..

Wasn't the Katmai rescue dispatched from your location?