Douglah Cappy 2010

Sounds like your picking SS, but yeah I got a handful of brains is all and they are already promised out for these crazy video reviews. Also left several on the plants to help identify which plants I want to try and overwinter. The weather looks good on the 10 day and I have still lots of pods left on my plants hoping to have another harvest before it's all over. Poppers for dinner tonight I'm so excited. :onfire:


Probably last decent harvest until the freezing weather finally hits middle of next week. It has been one of the nicest Novembers I can remember weather wise and fortunate to still be picking some nice pod this late in the year. I have a freezer full of pods but will empty the fermenting crock again next week and will be making my next batch of hot sauce. Plants have lost most of their leaves and stems are still green and some green pods still left hanging outside but I am very thankful for this seasons bountiful harvest. I hate just seeing my plants wither away but saved many seed and ready to start all over again soon. :flamethrower:




Late season pods are runts in every way compared to big ripe juicy plump summer pods, but I'll still use these just the same. Just filled two gallon freezer bags and the rest are going in the dehydrator for powders. Not going to turn a ripe pepper down in the middle of winter. Seed trades about to happen pm if interested.
great pics cappy. i'll be doing a test vid for your brainstrain in a few days. silver surfer sent me one and i'm dying to give it a go. also growing them next season as well as your douglah. can't wait!
Very cool Ed and thanks to SS who still has fresh pods? I had this grand idea of overwintering a bunch of plants this year but after all the other house plants I really don't have any room for a bunch a full size pepper trees, of course the Brain Strain who is 4 years old came in with the aloa and cacti and ponytail plants. I am so stupid sometimes and cut the outside of my hand with the garden shears trimming it back. I enjoy starting new from seed each year anyway, and have decided to grow some in dirt next year. Using half of my old peat moss mix and rototilling a garden where my containers sat this year to start.

Ed I hope you get a scorcher cause late season pods can be not as hot as late summer pods. Let me know if I can assist in any way since we live so close. Hate to see some really nice plants freeze to death, hasn't happened yet looks like Wed. or Thurs. night here in South Carolina.
Very cool Ed and thanks to SS who still has fresh pods?
Yup picked a few more yesterday. I hauled the BS in the tote indoors and set it by double glass doors to ripen the last ones and overwinter the plant. :) Still picking a few other pods from potted plants I brought inside, but ALL in the garden have been toast for weeks.

Sounds like you're turning into a dirt farmer. ;)