• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Downriver 2023 - Pepper Time

Well, selection is done and seeds are in the dirt! Again this year, I'm cutting back on varieties. We've still got a backlog of pepper products, so I'm gonna go lightly this year, across the board.

Everything finished hitting the dirt on 3/05. the players this year are:

Pepper starts.png

And as is my modus operandi, I'm not gonna post pics of a tray full of dirt. I think y'all have seen that before. Hopefully more to come pretty soon. Stay tuned.
I have several varieties of pepper seeds that are easily over 10 years old. I thought I'd try to grow a few out, if I could get them to germinate. I did the h2o2 soak, then planted in my seedstarting SIPs. Two of the three popped. Not bad. It's been three weeks, but still hoping Viera Market joins the party!

EDIT: Forgot to say all these seeds are from 2011

(L-R) Jalapeno, Biker Billy (F3), Jalapeno, Viera Market, Enchanga
Peppers starts 2011 seeds IMG_20230325_161707768.jpg
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Well, looks like it's time to do a little up-potting. They're a little over 3 weeks old and need more room, plus it's time to start feeding them. Hope to do that in the next few days. I'm also going to re-start a few no-shows - probably today.

Pepper seedlings IMG_20230325_161654560.jpg
You’ve got a nice start. It’s interesting you’ve got some seeds from 2011 started. I’ve got some from 2016 started. Nothing yet. I’ll try again. It’s weird how some varieties don’t germinate good with age and others don’t care. I have Goats Weed and Sadabahar that are from 2016 and get 100% germination rates. Supers not so much. I’m trying to get some Jigsaws going with not much luck. Since Jukka doesn’t ship to the US anymore.

Anyways. Good luck with your grow.