Dry Aged Meats

frydad4 said:
Anyone try this hack? 
Uses koji rice to mimic dry aging in just a few days
About to ...


Not sure yet, had to work an evening longer than I'd originally planned, and forgot to pull down the meat this morning ...
It's imminent, though ... koji experiment (beyond that one) are very much on my mind ...
I'm down to give it a try too, just need the time. If you have a positive result, I will be even more inclined to give it a shot to replicate this experiment. 
Please work, please work, please work...
GM whats that stuff in the second pic? I was going to try the hack exactly as the recipe said. I'll be happy if it works out! I have read that linked article so many times, but I haven't been tot he Asian grocery yet to get the Koji Rice.
frydad4 said:
GM whats that stuff in the second pic? I was going to try the hack exactly as the recipe said. I'll be happy if it works out! I have read that linked article so many times, but I haven't been tot he Asian grocery yet to get the Koji Rice.
liquid version of the same ;)
Had a minute, so I did a little poking around this morning to look into doing this koji-aging bit ...
Here's an example of someone trying it with some venison - which looks quite nice, I must say - and that's saying something coming from me, because I'm pretty leery of venison ...
Here's a steak that took it to 3 days, and wasn't thrilled ...
And here's a good read on making your own koji rice, for the DIY folks ...
I have a monster rib-eye, which isn't the recommendation, so I'm going to filet it, and do a side-by-side for science ...
I haven't decided if I'll do the dry koji side-by-side with the other filleted piece left plain to fridge-age, or a side-by-side of the liquid stuff I grabbed from Amazon ...
I still need to read some more exactly what that is - because it's in Japanese ...
I almost started one the other night, but I needed a different temp to retard my dough than the steak would have wanted, so I had to wait ...
Now I'm planning to start one on Thursday, so that it comes ready on the weekend ;) ...
It's definitely happening!
on Thu i decided the timeline to hit grilling Sun required waiting til Fri, but we grabbed take-out on the way home from a successful beer run and i forgot ...

i'll try again, once i figure out which day i'm brewing, to time it up for the other day ...

it's complicated around here these days, with starters for beers and bread and also this, too, lol ...