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dunno Aquariumponics ?

Eeek harvest? These are VERY rare shrimp that have sold up to $2,000 EACH! They where actually selective breed from 2-3 shrimp out of a few thousand and the genes breed true thereby creating a whole new variety of shrimp. Throughout the years 1 breeder continued them creating a strain of shrimp that look like a candy can with bright white and red colors. I started with a few from this breeder and have sold 1 shrimp for $75.00. Quit an expensive feast considered the largest they get is about 1" in size!
:rofl: that would be an expensive BBQ ! wow 2K ea.... that is out there, do people pay that for one shrimp ?

I suppose you could breed for eatting ? Have you done this ?
I am thinking of our Aussie prawns ie: tiger, king etc....
chilliman said:
:rofl: that would be an expensive BBQ ! wow 2K ea.... that is out there, do people pay that for one shrimp ?

That and more, especially the japanese pay sh*tloads of money for special ones. Kind of an investment, if you manage to breed them others will pay for the babies:) I had a few crystal black for a while, but they where only about $5 each. Haven't seen any of them for a couple of months though...
Yeah some collectors will pay a LOT for certain varieties. I had one that had a little dot on the top of the head resembling the japanese flag and that one sold for the most. I had another that had what seemed to be a red mask on it's back and that was also a good seller. On average though I would get around $15-$20 per shrimp only because there was only a few breeders in the states several years ago.
Marcel fro thechillifactory built huge Koi ponds, they will be feeding his green houses soon, top idea

yes Light does cause alge, but @ 9 days.. nearly all out now


none yet, by time does happen these be into little pots, change tub water do another lot, put 25 Varieties in Jiffy's today in 1.. see how Jiff'ys go :)
Nice setup. Seems like that's a big cube for such a small sprout though. I considered doing this, but I ended up with a jiffy dome that came with peat pucks and a heat mat. The key is I wanted to do all my seeds at once and I did 142 seeds at one time and almost everyone sprouted in a week.
LGHT said:
Nice setup. Seems like that's a big cube for such a small sprout though. I considered doing this, but I ended up with a jiffy dome that came with peat pucks and a heat mat. The key is I wanted to do all my seeds at once and I did 142 seeds at one time and almost everyone sprouted in a week.

lhgt would love to see your germination setup!
i like this method too!
aquarium heater is just a water heater basically?
is the plastic container holding the rockwool just floating in heated water?
what did you soak the rockwool in? why the air stone? sorry soo many questions but would like to make a germination station real real soon!
9 days i like the sound of that. I soaked a trinidad scorpion in a shot glass in a dark cabinet for three days then plnated and 4 days later had sprout i dont know if this works all the time but i know it helps awaken or soak the seed. any help will help
Noshownate said:
lhgt would love to see your germination setup!

Not much of a setup. It's just a 72 cell Jiffy germination setup with the included heat mat in a box with mylar and a 96 watt aquarium CFL light. Since this is my first year it was all about simplified functionality.
Noshownate said:
i like this method too!
aquarium heater is just a water heater basically?
is the plastic container holding the rockwool just floating in heated water?
what did you soak the rockwool in? why the air stone? sorry soo many questions but would like to make a germination station real real soon!
9 days i like the sound of that. I soaked a trinidad scorpion in a shot glass in a dark cabinet for three days then plnated and 4 days later had sprout i dont know if this works all the time but i know it helps awaken or soak the seed. any help will help

just water, air stone to circulate water a bit so not just sit there, have little pumps now to move water around..
yes just plastic containers floating in, and have a bore pump so fill containers and use for everything, anti Tap water due to chlorine , high Ph.. the rockwool i just soak in that as well..

here it is at 2 weeks.. 3 days ago started to put in this years seeds hence the Jiffy's

New Record, New Record 3 days to Germinate.. and its a Douglah followed closely by a Yahualica and a Pimenta de Bico they be fully out tomorrow..

had to give Timmmy plants from Tent to make some rooom for these, this is the best way ever germinated anything BY FAR and have 2 tanks going atm as fit pefectly together under Quad 4 foot fluros. 150 Jiffy's 3 -4 seeds in each.. so heaps fit
that is awesome neil its a good thing you finaly got your douglah 7's also. and yellow scorps wow cant wait for someone to breed a choco scorp it will be insaine.
Good stuff guys. there are som many ways to get the little suckers cranking! For me at the moment im heating a room to 32 having the boxes high and off the ground for flow and thats working well....Love your form Neil!
Jeinnor said:
Has anyone tried one of these ?? Could anyone recommend anything similar ?

I grew all my plants in those last season and did great. After each one was about 2 weeks old and needed to be planted up I painstakingly removed the peat puck from EVERY plant while carefully ensuring I didn't damage the roots. If you let the peat dry out it just breaks away in big chunks. If you search my post you will see the small grow area I made for them before putting them outside.

Basically I put each one in a 1" planter and let them grow under a 400w MH. I was behind by 2 months on the season so I REALLY wanted them to grow as fast as possible. After about a month I only had room for about 12 so I upgraded to a 1000w MH and then kept 3 under 1000 watt HPS. I'm still picking peppers from those last 3.