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DWC OrangeTrinidad Scorpion needs help??

Ok. So I have this T Scorp Orange, for the life of me I cannot work out why it is sooooo light in colour! It has a yellowish tinge to it, but has been this way all of it's life. But now it's starting to get a bit of leaf curl happening. It's the only one out of 12 DWC plants doing this. All of which get the exact (well as close as can be) same treatment.

So here are the pics
First a group photo for comparison

And a shot on it's own

Anyone got any ideas???
It's in DWC and I use Cyco grow A + B @ 30ml each per 10Lt. Ph sits around 6-6.5ish only ever had to adjust it once because of an extra Nutrient I put in as a once off. All the plants get the same treatment so I don't know why this one would be any lighter in colour to the rest of them. I tried moving it around to more sun, less sun, changed it's bucket even, just in case of something to do with the particular bucket but no change. Like I said though it's been that light colour since day dot. So I'm at a loss....
Might be from shock changing its bucket you put it in or you can try this its what i done i grow mine in a lot of shade were i only get the sun partly from the shade of the tree it might help with your plants and you could cut on watering it and how often do you use fert on it
i only grow mine in coco fibre and good poting mixture with mushroom compost and the fert i use is triple boost from bunnings and only water when needed
Hey Sci, It's mostly in the shade all day! I've tried moving it to more sun with no effect. So I put it back close to where it came from. I change the nutes once a week sometimes (rarely) it goes 1.5 weeks before nute change. Roots look healthy as well. Today I tried to change the Nutrient concentration, I put 30Ml of A and 50Ml of B so we'll see what that does.
A = N2:P0:K0 B = N2:P2:K6
If that goes Sh!t I'll swap the ratio next week to 50Ml A + 30Ml B

It's still got me stuffed though as to why it's only this one!!


does it say on the bottles of the fert as when your ment to water it still sounds like your over doing it i would cut it back a bit i have some of my plants that a super green and others with a little yellow on some leaves i just cut back on giving them water it might work for me but with your problem its a mystery also try getting your hands on this product it works a treat its called chilli focus
The only thing with "over watering" is they live in Deep Water Culture. Which means they live in water with air injected into it. I've checked if the air stone has moved from under the roots, but no it hasn't. All the other plants are running off the same air supply (another reason I moved buckets) So, no, I doubt it's over watering.

EDIT: I have a schedule that came with the Nutrients and it says to be dumping water and re-doing every week.

But thanks Sci, you've had the most input thus far.
I WOULD SAY just leave it like that dont add or change any thing you might kill it ... the only thing i would say is try to repot it in dirt and see how it will grow
It could just be that that plant has one gene missing or one that has mutated. I was just out in the garden and looking at the herb wheel and notice that one of my oregano plants is bright light green when all the others around it are dark green. Same seed, same soil, same everything, its just a freak.
It could just be that that plant has one gene missing or one that has mutated. I was just out in the garden and looking at the herb wheel and notice that one of my oregano plants is bright light green when all the others around it are dark green. Same seed, same soil, same everything, its just a freak.

Seeing as though it's been like this since day dot, I was leaning towards something like that myself. I think, YES, it's just a freak.


did the leaf yellowing start on top or bottom?
also are you shure the ph is correct? digital meters need to be calibrated every week or so.. assuming the electrode is any good.

can you tell if its chlorosis? i dont see any.

also you migh want to put your nutrient profile into this calculator to see what your mg/L of each nute is. just put the % of each element on the back of the nutrient bottle into the fields.

also i wouldnt add lime to your buckets if you want to try adding calcium just add calcium nitrate.

its also possible nothing is wrong at all.

edit: bad link
Cheers for that Quee, The Scorp doesn't have the same markings as that leaf you have there. I'm not sure it "started" anywhere, I think it came out of the rock wool like that. But it doesn't seem to effecting it too badly at the moment. So hopefully it just has some form of genetic problem like an Albino or something.

I'll take a look at that calculator shortly it looks like it could be helpful. Oh and I don't use an electronic pH tester, I use those little strip thingies.

