I never said I'm against making earth cleaner BUT I dont fall for gimmicks!
making 1 part cleaner while on the other end it does more harm to another part of the environment,if it does this can you really consider it enviromentally friendly ?
I have energy efficient bulbs but say someone taking part in this "earth hour" only uses regular bulbs - well I can have 4 CFL's on to their 1 regular bulb & still draw less electricity, I'm making more of a statement than that person even without taking part in the earth hour!
if you really want change then step up to the plate & do it, put your actions or money where your mouth is. change your house (insulation,mechanical,solar power,wind turbines,etc...) so less electricity is used. or even place some of your house in ground (meaning more than your basement to conserve energy)
this 1 hour deal is nothing more than a little protest, which actions speak louder!
change wont happen until you make them change, all in the ways of buying certain products, your driving habits, energy consumption,etc...
when it comes to energy consumption are you waiting for someone to force change upon you, or are you willing to actually step up to the plate & change your ways & do something about it ?
& I dont mean for 1 hour either!
so they (energy companies & other companies) are forced to change because of your actions vs you only changing because of their actions.
so whos gonna stop driving at noon on march 30th for 1 hour to make a "powerful message" or dont buy anything plastic from 1pm-2pm on march 31st to send a "powerful message" to companies that sell products.

you know how 1 hour can make so much change vs a 24/7 lifetime change
I believe the only "powerful message" you're trying to send is to the person staring back at you through the mirror every morning!
I'd bet my left nut I dont hear anything about the impact or statement this "earth hour" had, on my local news the day after.
as for being a long post, yea sorry about that. but if you cant discuss the pros/cons about certain issues then I guess you really dont care about that issue or you cant think for yourself & just follow others (a sheep)