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Earth Hour -Who's in?

DevilDuck said:
That's kinda funny. You can't just go under a car and remove one in a few seconds.

Apparently on some SUVs you can. I can't remember which ones were the favorite targets, but it was some of the big ones. They can easily slide under the big SUVs because they're up high, and I guess no none notices them because they're under the car.

You can do a google search on "stealing catalytic converters" and get all kinds of hits.
DevilDuck said:
That's kinda funny. You can't just go under a car and remove one in a few seconds.

your right it takes more than a couple seconds, only about 1 minute to walk away with the cat.gotta thank the wonders of battery powered sawzalls & grinders.
they target vehicles that are high enough off the ground for the person to slide under the vehicle, but if the cat is close enough to the side on a car then they dont need to fully go under the car, just reach under them & cut it off.

or they could come prepared & bring their own jack :lol:
The had a spot on the news last week that showed someone "stealing" one...they used a portable "sawzall", slid under the SUV, sawed both ends of the exhaust pipe and were finished in about 45 seconds...
Ummm, so when is this earth hour?lol.

There is this one jerk who drives a gigantic yellow H2. He parks it in the handicap spaces, you know the kind.

I was so planning to stencil one of those "wheelchair accessible" insignias on the side, since I already refer to it as the short bus.

But maybe 15 minutes with a portable sawzall would be better.

I don't want to steal anything, just render it completely undriveable.

The guy had the audacity to put fliers on other cars asking them not to park in the handicapped spaces one day when they were filled up. There is nothing wrong with him physically, maybe he thinks that his mental short comings qualify him to park there.
Earth Hour uses the simple action of turning off the lights for one hour to deliver a powerful message about the need for action on global warming.

This simple act has captured the hearts and minds of people all over the world. As a result, at 8pm March 29, 2008 millions of people in some of the world’s major capital cities, including Copenhagen, Toronto, Chicago, Melbourne, Brisbane and Tel Aviv will unite and switch off for Earth Hour.

JOIN UP - http://www.earthhour.org/


we've had a bunch of copper wire theft in Oz from the electric train cables. Actually stranding rush hour commuters. It came out last week that they've tracked a lot of the stolen stuff to the Chinese Olympic Stadium :lol:
bentalphanerd said:
Earth Hour uses the simple action of turning off the lights for one hour to deliver a powerful message about the need for action on global warming.

Hmmm..so if I turn off my lights at 8 p.m. like I normally do...what powerful message am I sending and to whom? What will "they" do with my powerful message? How do "they" know if I am turning my lights off in protest or if I am just going to bed?
What happens if I sign up but I don't really turn my lights off?
'Splain me Lucy...TB.
TB click the link - read about it & make up your own mind. Or don't.

I know what I'm doing, thought I might try to get a few more onboard through the forum.
bentalphanerd said:
TB click the link - read about it & make up your own mind. Or don't.

I know what I'm doing, thought I might try to get a few more onboard through the forum.

I'm *so* there!

And I wish this was Usenet, so I could reply properly; but the mere suggestion of commencing to proceed to make a small, educational gesture towards energy conservation already unmans too many of you.
TB you are sounding like Chilihunter. I am all for questioning authority, but Bent isn't exactly a hard ass here.

Questioning the effect or usefulness has become moot. Either you believe that something needs to change, and you are on board, however symbolic the gesture, or you aren't and never will be.

Get on board or Get out of the way.
Bent..I did click and read first. It was not my intention to belittle your opinion but to merely ask simple questions addressing the issue. Indeed I do not agree with the whole global warming concept but I respect your opinion if you choose to accept it.
Cheesy...I commend you for defending Bent's opinion.
Cheers, ya'll. TB.
thats cool TB - no offence taken. Obviously the setup can be screwed with easily, but why bother. Either you're able & want to get involved in it or you don't. Entirely your call to make.
cheezydemon said:
There is this one jerk who drives a gigantic yellow H2. He parks it in the handicap spaces, you know the kind.

I was so planning to stencil one of those "wheelchair accessible" insignias on the side, since I already refer to it as the short bus.

But maybe 15 minutes with a portable sawzall would be better.

I don't want to steal anything, just render it completely undriveable.

The guy had the audacity to put fliers on other cars asking them not to park in the handicapped spaces one day when they were filled up. There is nothing wrong with him physically, maybe he thinks that his mental short comings qualify him to park there.

taking the cat will not make the vehicle undriveable, it'll make it loud but still driveable.

I also get annoyed to the fact of who parks in the handicap spaces. if you're a elder no problem park there, or if you are really disabled no problem.
but I see some people getting out of those vehicles & walking just fine like anyone else - this bothers me! because in my eyes they dont need that space while others do.
I also dont have a problem with pregnant women parking close - but not in handicap spaces! some places have parking spots for pregnant women.

I dont waste my time finding a parking space close, I just park towards the back - also this is another earth friendly thing to do, just park instead of driving around to find a parking space close because you're to lazy to walk ;)

I never said I'm against making earth cleaner BUT I dont fall for gimmicks!
making 1 part cleaner while on the other end it does more harm to another part of the environment,if it does this can you really consider it enviromentally friendly ?

I have energy efficient bulbs but say someone taking part in this "earth hour" only uses regular bulbs - well I can have 4 CFL's on to their 1 regular bulb & still draw less electricity, I'm making more of a statement than that person even without taking part in the earth hour!

if you really want change then step up to the plate & do it, put your actions or money where your mouth is. change your house (insulation,mechanical,solar power,wind turbines,etc...) so less electricity is used. or even place some of your house in ground (meaning more than your basement to conserve energy)

this 1 hour deal is nothing more than a little protest, which actions speak louder!
change wont happen until you make them change, all in the ways of buying certain products, your driving habits, energy consumption,etc...

when it comes to energy consumption are you waiting for someone to force change upon you, or are you willing to actually step up to the plate & change your ways & do something about it ?
& I dont mean for 1 hour either!

so they (energy companies & other companies) are forced to change because of your actions vs you only changing because of their actions.
so whos gonna stop driving at noon on march 30th for 1 hour to make a "powerful message" or dont buy anything plastic from 1pm-2pm on march 31st to send a "powerful message" to companies that sell products. :rolleyes: you know how 1 hour can make so much change vs a 24/7 lifetime change ;)

I believe the only "powerful message" you're trying to send is to the person staring back at you through the mirror every morning! ;)

I'd bet my left nut I dont hear anything about the impact or statement this "earth hour" had, on my local news the day after.

as for being a long post, yea sorry about that. but if you cant discuss the pros/cons about certain issues then I guess you really dont care about that issue or you cant think for yourself & just follow others (a sheep)
I believe the only "powerful message" you're trying to send is to the person staring back at you through the mirror every morning!

I agree with most of your sentiments CH. I think maybe this is the point of earth hour.

I'd bet my left nut I dont hear anything about the impact or statement this "earth hour" had, on my local news the day after.

Sadly, in this day and age of "lowest common denominator" news production, this story is going to have top billing on the news here.

ring sting said:
Sadly, in this day and age of "lowest common denominator" news production, this story is going to have top billing on the news here.


What's sad about giving publicity to an effort to make people more aware of their power usage and open the discussion on how to use that power more efficiently? How is that catering to the less intellectual in society?
ring sting - It should be on the news, they are going to shut down a state capital for an hour...that's news.

CH - you'll be able to wake up in the morning & look in the mirror & say "I did nothing although I easily could have"

as for the long posts CH.... I keep expecting to see your manifesto in the Washington Post one day...dunno, you just give me that feeling lol.

You've already got a manifesto right?
bentalphanerd said:
CH - you'll be able to wake up in the morning & look in the mirror & say "I did nothing although I easily could have"

as for the long posts CH.... I keep expecting to see your manifesto in the Washington Post one day...dunno, you just give me that feeling lol.

You've already got a manifesto right?

bent - " I did nothing" ?
I did nothing because I didnt partake in a earth HOUR (1 HOUR) ok buddy :rolleyes:
I guess you really dont understand it takes more than 1 hour out of your time to do some to make a real impact!
like I said I do more than your 1 hour deal. compared to some others that might be taking part of " earth hour "

you do know what " manifesto " means dont you ?
our govt hands those out left & right everyday, never thought you'd think of me as a politican ;):lol:
but I'd be a good one, & cut all these pork barrel projects.

but back to your remark, I'm not stupid as to what you meant.
I thought you were smarter, I guess not.
I guess you're just not used to americans that speak their minds & wont take any BS or fall for gimmicks. what I say or do is NOT uncommon for a majority of us americans, & sure in the hell not uncommon in my location or the people I know.

so you can think whatever you want. I wont lose any sleep over that comment.
but I'll still discuss the earth hour with you, that yet you havent mentioned anything about what kind of impact or "powerful message" will be sent & to who & what will the outcome be from this 1 hour - will this change the electric companys methods of producing electricty ? or do something to make earth cleaner ?
or will you have a bigger impact by changing your daily life & updating mechincal/appliance's/house ?
. I'd think if you really cared you would forgo electricity for 24 hours instead of the measly 1 hour, or just really do something about how you consume electricity in your daily life ;)
yeah manifesto, washington post...a bit too mcveigh-g ?? {my appologies, i been doing a lot of cryptic xwords lately}

Take it easy CH I'm sure you do what you can for the environment as I & a lot on THP do too. After all the environment gives us chillis & where would we be without them?
I just don't understand where your coming from by not doing this one hour thing because it won't make any difference?
I say make earth hour trendy, make it once a month, or even every week, get ppl into it & feed an idea like this. This steam engine style combustable energy thing is coming to an end, global warming or not, we all have to cut back until someone works out a new way of generating power.

{Three days of trying to install a stable version of M$ Vista will do this to a nerds brain}