bent - take it easy ? I'm not getting riled up over this.
I knew what you meant when you made that comment, but I dont understand why you think of me that way, just because I dont believe in your "earth hour"
if its because of my "left nut" comment its just a saying, I'm not willing to part with it
(I dont know the correct spelling either *) far as I know mcveigh* never sent a manifesto.
but you do realize theres environmentalist groups & animal rights activists that do domestic terrorism.
so I could say the same about you
for you to imply that about me is making a very vague claim, you might as well say the same about millions of other people in america.
all just based off someones words.
your quote
"I just don't understand where your coming from by not doing this one hour thing because it won't make any difference?"
I dont understand how you think this "earth hour" will make a big impact on the consumption of electricity & make the electric companies change their methods of producing electricity.
do you think they'll say "oh wow some people figured out how to turn off some lights/power to conserve energy so I guess tommorrow we'll switch to 100% solar power"
I doubt it!
vs changing your daily routine & upgrading things. or just forgo electricity all together.
you dont need lights, burn candles or kerosine lamps. nor do you need a grow room or lights for chiles.
in fact you dont need electricity at all to survive or live on in your house
so why do you even use it then ?
so are you not destroying earth all just for your convenience & comfort factor ?
I feel so moved by this "earth hour" that I'll not buy a pop/soda just for tommorrow, all in the name of childhood obesity & childhood diabetes. that should really make a impact
I knew what you meant when you made that comment, but I dont understand why you think of me that way, just because I dont believe in your "earth hour"
if its because of my "left nut" comment its just a saying, I'm not willing to part with it

(I dont know the correct spelling either *) far as I know mcveigh* never sent a manifesto.
but you do realize theres environmentalist groups & animal rights activists that do domestic terrorism.
so I could say the same about you

for you to imply that about me is making a very vague claim, you might as well say the same about millions of other people in america.
all just based off someones words.
your quote
"I just don't understand where your coming from by not doing this one hour thing because it won't make any difference?"
I dont understand how you think this "earth hour" will make a big impact on the consumption of electricity & make the electric companies change their methods of producing electricity.
do you think they'll say "oh wow some people figured out how to turn off some lights/power to conserve energy so I guess tommorrow we'll switch to 100% solar power"
I doubt it!
vs changing your daily routine & upgrading things. or just forgo electricity all together.
you dont need lights, burn candles or kerosine lamps. nor do you need a grow room or lights for chiles.
in fact you dont need electricity at all to survive or live on in your house

so are you not destroying earth all just for your convenience & comfort factor ?
I feel so moved by this "earth hour" that I'll not buy a pop/soda just for tommorrow, all in the name of childhood obesity & childhood diabetes. that should really make a impact