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sharre-a-recipe Easy Salsa

Tomatoes on sale at store and just recieved some yellow morugas from elcap1999, so thought it be a good time to replenish the salsa stock.
7-7.5 lbs of tomatoes (i used roma)--pulsed in food processor/or diced
1/4 cup salt
juice of 2 limes
1 red onion--diced
1 yellow onion---diced
5 pobalanos--seeded, stemed and diced
5 green bell peppers--seeded, stemed and diced
20 Jalapenos--seeded, stemed and diced
2 cans of corn (optional)
2 cans black beans (optional)
=PH of 3.6

Poblano and bell

jalapenos and corn

tomaotes pulsed in food processor/salt/lime

everybody in the pool

Heat salsa to boiling and kill the heat
In clean sanitized jars fill some heat of your choice....
mine: first three have one fresh yellow moruga each, then 1 dried red bhut, and 1 dried brown bhut.

Fill with salsa mixture and water bath accordingly

Finished will be chunky style salsa with some crunch

SmokenFire said:
I'm bumping this because the base recipe really is fantastic.  The ratios of tomatoes/onion/peppers is perfect and it's become my go to recipe.  Family always ask me to bring it to our summer gatherings (and follow the request with a plea to keep the heat level down lol) and I usually make 2-3 batches for myself through the summer and freeze to enjoy throughout the year.   :)
Thanks Dru, glad to hear that your enjoying it. This has been our go to recipe for quite some time. Its a good base recipe that has so many different posiblities. Getting the heat level just right can be a bit of a challenge tho, specially when dealling with the supers. The ones with dried chilis came out pretty good but the ones with fresh morugas brought the pain. In hindsight I think a sliver or two in each jar would have been about right heat level.
I'm glad this got bumped. I had seen the post a while back, been wanting to try it. I love the idea of being able to make different versions by adding stuff (or not) to the jars. I got a hwb setup recently too. Think I'll make a trip to the farmers market soon...
You know it, this guys way a great plan, and sure to please everyone though it was a hard day when I did this recipe the possibilities are endless when you look at salsa recipes as each jar can be a different flavor. Thanks Beerbreath81
Hey FG the corn and beans are on Beerbreath8's recipe, backup to page one of this thread. I would just follow ball canning rules on the bath if there are no pressure canner requirements, my can baths are usually 10 to 15 minutes
When I use this recipe I liked it for every jar had beans and corn butt different peppers diced in the jar or jars I thought he had all the pictures needed it was awesome and you know, follow along with the pictures I guess I just assumed the pictures had the beans and corn in it well when he says all in the bath it's all in there no bath just enjoy soon all i would do or store in the fridgeadair
Greenguru said:
Oh yes I do this one with my end of season green maters also
Never thought of using green tomatoes, great idea.
FGpepperguy said:
Couple questions:
Did you use beans in your recipe?  I wasn't sure if I saw them in the photos
How long did you do your water bath?
For the recipe I did here I did not use beans but have in the past with good results, just an optional ingrediant based on whether you like beans in your salsa or not. If using, just make sure to rinse your beans. The time I water bath is generally 10-12 miniutes. I place the jars in the pot, fill with water and once water starts boiling I start the clock.
Looks great FGPG! I'm making more of this today.   :)
Here we go!  

Big rainbow, green stripey, orange russian and roma tomatoes, aleppo, piment de bresse, alcalde, fresno and numex spanish piquillo peppers, rioja and porcelain garlic, parsley, cilantro, walla walla sweet onion, a couple tomatillos and the juice of about 6 limes.  
Follow directions for recipe on page one.  

The Big Rainbow tomato tastes just as good as it looks.  :)

Add the onion

Pimente de Bress, Alcalde, Fresno diced (the rest of the peppers were blended). 

After the spin cycle. 

Pure satisfaction!  :D
Making a batch right now and also making a side of purple tomatillo salsa, post picks shortly. Got some veg roasting currently.

Making salsa verde using purple tomatillos we grew and a red Savina for heat!

Bahamian Goats for a large batch of salsa getting canned

Diced bells for the salsa

Roma tomatoes for the salsa

I will post the final products later.