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sharre-a-recipe Easy Salsa

Tomatoes on sale at store and just recieved some yellow morugas from elcap1999, so thought it be a good time to replenish the salsa stock.
7-7.5 lbs of tomatoes (i used roma)--pulsed in food processor/or diced
1/4 cup salt
juice of 2 limes
1 red onion--diced
1 yellow onion---diced
5 pobalanos--seeded, stemed and diced
5 green bell peppers--seeded, stemed and diced
20 Jalapenos--seeded, stemed and diced
2 cans of corn (optional)
2 cans black beans (optional)
=PH of 3.6

Poblano and bell

jalapenos and corn

tomaotes pulsed in food processor/salt/lime

everybody in the pool

Heat salsa to boiling and kill the heat
In clean sanitized jars fill some heat of your choice....
mine: first three have one fresh yellow moruga each, then 1 dried red bhut, and 1 dried brown bhut.

Fill with salsa mixture and water bath accordingly

Finished will be chunky style salsa with some crunch

This is a great thread, but I don't see much of what I am proposing to do later this week.  That's roasting or grilling the tomatoes... as well as the peppers, onions and garlic.  A roasted tomato would lose a lot of juice and have a more complicated smoky flavor, no?
And the other ingredient I was eyeing was grilled pineapple.  So, there will be tomatoes, onions, garlic, peppers and pineapple ALL grilled/roasted.  Pulse that up with salt, fresh cilantro and cumin.  Can stop there.
But, taking things a step further, how about fresh avocado pulsed into the mixture?  Would seemingly make the salsa "creamier".  The other idea I had was finely cubed fresh jicama for crunch (and maybe corn, for similar reason).
This is not for canning... it's actually what I was devising for Thanksgiving and maybe next day leftovers.  From your expert opinions, am I going down the wrong path?  Thanks drP
Hurley said:
As a complete rookie, thank you for posting this! If you don't mind, can I use this as sort of a 'skeleton' for making something of my own?

Or is this something that has been extensively tested and has little/no room for deviation?
I've played with this recipe plenty!  I stay within the same basic ratios, but I've switched out peppers according to what's available, etc.  :)
Again I return to making this fantastic salsa. This time I made and canned a little over 10 liters.
I've had to change the recipe just a little (I couldn't find Poblanos and Danes don't do US cups and lbs) but it still tastes great.
I used:
7 kg tomatoes
10 green bell peppers
10 Carliston Mild turkish peppers
2 red onions
3 yellow onions (2 were on the smaller side)
40 jalapenos
4 tbsp key lime juice
700 gr frozen corn
135 gr salt
Thanks again to beerbreath81 :cheers:
Giving this thread a much deserved bump. Thanks to smokenfire for resurrecting it from the depths on a newer thread. The original post is definitely an awesome starting point and as you read through all the other posts you get a lot of other ideas that may or may not work for you.
ENJOY!! :onfire: :dance: :fireball: :party:
Made the salsa, but not at all impressed with my results... :tear:
Had no food processor, so blended the 'maters and the result was much too much liquid...
Heat was non-existant, though I'm sure that will change as the contents drop towards the hots and supers at the bottom. (I'm actually tempted to mix the jar now...)
Anyhow...here are a couple of pics:

Loved the Black Beans and the corn which are aesthetically very pleasing, though I did forget to rinse the beans..!  :P

No idea why my pics are sideways - apologies...
Here's my recipe last 4 yrs. Pic is half of what I canned up last Sept.

Recipe makes 6 pints.

9 cups chopped/diced tomatoes of any variety (I use what ever is fresh from the garden)
Place into colander and drain excess liquid. Remove seeds if you wish.

2.5 cups mixed peppers chopped. I do a course chop so it ends up chunky.
Peppers can be green red orange or your choice of super hots.
I don't remove pith or seeds from supers but I do with bell varieties.

1.5 cups Walla Walla sweet onion rough chopped

.5 cups chopped cilantro or 2.5 Tbls ground powder.

1/3 cup white vinegar

2 Tbls kosher or canning salt nno idolized.

6 cloves chopped garlic or 2.5 Tbls dried sliced.

1 tsp ground cumin

1 tsp fresh cracked black pepper

1 6oz can tomato paste

1 can rinsed and drained black beans

1 cup frozen corn giblets plus 1Tbls additional white vin for proper ph when adding corn.

Combine all ingredients to large pot and bring to low boil....continue to cook 10 mins gently stirring. Do not burn it.

Ladle into hot sterilized jars 1/4" from top of jars.

Process in hot water bath 10 mins. Remove to cool and seal.

Add 1 minute to process time for every 1000ft of elevation.

What a great idea dropping different types of peppers into each jar. The salsa I made last year has never been better using that method. Each jar had its own unique taste depending on the pepper in it. Brilliant!