• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.


I bought one pack of seeds from an ebay seller once. They were okay, but the seller was a professional seeds dealer.

I'd be careful when buying seeds. You never know what you're gonna get and don't trust the feedback. People leave theirs when they receive the seeds. They maybe total crap, but the buyer cannot know at that point.
My first ever seed experience was off ebay, but it turned out alright.

Usually you'll find that a reputable ebay seed dealer will have their own website outside of ebay that has a more thorough listing and description of each chilli.
ebay with caution, some sellers are very good some unfortunately are not. I've had good luck, bought from a couple of sellers and peppers came true to what was advertised. Look for favorable ratings and a high number of sales. That's the only advice I have, it's take your chances.

As others have stated, be careful. Lots of bad advertising and people selling seed for one type but picturing another.

I saw an auction yesterday for tepin seed. They had piquin peppers pictured. They were advertising as the hottest and had over 20 bids, the bid was over $15 plus shipping. :shame:
bjs2006 said:
As others have stated, be careful. Lots of bad advertising and people selling seed for one type but picturing another.

I saw an auction yesterday for tepin seed. They had piquin peppers pictured. They were advertising as the hottest and had over 20 bids, the bid was over $15 plus shipping. :shame:

Kinda like the Diablo Negro I bought last year as the worlds hottest pepper....pretty plants but there is absolutely no heat in them...I mean NONE...got a bell pepper taste all the way around...

bjs...don't know whether you are looking for tepins or not but I have a bagfull of wild Texas Tepins from a wild bush down around Waco...if you want a few, pm me your mailing address and I will send you a few pods....they have decent germination rates too...
I bought seeds from a guy on this forum that sells on ebay and they were fine.
just remember that this forum has members that know the facts so if a seller is selling 50 million scoville unit super peppers and we never heard of them... your gettin ripped
Bought some naga from ebay turned out pretty good then I found out that he was a member here in THP. And have had good results
I bought my first seeds from ebay last year. Was a package deal (10 lots of seeds x 10 seeds each).

It was a uk seller and it was tops, all seeds where true to description.

But my brother bought some white bullet hab seeds around the same time from another ebay seller and he planted 4 seeds.

One come out as a standard red sweet bell pepper, another was a Jalapeno, and 2 were similar to a Cayenne. And as Chiliac said once the plant is fruiting it is far to late to change your feedback.

So it really is the luck of the draw.

Better off giving your hard earned cash to a reputable dealer.
Ok well bought Choc habs,Red Savina and 2 others.Didn`t get the first plant.They all came from the same dealer so if you want PM me and i`ll give you the name.THINK what does pain do?
mornin talas and RB...good ol cup of coffee here...and its really early...yawn...