annuum Er jing tiao

OK, so I decided to roll the 🎲🎲 and give the dried peppers a shot. I really hope these germinate, because the vacuum bag had plenty of air in it and frankly the pods smell stale. They cut a little nip in the bag - like to get you started with pulling it open versus having to cut it with scissors - and it seems what happened is the cut reached the inside of the bag and let air in.

Anyhow, lots of seeds. I put them in a lidded container with H2O2 and agitated them for a few minutes, then diluted the peroxide and will let them soak overnight. Tomorrow I'll plant this lot and maybe a smaller control group to see if the pre-treated and untreated seeds do any differently.

Plenty of seeds - and Abe, for scale
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Good sized bag
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Pods, not so great. I do think it's because the pack got nipped open though and these might not be representative of what usually ship.
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And totally unrelated, my local grocery store had these in the produce section tonight...

Store-cotos :)
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Thanks, @Sinn. Too bad Mala Market didn't work out for you. Maybe these guys' pods will do something.

I'm dropping a load of these seeds in the hopes at least one of them gets it done and gives me a batch of iso pods for next season. My last attempt at sprouting seeds from dried pods (a different variety) was a bust, but those pods smelled like they'd been smoked for hours.
Thanks Tink and Sine!

I cleaned up the seeds and hyperoxygenated them overnight with H2O2. After discarding about half that didn't look as good, I figure at least a hundred remain. All went into this 15cm square Tupperware-type container with a peat and perlite seed starter mix; it's now on a heat map under T5HO's. We'll see what happens. :)

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These chili peppers may be dried by machines, so the possibility of germination is very small. If there is a seed sprouting, it is really lucky.
These chili peppers may be dried by machines, so the possibility of germination is very small. If there is a seed sprouting, it is really lucky.
Thanks, Wilds. I suspect as much, but it's fun to try and see what happens.

I was also hoping to get some good dry pods in the process, but I don't think I'll be using these given the condition in which they arrived :(
Hey, and if it shows up and it's a dried bell pepper at least you'll know before you spend the time to grow the seeds! ;)

Just kidding. It's actually a great idea of the seller to sell the seeds in the dried pods given the reputation of many eBay and Etsy sellers for selling specialty pepper seeds that are actually from bell peppers or whatever.

Good luck with them @Grass Snake. If I don't get anything from my batch I may try these too!
Hey, and if it shows up and it's a dried bell pepper at least you'll know before you spend the time to grow the seeds! ;)

Just kidding. It's actually a great idea of the seller to sell the seeds in the dried pods given the reputation of many eBay and Etsy sellers for selling specialty pepper seeds that are actually from bell peppers or whatever.

Good luck with them @Grass Snake. If I don't get anything from my batch I may try these too!
I'd be amazed to see a dried bell pepper lol. If I get some germination going I'm happy to share a few seeds with you.
In the spirit of "you miss all the shots you don't take," this attempt with dried er jing tiao pods appears to be a success! :)

It was 34C in the grow room when I check a few minutes ago (oops) and apparently the heat got the seeds moving, because both the treated seeds and the untreated control batch have sprouts. It's only a few of each so far, but they look healthy. Time will tell on the germination percentages. I'm kind of hoping poor, because I planted a whole lot of seeds and it's going to be a sprout jungle if even one-in-three comes through.

Thanks for the good wishes. I'm pretty psyched to see how these guys turn out.

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