food Everythang' Tex-Mex!

No shame, says the guy currently enjoying a busch light tall boy.
Let's see how hard you can rock a box of taco shells.

J- you gotta bring it bro! Everyone will be checkin in!

Much obliged Fitty. Got a box of the hard shells on standby along with some flour torts and queso. Also some 86/15 with "pink slime" injected beef. Reckon I'll clone that Taco Bell hard shell in a soft shell gordita chingadera mrs. blues likes so much.

Coinky dinky..last 2 30 packs I've bought and currently swillin' is Busch. Not light.

No Busch racism.
I figured it was either that, or couldn't find it. Lard is really a neutral fat if it anything, it may raise LDL a little but it also raises HDL. It's 50% monounsaturated, of which almost all is oleic acid (45% of the total fat). Olive oil is about 60-80% oleic acid in comparison. Of the ~40% saturated fat, a third of that is stearic acid which is desaturated in the liver and does not raise LDL. The remaining ~25% is palmitic acid, which isn't great, but soybean oil is 11% palmitic acid, and most oils contain a decent amount of palmitic acid anyway. It's undoubtedly healthier than butter or the rancid, hydrogenated science experiment known as Crisco. I'm not suggesting people get all their fat from lard, but used with other fats it's perfectly healthy, and for some things there are no proper substitutions. Luckily I can still buy it at Mexican grocery stores because Americans have been conditioned to be terrified of it.

I really need to make some tamales soon, it has been awhile, and those look good. I like to cook the meat in the crockpot too, it works really well. A proper tamal steamer is going to be my next kitchen gadget purchase, my jury-rigged one gets the job done but it's a little awkward. :surprised: Last time I poked holes in a foil pan and rested it on top of some shot glasses on the bottom of the pot and filled halfway up to the foil with water. They steamed perfectly but a couple shot glasses cracked in the process. :oops:
By all means AB whoop out some tamales. I love 'em looooong time but usually just make them twice a year. Christmas holidays are a tradition and at least one other time during the year. I usually bring mrs. blues in as assistant tamale kitchen person just to cut down on the labor time.
Yeah I make the girlfriend tie the corn husks with her delicate little fingers. :D I've only made standard pork and chicken tamales, I'm going to try some of other types of fillings. I'm growing some hoja santa that will come in handy.
I think y'all are reaching beyond the borders of TexMex. Tamales ar Mehican, ya hear? MEXICAN!

I like them tho, so make em, picture take em and post em. And if you're so inclined, send meum!
I am really gonna bend the rules of this thread. First of all, I made simple everyday HARD SHELL tacos with boxed hard shells. I did chop the lettuce and tomatoes, and seasoned the meat myself, but this is pretty far from authentic anything. It is entry #2 tonight that really gets my juices flowing.



I used a couple of really good hot sauces for tacos. RedTailForester's Grounds for Divorce XXX and Heartbreaking Dawn's 1542 which I think was MADE for tacos. Ok so far so good, but that is not why I am here, that was just the appetizer. I also made Asian Quesadillas (not racist). I know, definitely not Tex-Mex, but I am hoping TB will be impressed enough to let them fly. This was a three day process. I marinated some boneless pork loin chops in my Asian Fire Dragon sauce then grilled. I ate some and took the leftovers and chopped them pretty fine. Then last night I poured in more of my Fire Dragon and a bit of water and let the pork simmer for hours.


On to the tortilla,




Chopped orange habaneros on top of the pork and kimchee.



Jack cheese on both sides, 'cause I like it, and into a 400F oven for about ten minutes.



This one is kinda Asian-Mex, but it is damn tasty.
Wow, J I like how your mind works. They are both awesome looking.

If it's in a tortilla TB will like it. I got your back if he doesn't, I have no idea what to do, but I got yer back.
Have mercy! Dontcha' know that tex-mex ain't got no rules? Jay you don't get a pass. You ROCKED IT! I like your brand of sinnin'.

I'll be sportin' my piccy's manana and a special shout out to SoFlo for the hard shell cheapness influence.
Damn You JT!!!!!! That Asian X Quesadilla looks outrageous!!!!! And now I don't want what I'm making for dinner anymore....

....I want THAT!!!!!!!! :P
Those quesadillas sound awesome. I would have never thought to put kimchi in a quesadilla. :surprised:

Not exactly Texmex but I make these a lot, tacos dorados with cabbage salad.


I sauté some chicken with salt and pepper in a little olive oil, then shred it. Then take some corn tortillas and dip them in a pan of hot oil for a few seconds to make them more malleable, put the shredded chicken inside the tortillas and fold, then use toothpicks to keep them sealed shut. Fry the tacos in canola oil until crispy.

For the red sauce I use a can of tomatoes, about 8-9 red jalapeños, a couple cloves of garlic (browned in oil first), and a splash of vinegar and blend them.


The cabbage salad is shredded white cabbage, chopped red onion, chopped cilantro, salt and pepper, white vinegar, and some of the red sauce, all mixed thoroughly. The lame grocery store I went to didn't have just shredded cabbage and I didn't feel like shredding one myself, nor do I need much cabbage, so I got the cole slaw mix and picked most of the carrots out. So that's why you see carrots in the picture, but they normally wouldn't be there.


For serving I remove the toothpicks, put a layer of red sauce on the chicken, then a layer of the cabbage salad, and then some crumbled queso fresco.


Apparently I didn't get a picture of an assembled taco so use your imagination. :oops:

And ignore the guacamole the avocados weren't completely ripe so I had to blend it so it looks like green poop.
JT... Dude, that's it!
Think of them as Open faced, build-as-you-go Tacos.

That is awesome, wait.... A W E S O M E AvonB.
And hell no, I ain't ignoring ANYTHING, that guac looks good to me.

I have only known one other person besides me to use toothpicks to close up the shells like that, exactly like that!
I haven't made those in forever!

FOR THE WIN! I'm all excited right now... Ahem....
I'm gonna go friend request you right now dammit!
That does it....I'm Tupperwaring-up my meal and thawin' out some burritos...then morphing them into a plate o' SIN!!!!!

naw - by then I'll prolly just bust open a can o' chili....i suck....:(