food Everythang' Tex-Mex!

It's a deal! Next time I'll make the more appropriate Beef Fajita! They could become my go-to Saturday Night meal. Tasty & fast...and they don't interfere with my other 'activities'! ;)
Nice TB. I was arguing with some dude a few years back about Kobe beef.
I thought I heard that it was illegal to export it somewhere before, but never knew for sure.
Turns out, I was right.

Cj's pork with onions and poblanos, last night was awesome. I just burnt some flour totillas in a red hot pan, and we just tore chuncks off and ate the meaty goodness right out of the pan.

No pics, so I guess I'm asking for forgiveness...
TB, I happen to have some fajita pics... what's it worth to you? Also, I hope you are ready for a break on the no carb diet, because I have a package going in the mail for you tomorrow loaded with carbs.
Fajitas? You mean "tacos fake Mexican chain restaurants make you assemble yourself because they are cool, not" :lol:
Fajitas? You mean "tacos fake Mexican chain restaurants make you assemble yourself because they are cool, not" :lol:

Dude, wait until the NO2 where's off from the dentist before posting.

TB, I happen to have some fajita pics... what's it worth to you? Also, I hope you are ready for a break on the no carb diet, because I have a package going in the mail for you tomorrow loaded with carbs.

A break on the no carb? I've been on break for a while now. Does my ass look fat in these pants?

You have fajita pics you're holding hostage? BOOOOOOOO!!! I don't negotiate with terrorists. Post your stinkin' fajita piccy's in the tuna thread!
Nice TB. I was arguing with some dude a few years back about Kobe beef.
I thought I heard that it was illegal to export it somewhere before, but never knew for sure.
Actual Kobe beef isn't available for sale anywhere but Japan, with the recent exception of Macau. The problem is that there is no regulation on the usage of the term kobe, or kobe style, so yeah, some restaurants charge insane prices for a "kobe style" cut of beef that isn't much different than a good black angus cut.

Texas Blues is absolutely right; the whole "kobe" thing is one of the biggest food scams going right now...Forbes recently did an article on the very subject. A good read if you're into this sort of thing.
You know I am eating a very fine Delmonico/Ribeye steak right now as I type this that doubt is above prime, but cooked correctly and seasoned properly as I have done it, it is better than nearly all restaurant steaks I can buy nearby. Sorry, no pics on this one, but I bought three more just like it and one of them is gettin' cooked very directly.
Steak is in the May Day thread. Here's the fajitas you requested. Sorry no pics of the monsterous margaritas that had me hungover into the afternoon the next day.






That was the only building or finished taco pic I managed. I was too busy shoving the stuff in my face.

TB, you should know that steak, it is much like the one we made at your house, except this one made it to the tortilla.
Looks aweome. You had me at "hungover".

Is that tortilla cold? May I suggest, heting up a CI pan until nuclear, throw the tortilla on it until you see a little bit of steam,
About 15-20 seconds each side. I'd like to be seeing the little black burnt spots on them.

Cold tortillas..... Sheesh!
Is that tortilla cold? May I suggest, heting up a CI pan until nuclear, throw the tortilla on it until you see a little bit of steam,
About 15-20 seconds each side. I'd like to be seeing the little black burnt spots on them.

Cold tortillas..... Sheesh!

:rofl: JayT got poo poo'ed!

Yeah looks like Mission wheat tortillas straight from the bag.
It is Mission wheat, but after I loaded it up, I wrapped it up and put it in the oven for a couple minutes to warm the tortilla and melt the cheese.