food Everythang' Tex-Mex!

Dang Av's....where's the cute little Bear on that label???????? BEAR????? [sub]that guy....[/sub]

...or this that too old school??????
Here ya' go chidren's. SoFlo Posse, mrs. blues and Taco Bell inspired...


Diced onion, fresno, garlic powder, 85/15 pink slime beef, and Fiesta cheapness brand chile powder.


Here's where it starts getting ghetto Taco Smell Style. Splooged a flour tore tillah with El Fenix brand Queso and warmed it up in the orgasmawave.


From there the hard shell takes a scheeze nap in the soft shell, gordita syle. Just like a reinforced taco Huggie to contain the beef hotness, shredded cabbage and shredded scheeze, along with some Pace Picante. Just look at that oozy queso creeping out the taco.


Crunchy yet soft, scheezie and slimy but it all just works. Plenty of leftovers to yank my chain for lunchorama later.


Taco up all you cowgirls!
Wow TB, that seriously looks better than the OTHER TB commercials.
And we all know it ain't even food they use in their pics.
That is some FINE ghetto fare.
I am a little embarrassed that I didn't catch that. Damm man, that is a collector item!
I think that deserves it's own photo, FTW!
I totally caught that Texas Busch!!!!!

Texas IS special!!!! hahaha

Also noticed those gorgeous red bits in your taco meat! What a work of beauty!!!!
Damn guys. Everythang was TexMex last night!!!!
JT, TB - well played. Boxed crispy shells. You know it was good!!!
I saw the Texas Busches. We have those throwback cans too, but ours don't say Texas on them.
They say, "Bienvenidos a Miami".

That homemade taco creation looked amazing too, bro. Something about home-fried corn tortillas. Always comes out awesome.
I like the spread. People can put on whatever they want! Nice. Hope for your sake you have leftovers for lunch today!
SD that hosky is everywhere down here. 30 pack for twenty and change. Tough to beat for cheapness and tastes like regular Bud.

Sum I just had to wave my taco freak flag in support of Fitty's old school style tacos.
Its quiet up in here. Too quiet. I'spected Jay to be all up in hear practicin' his tore tillah's. The man's been moled up and burrowed in like an Alabama tick on a bloodhound for at least a week now.
Shoot, I'm not waiting THAT long Scovie!!! :D

But my intention is to have a few, for purely inspirational purposes mind you, and see what sort of Tex-Mex creation pops into my head. It'll probably end up a cubano-texican fusion thang! Or hot dogs.
Um, my dinner wasn't pic-worthy this time! I tried my hand at fajitas, which tasted awesome, but later was told that "pork" isn't so much fajita fodder!!! hahahaha Now I'm not even sure if it's Tex-Mex!!!!! But, 'twas tasty, and I shall try it again soon! I made my own seasoning, and that in itself has endless possibilities to play with!
S'kay CJ. You could call it "tex-mex style". In truth only beef and more specifically beef skirt steak is used to make authentic fajita's. There is no such thing as pork, chicken or shrimp fajita's although heaps of restaurants label and list them on their menus as such. So much in the food world shady. Example: Kobe beef. Countless joints list it on their menus all across the country. The fact is, none of it is. It is illegal to export kobe beef from Japan and it just doesn't happen. Anyone who tells you differnt' is either very ignernt' or a big fat liar! Same goes for "wagyu", which literally means "cow". Could be any breed really but schmoe's have been shilling there "wagyu" as some kind of super beef at higher prices. What a load. Okay rant over.

Now back to that porkage. "tex-mex style" works just fine. Next time, post it anyway deary. Better to ask for forgiveness than permission.