food Everythang' Tex-Mex!

texas blues said:

This looks better than any CFS I've ever encountered.....I am absolutely stunned!!!

They sure do know how to make some awesome food in Texas. I gotta give 'em that. I would gain 50lbs if I lived there. Between all the steak, bbq, and Shinerbock not to mention the Tex-Mex.
paulky_2000 said:
This looks better than any CFS I've ever encountered.....I am absolutely stunned!!!


And we would looooove to see the PaulKy Posse's version sometime. Retta approved of course....

Don't kid your 'sef's ya' guess is AJ could smoke my version of chicken fried steak. In due time...I reckon he will!
U-n-c-l-e..I hereby attest to "Yankee JayTs" ability to show hot, blue and richeous Tex-Mex...they look great JayT and I bet they taste better than mine did...they look like it anyway...

I went to bed at 7pm last night....roflmao...missed all the tomfoolery....

CFS...would love to cook a couple up but with the weight watchers program the wife is on, I am essentially banned from frying anything...I might have to slip a fried lunch for myself one day while she is at work but today it is going to be 4-6 lbs of crawfish if this cold weather hasn't run them back in the ground...
You can get mud bugs in January AJ? Man I love those things. I hope you can make CFS some day. I'd love to see that one.
I've got some foo-mojo working right now, just unsure where to put it....Shrimp Pico de Gallo Rice Pilaf....It is sort of TeX-Mex but could also go in Cooking with Fire.

Where would y'll like to see it?
Well there it is ya'll. TB's Notorious Tamales.

Give this a listen.....
and post your Tex-Mex here ya'll!

Plated pic later tonight ya'll....

Awesome looking tamales, I'm gonna have to try that recipe.
+100 internets for the Robert Johnson link :D

Fish tacos. I can't get enough. Alaskan cod, yellow o's, mince garlic & habs, and red bells...


A little cheese, corn tore tillah, and crema...tasty cheap eats y'all...


Then last night...Texas gulf shrimps, minced shallot, garlic, and a sriracha bath...


Made up a little sriracha 1000 island to go with the shrimps...dig it.


Dadgum guuud!! And the sriracha 1000 kicks butt!


Christmas eve tonight so can't break tradition. Tamales will come callin'...