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F*k it happened again!

Novacastrian said:
How did millworkman do that?

Indoor soccer. Went up for a header and someone decided my head was better to hit than the ball. Its cool though, his head split on the top of his head, in his hair.
Novacastrian said:
What after you smacked him with the bat?

I thought about it. I have a really hard head though and he seemed to be in more pain that I was so I figured he learned his lesson.
moyboy said:

I've actually had to stand in the shower and pour milk on it before......It was that bad......KY seems to help the spread of the capsaisin....:oops:

There's a good image for you.....:lol:

Next time go to the source and stump break a cow to cool it off. :D
this guy nate he invested in some latex gloves after dealing with some habs he said it felt like he just rolled his face in straight capsacin runny nose eyes watering he looked like a serious allergy case, he's ok now dont worry i'll make sure he wears glove when dealing with those hot puppies. this guy nate is really cool wish i was like him in soo many ways
Chicks dig the scars man, consider yourself a lucky dude.

Patrick has a few and he likes to show them to the babes on the beaches--it never fails. Patrick just wishes that there were beaches in Nebraska.:rolleyes:
patrick said:
Chicks dig the scars man, consider yourself a lucky dude.

Patrick has a few and he likes to show them to the babes on the beaches--it never fails. Patrick just wishes that there were beaches in Nebraska.:rolleyes:

My wife thinks it is going to be a cool scar.
Since having a newborn I've had to REALLY start watching what I'm doing when playing in the kitchen and the garden- I might be able to handle some hots barehanded but I learned the hard way that I can't handle her after I do.
wooooah, David didn't think that this post would go in the direction that it did! but he thinks it's been very entertaining to read. And I don't think he's crazy?! lol
Neither does Badger, he has been much amused.. Badger still has a hot paw today after cutting up a Dorset Naga. Balls, says he.