• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Fade's Grow Log 2010

Well its been a long time since I last posted on the forum due to being very busy.
I hope all is well with everyone, and that you had a very happy new year!
Here are some pics of what I'm currently growing.



My Yellow Scotch Bonnets that are planted in ground are loaded and continue to be heavy producers.



Some Chocolate Habs
Bro i got a strain that is nuts. Not 7pot,scorp nuts but hot enough. Could be around 500,000 scovilles like as step down from the superhots and very strong smell. Nice taste
They are hot!!
Let me know what yours are like.
FadeToBlack said:
I got mine from THSC so they should be quality.
I grew three different ones. three years ago. One from Peppermania, one from chileseeds.com and one i got from a freind.
The one from chileseeds.com was extremely productive and very hot. Surprise?? Peppermania not so productive and not the same heat. The one i got from a freind of mine was in between. So i isolated the ones from the chileseed.com and the same result the next year.
Growing another this year as its great.
never tried Neils one. Let me know what you think
jjs7741 said:
Well that sucks. I got mine from peppermania. Hopefully they turn out better that yours did.



I only grew one fatalii plant from Beth. Doesnt mean yours will be the same bro. You could have a totally different experience. I could have just got the runt of the litter.
It was three years ago. Keep me updated on how yours turn out.:)
Well here is my first ripe Fatali pod. I tried a small cross section near the steam and it was definatly very hot.
It has a very strong citrusy flavor that is similar to my yellow bonnets only they have more of a milt fruity nutty flavor.

Here it is:

Yeah the flesh on the bonnet is thicker compared to the fatali. I would have to try them side by side because the heat is very close, both very painfull.
The bonnet still holds the crown for flavor though IMO.
Fatalli is my favorite pepper, its absolutely awesome. Did you take a giant bite of it? The first ripe pepper on each plant, IMO, has to be eaten(preferably all at once)! Good luck!
Not a giant bite but enough to be put in pain for 10 minutes. I would eat the whole thing if it didnt bother my stomach.

Here is another pic


You can see all the nice capsicum oils inside shining.

And yes Yann it was much hotter than the red savina, seeds were also mature as well.
madhatter said:

I only grew one fatalii plant from Beth. Doesnt mean yours will be the same bro. You could have a totally different experience. I could have just got the runt of the litter.
It was three years ago. Keep me updated on how yours turn out.:)

Haha. Yeah it was more a tongue and cheek comment because I happened to get my seeds from the place that did the worst for ya. I know 1 plant doesn't mean much. Sometimes it's just the luck of the draw with the seed you plant. Not all of them will make perfect plants.

Fade -

Congrats on the fatalii. Cant wait to try one myself. My plant is starting to bud, but I think I will pick them off to allow the plant to get a little bigger first. After your comparison to your scotch bonnet, I can't wait to try that bonnet too. No buds on it yet, but hopefully soon.

With the pics of the leaf curl, this may sound strange, but, had you just recently put those takes in? If so, you may have damaged some of the roots, that would be why the new growth comes back ok or then developes the same problem.... Just a thought mate.
Silver_Surfer said:
My Fatalii seeds from Beth last year produced fine productive plants, no complaints.

I absolutely love her yellow habs. They grow huge, productive and very hot. One of my favorites!!
Hey Fade..

Looks like starting Monday we're gonna start getting some rain for at least a few days in a row... I think all of these plants that I've been over-caring for are gonna get some help from mother nature...we'll see...

What's the forecast your way?

BTW...All of my plants in the ground are finally taking root and beginning to "wake up."

madhatter said:
I absolutely love her yellow habs. They grow huge, productive and very hot. One of my favorites!!

I haven't tried Beth's "yellow hab" but its been a definite favorite on several other chile growing forums. Its definitly on my to-grow list but I already have so many yellow chinenses that are must grows every year
I haven't tried Beth's "yellow hab" but its been a definite favorite on several other chile growing forums. Its definitly on my to-grow list but I already have so many yellow chinenses that are must grows every year

You can't beat a yellow chinense for flavor IMO.

Bossman, the weather has been sunny and kinda windy the past few days and is forcasted to continue.