Fancy new drought irrigation system

bentalphanerd said:
Takes 2 - 3 weeks to drain out 2 litres of water & spreads out enough underground (at the roots) to water a 2' should keep 4 plants happy. {Dependant on soil type}

why aren't you using bourbon bottles? I thought you'd have hundreds of empties lying around...

I have seen perforated plastic spikes which attach to PET bottles for slow release watering though I don't know how slowly they release the water.

Pam said:
Oh yeah? And what was your address again?...Well, do you want more women to post here or not?

it depends... what type of women do you think would delight in seeing bentalphanerd naked with his ballsack stained with ochre yelling incoherently and stumbling around his backyard performing a drunken jig? (check out his pic on his bio page...)
chilliman64 said:
it depends... what type of women do you think would delight in seeing bentalphanerd naked with his ballsack stained with ochre yelling incoherently and stumbling around his backyard performing a drunken jig?

Um, the type that would post more than 1000 posts to The Hot Pepper?

Say, if I slipped Mrs. Chiliman64 a $20, do ya think she would take pictures of you naked and stained with ochre, yelling incoherently and stumbling around your backyard performing a drunken jig?
About that rain dance...

In order to get it right, you have to practice, correct? So, if you hold rain dance practice, and it doesn't rain, how do you know you did it right? ...And if it does rain, do you really need to have the ceremony?

Shoot-- Just call a practice.
Pam said:
Um, the type that would post more than 1000 posts to The Hot Pepper?

Say, if I slipped Mrs. Chiliman64 a $20, do ya think she would take pictures of you naked and stained with ochre, yelling incoherently and stumbling around your backyard performing a drunken jig?

save yourself twenty bucks Pam and we'll do a trade, you show me yours, I'll show you mine... ochre is optional
chilliman64 said:
why aren't you using bourbon bottles? I thought you'd have hundreds of empties lying around...

They get shuffled out to the bin pretty quickly...after all i have my image to think of.

chilliman64 said:
I have seen perforated plastic spikes which attach to PET bottles for slow release watering though I don't know how slowly they release the water.

I looked at those - they have tiny holes down the spike so the water comes out at a few levels but I couldnt see the water traveling far out those tiny holes so probably 1 per plant at $1 each. I'm looking at having a few hundred plants here by christmas. Just seemed easier to forget them.

Pam said:
Um, the type that would post more than 1000 posts to The Hot Pepper?

Thanks for the vote Pam. More so since I got older today {good timing}. I've been practicing my senility all day, I'm getting quite good at it.
So thanks again & give that guide dog of yours a big pat from me :lol:
BBQ-Phil said:
Hmm,when you cut away the bottom of two bottles and tape them together? That should work.You dig one end in and can refil it.

The topic, I'll try to post a pic tomorrow of the bottle sucking in...its fairly extreme. I don't think tape will hold.
bentalphanerd said:
...Thanks for the vote Pam. More so since I got older today {good timing}. I've been practicing my senility all day, I'm getting quite good at it.
So thanks again & give that guide dog of yours a big pat from me :lol:

happy birthday mate! are you going to change your nic to bentovernerd?
BBQ-Phil said:
Hmm,when you cut away the bottom of two bottles and tape them together? That should work.You dig one end in and can refil it.

I don't think tape will cope with this -

I was thinking of maybe a large wood screw in the top..something with a broad thread.
bentalphanerd said:
Takes 2 - 3 weeks to drain out 2 litres of water & spreads out enough underground (at the roots) to water a 2' should keep 4 plants happy. {Dependant on soil type}

Prediction is that we're in for a hot, dry summer. Oh good.
I don't think so Tim.
They are going to need more than water in a vacuum.
Even if there were 4 per plant.
I will need to test this myself.
bentalphanerd said:
Thanks for the vote Pam. More so since I got older today {good timing}. I've been practicing my senility all day, I'm getting quite good at it.
So thanks again & give that guide dog of yours a big pat from me :)

I shall refrain from embarrassing you further, but I hope you had a really nice birthday.
bentalphanerd said:
I don't think tape will cope with this -

I was thinking of maybe a large wood screw in the top..something with a broad thread.

Wow, that's impressive. And all you did was shove them well into the dirt, huh?

I assume you want something cheap and easy correct? I ask, because my first thought was the hose end replacement thingies. You know the ones that have a tapered piece that goes into the hose, then you clamp a metal collar around the outside of the hose?

If you sealed them into the bottles with some calking, you could seal the opening with one of the caps they make to go at the end of a soaker hose or line of sprinklers. That might be a bit too elaborate for a soda bottle, though.
yes, starting to sound a lot like hard work there Pam Also hoses are banned here, only bucket watering for a few hours 3 times a week, and they're now measuring each households water consumption.
Cheap & easy is the way to know me so well :)
Ok so if you want to provide the water at root level and reduce loss from evaporation, cut the bottom off the bottles and use them as a type of funnel for your bucket watering.