Fancy new drought irrigation system

I suppose I should cut one open & see how it goes without the pressure. I'll sit the base back on top so I don't lose any through evaporation.
As for the soil being moist already - we had some decent rain a few weeks ago, dry again now though.
bentalphanerd said:
yes, starting to sound a lot like hard work there Pam Also hoses are banned here, only bucket watering for a few hours 3 times a week, and they're now measuring each households water consumption.
Cheap & easy is the way to know me so well :)

Man, I thought with all the rain y'all were talking about that maybe they were letting up on the restrictions a bit.

So, are you showering with a bucket in the shower and all?
You could have scary big plants if you poured into some kind of sub-surface irrigation system's holding tank, for a couple hours. A plastic barrier with pine bark chips on top (to disperse the suns heat) would be nice too.
Have they told you how many gallons you can have?
Pam, no, we can still shower, luckily. We're just supposed to be keeping them to 4 minutes. Every now and then I try and do my bit by sharing ;).

Oh, and Bent, speak for yourself, I can hose all I want :P Well, as long as there's water in my tank that is.
The rain got or dams up to 20% full (whoopee). Staved off level 6 restrictions for another 3 or 4 months. We've been told the restrictions are here to stay.
So now you want a shower scene LOL - no buckets in there yet, I start to drought harden everything as soon as it's out of the seed tray. Probably why most of my plants are stunted, but progressive generations are coping better. Averaging around 1/2 pint per plant every 14 days.
Mixing Soil Wetting agent (organic surfactant) and water storage crystals in with the potting mix when I plant out helps a lot.
BobsYourUncle said:
Pam, no, we can still shower, luckily. We're just supposed to be keeping them to 4 minutes. Every now and then I try and do my bit by sharing ;).

I meant a bucket to catch the water. We had five years of drought a while back, and there was talk of monitoring how much water each household used. I started showering with a bucket in the shower to catch the water, and I rigged a line from the washing machine so I could drain it on the flower beds.

Oh, and Bent, speak for yourself, I can hose all I want :P Well, as long as there's water in my tank that is.!
What do you mean about a half pint every 14 days? That's just wrong.:P
and just because the suction inside the bottle will keep water in there for 2 and a half weeks, doesn't mean the soil and plant don't need more.
ABurningMouth said:
What do you mean about a half pint every 14 days? That's just wrong.:P
and just because the suction inside the bottle will keep water in there for 2 and a half weeks, doesn't mean the soil and plant don't need more.

Its not wrong ABurningMouth its just what they have to cope with here. For the most part they are in semi-shade conditions & as I said wetting agents in the soil. I use 3 x 10L buckets of water every 10 to 14 days to water 100+ plants.

As for the Bottles, time will tell...still in the testing stage, thats why I've asked if anyone has any constructive ideas on here.
And we had such a rainy summer here.....The kids had 6 weeks summervacation here and it was raining about 4,5 weeks in that periode.Wow,your plants must be very brave,When sun is shining and it s hot,my plants need about 2 liters/day.
Update: Has been very windy here this last week. Westerlies (known here as the 'Lazy Breeze' because it goes through you instead of around) Bottles drained out in 5 days. Very gusty & 30 C through the day.
We normally get westerlies in early August when its a lot cooler, but hey....better late than never.
I was doing some catalog fondling, and I noticed several versions of fancy plant waters, but the basic idea was the same as your, Bent. What they were using as a spout to stick in the ground an unglazed ceramic spout of some sort. The water slowly seeped into the soil through the spout. It made me wonder about a way to wick the water into the soil around the plant.

I know what you're doing is working, but I was just thinking about it. I wonder if a hole was made in the cap of the bottle, and a wick run through the hole to up under the plant. Would something like that make it easier to refill the bottles and put them back in the ground?

I know that its a very crude pic i was trying to draw with my son sitting in my lap.
so anyway i have done this before you seal the roap in the bottom of the bottle and rap it around the plant a bit under the ground about 2 inches. then you can unscrew the cap and refill it
maybe i should bottle and sell it i could make millions. ok so it might be a little gross but who knows. they say to give cut flowers a little 7 up in the vase so you never know coke might be good for peppers.