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Fatali Gourmet Jigsaw

Not this year, but I will be growing this pepper. I hate to beat a dead horse, but the name is awful. Not for marketing or aesthetic purposes, but rather consumer reasons. The name is Fatali Gourmet Jigsaw. Without knowing the lineage of the pepper or the vendor, one might assume that this pepper is part Fatali (which it could be in theory, but then agin who knows).
If this does get the numbers, followed by press, then anyone who does a search for it will be directed to his company ( Fatalii Gourmet.). Even if it is not the coolest name, it is a good business decision.
Anyone have any extras they are willing to trade for? I have some really cool varieties!

I may have 2 seeds left I think and I looking for some Bubblegum 7 or Ice Scream 7, it's only 2 but they are yours if I have em let me know

Here's a updated pic of my first sprout

If this does get the numbers, followed by press, then anyone who does a search for it will be directed to his company ( Fatalii Gourmet.). Even if it is not the coolest name, it is a good business decision.

I understand the logic behind the name. But it's like, If I had a company named Habenero and developed a cross of a Bhut x Trinidad Scorpion (or what ever) which I named the "Habenero Exquisite Sawzall." Awsome pepper, crazy name but no Habenero involved.
So, a chili growing friend of mine just posted this picture on facebook, with a dark leaved Chinense which he grew from a Jigsaw seed.
Hope he doesn't mind that I post it here.

wildseed57 said:
I use to be a member years back, but quit and finally Joined THP forum which is based here and everyone can read the post in english which is a hell of a lot easier than trying to understand Finish and other European languages.
Technically, English is also a European language ;)

I agree with everyone else that those peppers look awesome! I'm slightly annoyed at the same time as my Trinidad Scorpions have just started putting out flower buds and my bragging point is now in jeopardy. Ah well! I'll definitely acquire the seeds a few years down the line. The whole process has obviously been a labour of love and I am happy to see it come to fruition, both literally and metaphorically!
Anyone wanna tell me their germ rates and methods. Trying to see if I'm one of the few struggling with his seeds

2/10- 20 days. Aerogarden. And heat dome
3 varieties, 7 seeds each, 1/21 sown on 2-22  4-22
I'm not happy......
Edit.... Sowed the 4-22
So One month in the germ tray so far....
Ordered mine yesterday---yes, quite a bit more than I paid for reapers.
For next season.
Cross with a reaper would be a ---what?
Carolina Jigsaw?
Fatal Reaper? (seems a bit redundant)
Maybe something simple, like
"Muerte Pepper" ?.
"Cojones del Diablo" ?
I just emailed Jukka about the germination rate of basically zero that I am getting after a month in the germ tray.
Hopefully he replies with something good.

I am surprised, I managed to succesfully germinate over 1,200 seedlings this year, but so far not the 3 varieties I got from him.
I'm over 1,000 miles away from my babies, but as of when I left last Saturday, I had 1 of 3 germinated.  I hope I have at least that many still alive when I get home next week.
Sawyer said:
I'm over 1,000 miles away from my babies, but as of when I left last Saturday, I had 1 of 3 germinated.  I hope I have at least that many still alive when I get home next week.
Me too!! Someone has to get a plant out of that seed order!!

I'm still hoping the ones I sowed will pop, but only time will tell.

ps....some of those seeds you sent me are starting to pop :)
I have got two seeds I started yesterday and I'm hoping two get both to sprout but one would be nice I started them with the plastic bag method so I can see when they are starting to show signs of sprouting