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Fatali Gourmet Jigsaw

Name alone proves he is not trying to deceive anyone. No rabid proprietors,chile hype men,or youtube stuntmen making people sick either. He didn't claim a "world record"..... isn't that why most folks had their panties in a bunch before? I don't know him from Adam,and not putting him on a pedestal but this guy has contributed more to this great hobby than 99.9% of this forum combined! He is respected by legends of the chile world,not just lowly backyarders like myself. Spend some time on the site and enlighten yourself. By the time you get through it all he may have some news or results.

Quote from the announcement:
"the hottest chile pepper variety ever created"
Seems like he is claiming a world record to me.

He may be the best grower of all time. His website is a wealth of knowledge for growing peppers.... Which he happens to sell seeds for. His website got me into hydroponics. I know some people are friends with "Jukka". How much of this really matters? Does that mean that he has created the hottest pepper? Not letting this get personal works both ways.

I kind of understand limiting sells of a limited product locally. He has go to limit it somehow and people get pissy and hold a grudge if you do with price. It may just be a marketing scheme to make it more desireable to a larger market.

I really think NMSU should be the de-facto decider about heat. One place where the plants are grown uniformly and are all tested at the same lab. They're not there yet.
What a terrible name. It looks like a really good pepper though. "The hottest in the world" claims are out of hand. At least it drives people to create new varieties. Nobody gets excited about a new cayenne breed, lol.
A lot of hate for someone who has worked hard for years doing something you supposedly have an interest in. If the guy had told you this in real life would you have said the same things, or demanded to see papers? Come on guys, he isnt even selling them yet..
I think it is pretty cool. And I would love to try one. [or, a sliver of one :) ] -- But I do agree that saying that it is the hottest in the world might be jumping the gun. Granted, it isn't as bad as the HP Deskjet color copier pepper, or whatever it was called. :) I wish him luck, and if it is the new hottest, more power to him. He is doing things that are way beyond my growing skills.
Look at the guys site, under naga morich. He has a greenhouse photo that floored me. I see why Kevin repects this guy. Those plants are unbelievable.
He's come a long way in the last few years, I remember when he was growing on his patio, but that was lets see 10 to 15 years back. I bet they have a way to do testing now, where it doesn't cost a arm and a leg, like the company in New Mexico that will do a test for $50. He does have a great green house and all those peppers he has, including a lot of wild peppers he doesn't offer on his sale list along with a lot of other peppers, I still think he runs the forum still, He does sale quite a few peppers , other than his new variety that he hypes on. Not much different from the hype on a certain pepper here.
Wait... there is a new Cayenna breed ?

There should be, lol. The problem seems to be the focus on superhots. I'm trying to work on some hybrids that are not superhots. The cayenne is something I'm trying to improve on. Needs some more heat while retaining its taste for me (about a habanero level heat). I don't hear about anyone working on new cayenne breeds. Last year I crossed it with a Primo to see what happens. I'm having fertility issues because I did it towards the end of the season.

Just to stick on topic. That pepper looks hotter than the TS Morouga in the picture. Fatalii is also a very respectable grower. I used to frequent the site for information on hybrids.The site has changed a bit since I last visited.
Look at the guys site, under naga morich. He has a greenhouse photo that floored me. I see why Kevin repects this guy. Those plants are unbelievable.

Yeah this is serious business right here. No bout a doubt it.

well he dose have cool website is a good chilli grower i agree the jigsaw looks perty B A$$ any i deas on what he crossed the moruga with to make it more potent? 2 ideas is what i have either naga, or 7pot, of some sort leaning more towards the 7 pot but not discounting any naga or jolokia reason im saying 7 pot is the thiker walls in the picture of the jigsaw but even then if moruga is king the breading back with others then would weaken the genes of corse nether fatali or puckerbutt wana realese there breading lineage last i remembrer hp22 has more asian genes than from trinidad, i think people need to say the hottest we got not world champ"think thats what gets people boiling :onfire: around here, as far as i know nice lookin pods from a cool vendor,,
TO me the bhut is the hottest still. ANythign else that is hotter is prob just cuz of growing conditions and even possibly suspicious testing becaus enothing ive had hsas been hotter..