Fatalii smackdown

Comparison or not it seems you refuse to recognize my Fatalii growing skills. Please don't discredit the first ripe Fatalii when all I was doing was playing by your rules.

Well it sounds like its a Fatalii smackdown then.

Is Jan 1st too early for everyone to find seeds? Sometime in January would suit me best since that's when I start my chinenses but I'm flexible.
I think the first phase of the contest should be earliest pod, and since most of us will be using lights for the winter, nobody really has any huge geographical advantage. Does this sound good? Its all for fun.
I don't know if biggest/heaviest pod would really work well with fatalii but we could vote for THP favorite fatalii plant pic or we can count pods per plant. Idunno, what do you all think?
I agree this would be a more exciting thread if the focus weren't on first ripe pod. Tall plants can be manipulated with light. AJ and Potawie would always win most productive plants :) I'd rather see heaviest/largest pod. I think that would take more skill and time into growing the plant. The thread would be ongoing. You're a winner until the next grower comes along with a larger pod.
I'm not discrediting your early pods but if you read the original thread I don't think I had any rules, although as a group we decided to just do a comparison instead of going for earliest or biggest pod. I certainly wasn't trying for any early pods, I'd rather not waste a plant's productive potential.

original thread http://www.thehotpepper.com/showthread.php?t=9071

Remember this
Alright, it sounds like were're getting somewhere now.
I guess we can't call it a Fatalii smackdown anymore. Maybe "happy, fun fatalii trial gardens":)
Take a hike hoser, you can spin this anyway you want because it is your thread after all but I certainly wasn't the only one aiming for first ripe Fatalii pod. How can you even call it a comparison when all you do is keep changing the rules as we play. Why you cannot accept that there are other great growers on this site other than yourself is beyond me? Your hang-up not mine, we wouldn't be having this conversation if you didn't.
Wake up on the wrong side of the bed PRF? Its OK I still love you man and I know you're a great grower!
But dude, I didn't make any rules. I just made suggestions which everyone seemed to go along with at the time, I think its all still there in the thread
Somebody else can try to organize the next smackdown, there's just no way to please everyone and I really don't need further insults and headaches.
Sorry Potawie.;) I love you too man and learned most everything I know about growing chiles from you. Just had to stand up for my weak unproductive Fatalii plants.:) A compliment goes a long way. I did not see this headache and will steer clear of any future comparisons. I've had better days.
Scorpion would be fun comparo. Categories could include earliest pod, biggest plant, biggest pod, most pods on one plant and maybe even prettiest pod. My 2 cents. Potawie can pick a start date.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
I don't remember seeing a huge Fatalii harvest from you Rich and you are a friend. What gives? I forgot you were even here. I just had an awesome Fatalii harvest where is yours dude? I really like you girl porn then then that is all we hear of you. Not very friendly of dude. Sore loser.:P

Nothing gives dude...just speaking the truth...no ill intentions brother! And TRUST ME...my TWO Fatalii harvests a week for 4 months and counting speaks for itself. Thats off one "potted" plant BTW. The 2 red fatalii trees in the ground did just as well EVERY SINGLE week. All my plants share the same fate as of now....I've uprooted everything...potted them and cut them back. All my girls are happy in their warm little greenhouse and I'll still be getting POUNDS of peppers all winter and spring until they go back out for another season.:lol:

edit: p.s. as for my absence, I appologize...its hard work this harvest season! Good new pepper porn to come my friends...I've got something to show you fellas...bought a 65 gallon airpot and Im probably gonna make a thread showing the advantages of air pruning. Talk about max production!
Pepper-Guru said:
Nothing gives dude...just speaking the truth...no ill intentions brother! And TRUST ME...my TWO Fatalii harvests a week for 4 months and counting speaks for itself. Thats off one "potted" plant BTW. The 2 red fatalii trees in the ground did just as well EVERY SINGLE week. All my plants share the same fate as of now....I've uprooted everything...potted them and cut them back. All my girls are happy in their warm little greenhouse and I'll still be getting POUNDS of peppers all winter and spring until they go back out for another season.:lol:

Your post is completely worthless without pics. I still don't remember seeing one Fatalii pic from you and I shared my huge harvests almost EVERY SINGLE week. Put your pics where your mouth is Rich. Talk is cheap.;)

Repost pic from last week. First and last ripe pods of the year!
Dudes my Fatalii from this COMPARISON is just starting to set pods now, even they are falling off. Can i get the worlds worst Fatalii growing tag?
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Your post is completely worthless without pics. I still don't remember seeing one Fatalii pic from you and I shared my huge harvests almost EVERY SINGLE week. Put your pics where your mouth is Rich. Talk is cheap.;)

Obviously, you were upset by my comment, and for that I appologize. I didn't say YOU had shitty plants, infact, I remember you having a pretty decent haul this year. I was simply stating a true to life fact; a POORLY grown plant can produce the first ripe pod within a season. My opinion stands that it should be the biggest and most productive plant to win ANY competition or comparison. And as for my post being worthless, Im sorry you feel that way, but trust me, my time here at the Hot Pepper is spent as a voluntary pleasure, the moment it becomes anything less than that, my time, knowledge, and love for horticulture doesn't have to be contributed here. I have no reason to come here and lie to you. Im just here to grow with some guys that know their shit and maybe show some guys that don't, how to grow the best peppers in the world.
Go back and read this thread and you are blowing nothing but hot air. Why you insist on taking shots at me for doing exactly what this year comparison was, first ripe Fatalii pod, I don't know. So far without any pics my plants were way more productive than yours and bigger. You talk a good game but I guess it just wasn't your year. Maybe next year you can get your shit together and show us something positive instead of putting others down. This site is funny in that growers don't like to see others doing better than themselves, competition is inevitable. Just try harder next year.:)
We are still friends Rich I just was feeling a little bit like Rodney Dangerfield, "I don't get no respect". Next year make up different categories, but this year first ripe Fatalii pod I won fair and square. Getting first pod was no easy task against you guys and did involve some horticultural skills.;) No more heckling I don't deserve it.
Well i have finally got pods on my smackdowm fatalii. Its in soil that turned out to be crap but if i get a few i will be happpy.

They look just like the Devil Tongues and im thinking they are basicly the same...... cant wait to do a taste comparison.
