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favorite Favorites / Disappointments of 2009

Blister said:
:lol: reminds me of my g/f's dad a couple of days after he finished laying down new hardwood flooring throughout the house. Their dishwasher broke and because they turned it on to run throughout the night they didn't realize that anything was wrong until the dog woke them up with his whining. There was 2" of water in the kitchen and living room. He had to pull it all up, throw out the expensive underlay and repurchase some cheaper stuff.

No thread jack intended but all will hopefully be alright. Have some buckleing and water seeping thru the joints, lots of fans blowing trying to dry ASAP. New hot water heater is installed just have to keep fingers crossed the wood lays back down.

Another one I was completely dissapointed with was the Condor's Beak Habanero, pretty purple ornamental but taste terrible. Many more to like than dislike.
Wow, I'm surprised you like the Joes long and the Peter peppers? They were both on my past dissapointment lists for flavor, but I'm glad you like them
my faves this year...scotch bonnet, habanero, hungarian hot wax, jalapeno, pusa jwala, apache,boring to some but not to me-all pretty prolific producers with great heat & flavour.
disappointments have been piri piri-like badger's, they seem to have crossed with something else & look the same as his, must be a pp characteristic, carribean hot selection pack-nearly all turned out to be cayennes, which i've got enough of already;habanero big sun & thai super hot, both of which decided not to grow.
Favorites: Bhut Jolokia, Cappy 7 Pot "brain strain", Fatalii, Biker Billy Jalapeno, 7 Pot Jonah, Red Savina Habanero, Jamaican Scotch Bonnet, Bishops Crown

Disappointments: Aji Lemon & Serrano (great peppers, but two crappy growing plants for me), Fresno (very tasty, but was expecting more heat)
7 POT will always be my favorite.

has awesome taste and heat.

FATALI refused to grow. 3 pods.

seeds seemed to be crossed for the most part.
Diabolus said:

1. Charlseton Hot (Got this from Pepper Joe's. Sickly looking plants that are taking forever to ripen. Nowhere near the heat that is claimed. I'm gonna try them again from another source)

I got seeds from peppergal and like you said they aren't nearly as hot as they are supposed to be. My plant is loaded with pods but I had to tie several branches up which was annoying. Yea just overall disappointed.
I have several plants I was disapointed in,but they are starting to look a bit better.After an xtremely hot summer,my annums are starting to get some pods and my Chinense are perking up as well.I have several late started varieties that are going like gangbusters,nice fat pods and I'll be posting updates soon!
Well I havent tried the joes long or the peters. This is my first year so we will see if I like them. :D Do the Joes longs taste like the regular?

Two varieties of Choco Habs that did well.

Peach Hab that I didn't even know I had.

My Bonda Ma Jacques Topsy-Turvey plant.

All the superhots I got that are nearly ripe from various kickass folks around here!


White Bullet and Aji Limon (from NMSU) beautiful plants that were lost to BLS or somethin'.

Most of my Rocotos. Same thing,lost some to somethin'. Most of the rest were kinda fussy plants, small producers. But will definately give them a try next year.

The fact that most of my "yellow" peppers weren't all that yellow, more orange-y than anything- one was even straight up red...

Not a full on Nah!, but my "scotch bonnet" from Whatcom seeds turned out orange and not the shape or heat I expected. The production was HUGE though, so maybe I should just STFU on that.

Naga Morich plants survived my indoor/outdoor experiments at work and made it into the garden AND produced fruit.

Jalapeno is prolific.

Thai Dragon grew into a huge plant covered with pods.

Got some fatalii's in towards the end of the summer.


Naga Morich isn't as hot as expected.

Jalapeno isn't hot at all.

Thai Dragon refuses to ripen any pods for me. Any.

Still no Fatalii flowers.

Still no Boonie flowers.


Scotch Bonnets weren't scotch bonnets at all but some very green-tasting annuum of some kind.

It wasn't until I got fresh peppers from another grower that I realized how sad my little pepper garden was this year. :-/ I'm definitely planning a big one for next year. Getting the seeds in shape just now.
crazy8 said:
Well I havent tried the joes long or the peters. This is my first year so we will see if I like them. :D Do the Joes longs taste like the regular?

I love to grow the Joe's long(Pinnochio's nose, Whippet's tail) but to me they taste like mild, bland cayennes and I'm not really even a big cayenne fan. Huge plants though and giant pods
Being this has been my best growing season yet, its hard to find any disappoints. This week will have temperatures ranging from 25C/75F to 30C/85F but the sun is lower in the sky and I am quickly losing my key location spots.

Favourite: Orange Habanero (pods the size of my thumb), Tepin (though they still haven't ripened yet, it is the first time I have ever received pods).

Disappointment: Kung Pao(the plant has nice long pods and though they go from green to red, many pods have started to strivel-perhaps because there are so many pods on this one plant).

What I learned that I can't wait to apply next year?
Water with Camomile, green tea mix, use a spray bottle with the same mix but added epsom salts. I can't believe how just after one spraying the plants appear to stand taller. I mist at night and the next morning they appear to be smiling - very healthy looking.

Can anyone suggest the best place to get Fatalii, I have heard so many great stories on this forum I am really fired up.
Favorites: My Thai and bird peppers are kicking ass, big time. Liking my ajis so far as well. Going to try my first bhut ever tonight!

Disappointments: Any habaneros except the orange one I bought from a local nursery and my fatalii. Slow-growing with no pod production yet. Granted, I started kind of late, had some excruciatingly hot weather, and have a few months left to grow, but still, they're frustrating.
Fatalii. Datil, and some AWESOME freak chocolate looking fruit that make the BEST poppers!!!!! Imagine a THICK juicy wall like a bell pepper, copious amounts of juice and just shy of habanero heat with AWESOME flavor!!!!!

Least favorite
Aji Limon... To me they taste like perfume or soap! Not bad to cook with tho.
I forgot to add my choices, well there's only one on the positive side:

Serrano - nice heat and decent flavor. I actually got these to produce despite planting them fairly late in the year. Definitely going to grow these again next year.

Ones I didn't care for were:

Cayenne long slim - no heat compared to store bought dried version. It did produce well, but is there a hot cayenne out there?
Jalapeno's - Small and no heat. Tasted like a green bell pepper
Cherry red hot - mild heat and didn't taste that great
Demon Reds - ornamental
Hungarian Yellow hots - no heat and tasted like a green bell

Orange habs were on the 'meh' list. It just didn't produce very well but that's probably due to the aphids and mites. The heat and flavor was there though. I'm trying about 6 other varieties of habs so well see how that goes.

Still to try:

Jamaican Yellow Hot's SB type - the plant I have has 6 pods on it that have yet to ripen up. Fingers crossed!

Ethiopian Berbere - got a few pods ripening up right now and will have to wait and see how they do.
Thai Sun Hot F1 - yeilded over 1000 peppers. Great flavour and heat
Burkina Yellow
Scotch Bonnet Red - massive hot peppers on these. High yeild too
Krakatoa F1

Bhut Jolokia - Didn't set fruit until three weeks ago, despite being given an early start. Having said that, there's fruit all over the place so maybe I'll change my mind when they're ready in December...
Paper Lantern - Although I'm beginning to think I was sold orange habs instead as I cannot tell the difference.

Next Year:
7 Pot, Fatalii, Trinidad Scorpion, some indian varieties and overwintering the Thai Sun, Burkinas, Scotch Bonnets and Bhuts.
SteveyG said:
Paper Lantern - Although I'm beginning to think I was sold orange habs instead as I cannot tell the difference.

Next Year:
7 Pot, Fatalii, Trinidad Scorpion, some indian varieties and overwintering the Thai Sun, Burkinas, Scotch Bonnets and Bhuts.

I grew paper lanterns last year and they were longer and thinner than an orange hab...and very thin walled....pretty red color...

If you are having issues with the Bhut, why not try the Dorset Naga since they grow it there?