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fermenting Ferment advice?

My wife got me weights and silicon fermenter lids for Christmas.

I want to use some frozen Jpgs and peaches in a sauce.

Can I put frozen or canned peaches into a ferment?

Are there any ingredients that I shouldn't ferment?

I could always ferment the other ingredients and add the peaches before bottling.

I'm also willing to try out any recipes for other fermented sauces if you guys know of any.

Thanks! I'm wanting to make sure I do this right.
Got my artwork for this one. There are like 4 different sauces called "Peaches and Scream" I thought I had an original name lol. So I think I'm gonna go with "Screaming Peach" instead. I didn't Google that one so there very well could be 4 of those too lol. Edit: just looked and there is one called "Screaming Peaches"

salsalady said:
Cabbage! I know I am late to this thread. I have had good results with large batches, 5 gallons, by laying thin cabbage wedges on the top of all the other ingredients.

Keep under the brine like normal, and when ready to process, just remove the wedges and process the rest. Eat the cabbage like kimchee. Good luck~~~
THIS! That cabbage will be sooooooo yummy and LIGHT YOU UP~ Do it! 
Walchit said:
Got my artwork for this one. There are like 4 different sauces called "Peaches and Scream" I thought I had an original name lol. So I think I'm gonna go with "Screaming Peach" instead. I didn't Google that one so there very well could be 4 of those too lol. Edit: just looked and there is one called "Screaming Peaches"

Hey not sure if you noticed me eating your sauce in my Year In Review? but I filmed your first sauce review, then got the other three, and I've decided to do something completely different for my product reviews. Every reviewer out there is all the same and I think I have an idea that will be quite entertaining. 
Ok, I'm king of procrastination, bout to do this up this morning.
I have parsnips, white onion, and I might toss in a stick of celery to make guru happy lol.

Was thinking 5% of the water for salt, gonna get the brine boiling and pour over the ingredients. Then let it cool and add probiotics. I dont want this to contaminate on me.

I need to go dig around in the freezer, I will probably do one with jpgs and maybe some other peach supers, and one with white peppers.
Wait until the brine cools before you dump it over the ingredients, Andy. There's a good chance you might kill off some of the good bacteria on the veggies by dumping scalding hot water on it.

Boil the brine, let it cool, wash the veggies, chop 'em up, add your probiotics, mix it all up, transfer to jar, top with (cooled) brine, stare at the jar for 3 months ;)

So just weigh a half gallon of water, then add 3% of that weight in salt? I know someone was saying to weigh the water and all of the ingredients. But I thought in d3's thread it was established that it was just the brine with salt in it.
Here's what D3 said: "it was clarified in a fb group today for me. It is water to salt ratio so say 94% water 6% salt ect. So thankfully I did that right..."

I couldn't tell ya lol
That's why I just use Moscato brine, extra probiotics, and salt "to taste" (usually like 1 tablespoon per 1/2 gallon)

Scratch using your own pods for a little bit, and go grab some bells and peños from the grocery store for your first run. Worst case scenario, you're out $10 and you still have all your own pods until you're really comfortable :shrug:

Or just go for it. My old foreman used to tell me all the time, "God hates a coward!" :rofl: