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fermenting Ferment advice?

My wife got me weights and silicon fermenter lids for Christmas.

I want to use some frozen Jpgs and peaches in a sauce.

Can I put frozen or canned peaches into a ferment?

Are there any ingredients that I shouldn't ferment?

I could always ferment the other ingredients and add the peaches before bottling.

I'm also willing to try out any recipes for other fermented sauces if you guys know of any.

Thanks! I'm wanting to make sure I do this right.
Lol. That god hates a coward gets me. I have a whole freezer full of peppers so if I ruin some it really wont be that big of a deal. I forgot to grab cabbage, so its a quick run to the store, make the kids some breakfast, then I'm gonna go ahead and get after it.

Sorry God, for the cowardly comments.
God wanted me to change the belts on the car today I guess... The normal squealing gave way to a battery light on the dash and no power steering. And it was getting a little hot when I pulled back in the driveway. So depending on how much of a pain this is I will head to the store when I'm done lol.
My dad would always hit me with " there ya go thinking again" that and you know what happens when you assume.

I assumed the belt broke with no underlying cause. Made an ass out of me and the broken alternator.

Late night chopping peppers for me?
I feel your pain. I recently had a nostart situation while picking up my daughter from dance class. Fun stuff, daughter freaking out, wife complaining about coming to pick us up, saying she didn’t want to have to wait for 2 hours as I tried to figure out and or try to fix it. Father in law didn’t want to tow me home (12 miles) so I called in for a tow (1 block) and had the local garage fix it. That was $200 total. Fun shit!!!
Merry Christmas to me[emoji16]

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Sucks yours broke when you needed it, but 200 is a relatively cheap repair so neither of us should feel too bad lol

I figured mike was back in here calling me a coward(via God) lol

Kitchen is getting a good cleaning and jars are going in the oven, bout to chop some stuff up

Pics when it actually happens.
Ok so I guess I'm gonna blend up Jpgs and fill mostly to the top then add brine and try to get the heat swished down in there. Then add cabbage and a weight and seal them up.

Hopefully its hot enough in the end after I add peaches. I was considering splitting this mirepox into three jars, then topping them off lol

It looks like I might have some action. I read something on a homebrew site where they were using lacto and it was bringing the ph down really fast, like 24 hrs. So hopefully I'm good. There are a couple seeds and pepper pieces that floated up past the cabbage. I guess I just need to be patient now.

