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fermenting Ferment advice?

My wife got me weights and silicon fermenter lids for Christmas.

I want to use some frozen Jpgs and peaches in a sauce.

Can I put frozen or canned peaches into a ferment?

Are there any ingredients that I shouldn't ferment?

I could always ferment the other ingredients and add the peaches before bottling.

I'm also willing to try out any recipes for other fermented sauces if you guys know of any.

Thanks! I'm wanting to make sure I do this right.
Yes,they are working. Are your mashes really thick? I thought the weights were supposed to help with stopping eruptions [emoji848]

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Walchit said:
Yeah the added co2 in the jar is pushing out water, and the weights took up most of my headspace, they are starting to sink down a little now.
Blowouts happen.  Cap the ferment and clean the airlocks well, put everything back together and you should be fine.  The weights need to be accounted for in the jar - can't go up to the shoulders of the jar w/ weights.  ;)
Ran a measuring cup under hot water then soaked it in vinegar. Dipped out some brine and put new lids on. No nasties yet.


Starting a new one today

Grabbed these sweet twisters at the store and 3 red bells. Should have just grabbed more of the twisters cause they are a lot deeper red color once blended. These peppers are like ones I grew last year labeled femme sweet. They are really good sweet peppers. I think G.I.P. grows something similar too.


You can see the color difference.


Didnt take pictures of the onion, garlic, or carrots I guess. And I grabbed two gallons of mixed reds out of the freezer. Jalapenos, Bhut, and bbg apocalypse in one bag. The other looked about the same but I did see a couple chocolate pods in there. 2700g

Walchit said:
Starting a new one today

Grabbed these sweet twisters at the store and 3 red bells. Should have just grabbed more of the twisters cause they are a lot deeper red color once blended. These peppers are like ones I grew last year labeled femme sweet. They are really good sweet peppers. I think G.I.P. grows something similar too.


You can see the color difference.


Didnt take pictures of the onion, garlic, or carrots I guess. And I grabbed two gallons of mixed reds out of the freezer. Jalapenos, Bhut, and bbg apocalypse in one bag. The other looked about the same but I did see a couple chocolate pods in there. 2700g


Hell ya!!! Bet that makes a beautiful red sauce.

Going to need another new label it looks like.

I will probably just use the red devil for this logo.


I need to get my wife an external hard drive so we can free up some space on the computer. Not enough room to make another label. I want to make a black and white version of the devil. Hopefully I can get it to look right for the "white devil" sauce. I suck at Photoshop.

I have dude working on this rabid dog for my "ol yeller" sauce right now. I hope it turns out awesome
Walchit said:
First ferment has all settled to the bottom. I'm having a super hard time waiting on these. I want to at least do 60 days, maybe I can go 90, but like my daughter says, "waiting is too hard"

If those lids begin pulling back inwards...its done. Finish them up. Otherwise it will pull the edges down, compromising the contents and introducing free air exchange and contams. 


Its hard to tell from the pictures, but the top inch or so(stuff above the cabbage and weight) looks darker colored than the rest. Is that normal? The brine is kind of dark so maybe that is just making it look darker?

Its been 31 days, I might go ahead and process it
I dont think it will affect the overall color of the sauce. So I will probably just blend it on in. I'm almost to 45 days on that first ferment. I'm probably about to process it soon. Dropped my ph pen into a jug of water, so I'm about to grab 2-3 new ones for sauce and nutrient mixing. Probably get that Hanna instruments temperature compensating one for sauce.